
  • 网络rational consumption;Rational Consume
  1. 引导消费者理性消费以扩大国内需求;

    Can we guide rational consumption to enlarge domestic demand .

  2. 为了可持续发展,应倡导适度消费、理性消费。

    We should call for suitable and rational consumption for sustainable development .

  3. PhilipsAvent公司的家庭理财专家SueHayward表示;只要稍稍计划一下,新手父母们迎接宝宝降生时就能够理性消费,而不会遭遇财政危机。

    Philips Avent ` s family finance expert Sue Hayward added : ` With just a little planning new parents can make some sound purchases to welcome their baby into the world without breaking the bank .

  4. ⑵构建了非理性消费行为的影响因素模型。

    ⑵ Construct the factors model of non-rationality consumer behavior .

  5. ⑶提出了非理性消费行为的治理措施。

    ⑶ Propose measures for non-rationality consumer behavior .

  6. 收入结构、产品认知、群体诱导和广告宣传因素是影响消费者非理性消费行为的关键因素。

    Revenue structure , product awareness , group induction and advertisement are the key factors of non-rationality consumer behavior .

  7. 第三,黄冈市农村家庭高等教育消费存在比较严重的非理性消费倾向。

    Third , in the Huanggang City , higher education spending of rural families has the intention be seriously non-rational .

  8. 以及普及信用知识,加强诚信教育,促成大学生理性消费、科学消费。

    And we should popularize credit knowledge , strengthen sincerity education so as to facilitate college students ' rational and scientific consumption .

  9. 第二,培养大学生健康消费心理,引导大学生树立理性消费观。

    Second , cultivate the healthy consumer psychology of college students inorder to guide them to establish a rational view of consumption .

  10. 倡导理性消费,帮助大学生构建文明健康的生活方式;

    Reasonable consumption should be urged to help students form healthy style of life , and learn how to manage money affairs .

  11. 摘要理性消费是建立节约型社会、构建和谐社会,促进人类社会可持续发展的根本途径。

    The rational consumption is the basic way of establishing economy society , constructing the harmonious society and promoting the human society sustainable development .

  12. 不成熟消费、攀比消费和非理性消费不仅给学生家庭生活造成了很大的经济负担,而且不利于大学生的心理和人格健康。

    Immature consumption and irrational consumption not only bring a heavy financial burden to the students'family , but also affect college students'psychology and selfhood .

  13. 家具作为一种日常生活的必需品,正在经历着由理性消费向感性消费过程的转变。

    Furniture as a necessary consumption in our daily life , has gone through the change from the rational consumption to the perceptual consumption .

  14. 麻省理工学院媒介研究室的研究人员发明了三款钱包“大黄蜂”、“孔雀”以及“熊妈妈”以帮助人们实现理性消费。

    Researchers at the MIT Media lab have invented three different wallets-the Bumblebee , the Peacock and the Mother Bear-to help shoppers save money .

  15. 新玛特通过引导消费者的非理性消费行为向理性靠近,提升消费者的消费幸福指数,为企业创造独特的竞争优势。

    Through leading the consumer from the Irrational to rational , New Mart would promote the Consumer Happiness Index and the Competitive of the company .

  16. 分析了目前存在于大学生中的消费不理智现象,并就大学生如何理性消费进行了探讨。

    The paper analyses the unreasonable consumption phenomenon existing among the university students at present , and also discusses how the university students should consume reasonably .

  17. 有人说他们的这种“占便宜心理”促进了理性消费,不过,也有人提醒要小心为了优惠券而购物这样的冲动购物行为和不必要的消费。

    Some say their " bargain mentality " encourages rational spending , but others also warn against rash and unnecessary consumption-buying for the sake of coupons .

  18. 随着家用轿车在我国的日益普及,家用轿车市场日趋成熟,同时,家用轿车的顾客也开始理性消费。

    With the popularization of the family automobile , the market becomes more and more mature . Meanwhile , the car customers become more and more rational .

  19. 社会层面,构建理性消费文化,营造健康消费环境;增强科学的监督力,发挥制度的约束力。

    The social level , to build a rational consumer culture , and create a healthy environment for consumption ; strengthen scientific oversight power play system binding .

  20. 从这一点上来说,过度消费是一种摧残人类生存的毒药,是在扭曲的社会观念影响下的虚假消费与非理性消费。

    From this point , excessive consumption is poison which trample human existence . It is consumption or irrational consumption under the influence of social distorted concept .

  21. 旨在为政府对住宅市场的宏观调控、住宅开发商的营销策划和消费者的理性消费起参考作用。

    It aims at exerting some referenced effects on the government 's macroeconomic control on residence market , residence developers ' marketing plans and consumers ' rational consumption .

  22. 居民理应结合自身的实际需求,不断更新消费观念,根据市场状况理性消费并善于利用信贷消费。

    Residents should constantly renew consumption concept combined with practical selves demand , consume reasonably according to the market and be good at making use of loan consumption .

  23. 麻省理工学院媒介研究室的研究人员发明了三款钱包——“大黄蜂”、“孔雀”以及“熊妈妈”——以帮助人们实现理性消费。

    Researchers at the MIT Media lab have invented three different wallets - the Bumblebee , the Peacock and the Mother Bear - to help shoppers save money .

  24. 政府和媒体也应引导青年树立正确的消费观,使青年的住宅消费观念逐渐成熟,真正做到理性消费。

    The government and Media should guide them to have right expense idea , and help them form mature expense idea on house , and buy house reasonably .

  25. 而消费者对干细胞储存认识不断加深,消费行为由最初的,对高科技产品盲目崇拜式的感性消费转变成如今的理性消费。

    Consumer storage and understanding of stem cells , consumer behavior from the initial , high-tech products to the blind worship of the perceptual consumption into rational consumption today .

  26. 被图像的表层意义迷惑的消费者容易忽视图像广告背后的意识形态及其运作机制,导致非理性消费。

    Bewildered by the surface meaning of visuals , consumers tend to ignore the ideology and its working mechanism behind these advertisements , which usually results in irrational consumption .

  27. 我们会鼓励你理性消费,并维持我们现有的文化,我们理解持续加强顾客文化的重要性,特别是在事业上。

    We 'll encourage you to spend wisely and maintain our live culture , we understand the importance of continually reinforce a customer 's culture , particularly in business .

  28. 本文分析了大学生的非理性消费现状,提出高校积极引导大学生理性消费的几点建议。

    The paper analyses the situation of the college students ' non-rational consuming view and puts forward some advices on how to guide college students ' rational consumption actively .

  29. 同时,消费者又具有理性消费的特点,偏向于选择能提供更多顾客价值的在线茶叶商家。2.网站的专业性、互动性对顾客价值也有着较大的影响。

    Meanwhile , consumers are rational and tend to choose online tea shop with high customer value.2.The speciality and interaction of website also have high impact on customer value .

  30. 湖北医药学院麻醉学专业学生马雨涵(音译)说:我知道学校是想鼓励理性消费。但是600元根本不够花。

    I know universities want to encourage rational consumption . But 600 yuan is far from enough , said Ma Yuhan , an anesthesiology major at Hubei University of Medicine .