
  • 网络media consumption
  1. 试析媒介消费中的民事合同关系&兼论适用合同法的规定保护媒介消费者的合法权益

    The Relations of Civil Contract in the Media Consumption and Contract Law with Protection of the Consumers

  2. 这种观念和现实,导致了社会媒介消费需求的萎缩,降低了社会成员享受媒介服务的利益期望,抑制了媒介消费领域内公民权利意识的生长。

    Such notion and reality result in the shrinking in the media consumption of the public , depressing the expectation of social members for the enjoyment of the profits from the media service , restraining the growth of the consciousness of attainder in the media consumption field .

  3. 当代大学生媒介消费行为统计分析

    Analysis of the Statistics on College Students ' Consumption of Mass Media

  4. 当代中国青年农民媒介消费研究&基于一项全国性调查的判断与分析

    A Study of Media Uses by Contemporary Chinese Young Peasants : Assumption and Analysis of a National Survey

  5. 从手机媒介消费的外在刺激来看,人际传播中的口碑效应发挥着重要作用。

    From the perspective of external stimulation of the consuming , word-of-mouth in interpersonal communication plays a big role .

  6. 论文还从目标读者的媒介消费需求、媒介消费行为方面入手,着重探讨了目标读者测量的重点内容。

    The paper focuses on the key points of audience measurement by research of the needs and behaviors of media consumption .

  7. 本文认为,有偿享用有线电视服务、订阅或者购买报刊、对推销大众媒体产品或服务的要约性广告作出承诺等媒介消费活动,都将使媒介消费者与大众媒体形成一定的合同关系。

    The paper considers the usage of cable TV , the subscription and purchase of newspapers and magazines and the advertisements of media products are media consumptions .

  8. 随着传统媒体和新媒体相融合趋势的加快,受众的媒介消费状态与消费行为习惯等也在发生着变革,并对媒体发展产生着重要影响。

    Merging trend to accelerate with the traditional media and new media , the audiences ' media consumption status and consumer behavior is also undergoing change , and media have an important impact .

  9. 本论文首先对媒介消费、媒介消费者需要、媒介消费者利益等基本概念进行辨析和论述,然后结合学理的研究和法律的有关规定归纳出媒介消费者利益在法定层面的可能体现。

    The paper initially differentiates and analyses the basic concepts such as media consumption , media consumers demand , media consumer rights , and then concludes the possible embodiment of media consumer interests in the legal layer through the research method of combination in the theory study and legal regulations .

  10. 现代市场经济条件下,消费信用不断向广度和深度发展,以银行为媒介的消费信用更为普遍。

    In circumstance of modern market economy , consumer credit has continued to develop in terms of breadth and depth , consumer credit via banks as its media become more popular .

  11. 包括时尚期刊在内的大众媒介为消费文化的盛行推波助澜,消费文化为时尚期刊的发展提供精神支撑,两者相互依存,共处于消费社会中。

    The mass media , Including fashion journals , making a great effort for the prevalence of consumer culture , and consumer culture provides spiritual support for fashion magazines ' development , which are interdependent , existing in the consumer society jointly .

  12. 媒介与消费之间的关系一直受到传播学界的重视,对于电视、杂志、广告与消费关系的研究已日趋成熟,网络传播与消费也得到越来越多的关注。

    The relationship between the media and consumption has been receiving much attention in communication studies . Researches on the relation among television , magazines or advertising and consumer are becoming mature gradually and meanwhile network communication and consumption also get more and more attention .

  13. 当代商业建筑的媒介对消费活动具有推波助澜的作用,本文从符号化审美的角度出发对媒介的视觉拟像和宣传攻略两方面进行积极策动,使当代商业建筑的形象塑造更具表现力。

    The media catalyzes the modern commercial buildings acting by the role of consumption activities . From the view of symbolic appreciation of beauty , this dissertation positively incites both visual information and Propaganda strategy to make the image shaping of contemporary commercial architecture more expressively .

  14. 关怀公众:构建媒介生态与消费之新向度

    Caring the public : Shaping new tendency of the mass media ecology

  15. 试析大众媒介在中国消费文化兴起和传播中的作用

    Analysis of the Role of Mass Media in the Rise and Dissemination of Chinese Consumer Culture

  16. 文学生产媒介传播文学消费成为文学的生长链。

    " Literature production - media dissemination & literature consumption " has become a literary growth chain .

  17. 技术性因素主要从审美的媒介化、消费性;审美标准的媚俗和趋同导致审美价值削平两个方面进行分析。

    Technical elements , mainly from the aesthetics of the media , consumer ; kitsch aesthetic standards and the convergence of two scapple cause aesthetic value were analyzed .

  18. 追随着网络、手机报等新媒体的突进脚步,媒介体育在消费文化的鼓噪声中风靡于各大媒体。

    Following the break-through footsteps of the network , mobile phone newspapers and other new media , media sports is popular among the major media in the clamour of consumption culture .

  19. 影响其锻炼动机强度的主要体育活动形式依次为体育课、课余体育锻炼、体育媒介、体育消费、课余体育竞赛和课余运动训练。

    Those factors affecting their motive rank are as the follows , PE classes , after - class physical activities , sports media , sports consumption , after - class sports and after - class physical training .

  20. 从主体对金钱的消费来讲,正确的金钱观认识到金钱是获得幸福的媒介,呼吁健康消费。

    In point of consuming money , this correct concept not only helps realize that money is a medium for gaining happiness but also calls for healthy consumption .

  21. 这种消费模式以愉悦、认同和想像为核心,以新媒介的生产和消费为主要活动,以粉丝网络社群为平台,以粉丝文化制成品为标志。

    With pleasurable identification and fantasy as its core , this mode of cultural consumption is characterized by the utilization of new media and fan production in an internet-based fan community .

  22. 根据我国《合同法》的规定,一旦公民作为媒介消费者与大众媒体形成了某种媒介消费合同关系,这种关系便受到法律的调整和保护。

    These have formed a certain contracted relationships between the mass media and their consumers .

  23. 关注的重点是媒介对崇拜崇拜的影响,与媒介对崇拜性消费金额的影响。

    Focuses on the impact of media on the worship of worship , and media consumption on the amount of worship .

  24. 第四章以农民工媒介素养与社会融入的关系为研究重点,分析了农民工媒介消费的现状,提出了加快农民工社会融入的政策建议。

    Chapter IV studies the relationship between media literacy and rural migrant workers social inclusion .

  25. 本文尝试从权力角度重新定义电视媒介的性质,并以此观照中国电视媒介的权力特征。基本观点是:电视媒介是消费欲望制造的工具,政治权力合法化的机器,精神文化规训的空中学校。

    This paper tries to redefine the nature of television media from the perspective of power and holds that television media is the product of the desire for consumption , the machine of rationalizing politics and the school for spiritual training .

  26. 在消费文化的影响下,怀旧成为了电视媒介营销的一种手段,电视媒介把当前大众所具有的这种怀旧情结商品化了,而怀旧景观其实是电视媒介与消费文化共谋的产物。

    Under the influence of consumer culture , nostalgia has became a means of TV media marketing , television media public nostalgia commercialized , and the nostalgic spectacle is actually the product of collusion by the television media and consumer culture .