
  1. 继续推进利率市场化,扩大金融机构利率自主定价权。

    We will continue to liberalize interest rates by granting financial institutions more power to set their interest rates .

  2. 2005年3月17日,中国人民银行出台了有关商业银行自营性个人住房贷款新政策,赋予了商业银行更大的自主定价权。

    The People 's Bank of China puts into practice of privates housing loan policy in commercial banks on March 17,2005 , which endows commercial banks with the larger pricing power .

  3. 因此在建设市场的交易过程中,传统的定额计价模式与市场主体要求拥有自主定价权之间发生了矛盾和冲突。

    Therefore , in the transaction process in constructing market , there are contradictions and conflicts between the traditional fixed pricing model and the main requirements of the market entities about their own pricing .

  4. 只有这样,才能掌握先发优势,取得人民币汇率的自主定价权,更好的管理目前的人民币汇率风险。

    Only in this way can we grasp the " first advantage " and master the independent pricing right of the RMB foreign exchange rate to manage the foreign exchange rate risk more effectively .

  5. 近年来我国政府对移动通信市场的发展给予了极大的关注,尤其是资费管理模式经历了一个由政府严格控制到逐渐放松管制、企业自主定价权逐步放大的市场化过程。

    In recent years Our country Government has given the enormous attention to the mobile communication market development , the fees management pattern experienced one to control strictly in particular from the government gradually relaxes the marketability process which the control , the enterprise independent fixed price power enlarged gradually .