
zì lù
  • self-discipline;autonomy
自律 [zì lǜ]
  • [self-discipline] 尊循法纪,自我约束

自律[zì lù]
  1. 近年对心电R-R间期的不规则微小变化(简称心率变异性,或HRV)的研究,着重在于观察自主神经系统对窦房结自律性的调控作用。

    The current studies of small irregular changes of R-to-R interval , named heart rate variability ( HRV ), are focused on observing the influence of autonomic tones on the sinus nodal autonomy .

  2. 研究成果为机床设备自律、加工过程ACC控制和制造系统优化三者之间实现协同,为传统数控加工过程存在自动化孤岛问题提供一种解决方案。

    The developed system realizes functions cooperation among autonomy of machine equipment , ACC control of machining process and optimization of manufacturing system . As a result , the presented model provides a solution for the automation problem island in CNC control of traditional machining process .

  3. 这个行业由其自律机构监督。

    The profession is policed by its own regulatory body .

  4. 在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。

    It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter .

  5. 正是那个冷静、自律的形象打动了选民。

    It was that image of calm and discipline that appealed to voters .

  6. 我能做到严格自律。

    I 'm very good at disciplining myself .

  7. 航运业对自律守则进行了宣传。

    The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code .

  8. 教师应当躬行自律,以垂范学生。

    Teachers should restrain themselves so as to set a good example .

  9. 过对文件进行整合和标注,让他人能够理解,这样的努力使科学家们更加有条理和自律,避免日后出现混淆。

    By   making   the   effort   to   organize   and label   files   so   others   can   understand   them ,   scientists   become   more   organized   and   better disciplined   themselves ,   thus   avoiding   confusion   later   on .

  10. 比方说,那些更加自律的人并非更有可能活到很老。

    Those who were more self-disciplined , for instance , were no more likely to live to be very old .

  11. 守时需要自律,而缺乏自律就会影响到他人。

    To be punctual one has to have self-discipline , and the lack of it affects others .

  12. 一个男学生或女学生不守时是因为他或她不具备自律性这种必要的人类美德。

    A school boy or girl is unpunctual because he or she does not have the necessary human virtue of self-discipline .

  13. 自律分布系统(ADS)在监控系统中的应用研究

    Application Research on Monitoring and Control System with ADS

  14. 结果:AP能够显著抑制子宫平滑肌自律性及氯化钾、缩宫素诱导的家兔离体子宫平滑肌收缩反应。

    Results : AP and Ver can inhibit the contractile rhythms of uterus and contraction of isolated uterus of rabbits induced by KCL and oxytocin .

  15. 在肠系膜局部滴入去甲肾上腺素(NA)诱发出微动脉自律性血管收缩舒张运动,TMP可抑制由NA引起的血管运动,并呈量效依赖关系。

    TMP can inhibit the arteriole autorhythmic vasomotion induced by dropping noradrenaline onto the local mesentery in a dose-dependent relationship , and increased the BFR .

  16. 应用常规微电极技术,我们在右心室流出道(RVOT)心肌细胞记录到三种类型的动作电位:自律性慢反应动作电位、非自律性慢反应动作电位和非自律性快反应动作电位。

    Using conventional microelectrode technique , three different AP types in RVOT were recorded : pace-making action potentials ;

  17. 结论Gen和17β-雌二醇均能降低心肌兴奋性和自律性,但Gen增强其收缩活动,而17β-雌二醇作用相反;

    Conclusions Both genistein and 17 β - estradiol attenuate excitability and automaticity , genistein enhances the contractility of guinea pig papillary muscles , but 17 β - estradiol exerts opposing action .

  18. 探讨了MGDSS中的价格与产量限制自律模型,MGDSS供应链中博弈模型。

    It discussed the price , the output of production and supply chain in MGDSS .

  19. 分析了传统的监控系统在系统体系结构、系统设计方法、容错技术、软件组件技术、系统集成技术等方面存在不足之处,并介绍了一种新的系统&自律分散系统ADS(AutonomousDecentra-lizedSystem)。

    Five shortcomings of traditional supervisory control system are analyzed , such as system architecture , system design methodology , fault tolerant technique , software component technology and system integrating technology . A new system ADS ( Autonomous Decentralized System ) is put forward .

  20. ODR的专属管辖一般是指自律组织或者网络管理组织的成员,必须选择某个指定的ODR网站的管辖。

    The exclusive jurisdiction of ODR is generally the member of self-regulatory organization or the network management organization , they must select a designated site under the jurisdiction of the ODR .

  21. 简述了测控系统的发展状况和发展趋势,讨论了现有网络测控系统的新需求,在此基础上介绍了一种新系统&自律分散系统(ADS)。

    The development status and tendency of measurement and control system are briefly introduced , and the new requirements to measurement and control system for existing networks are discussed . At the same time , a new ADS ( autonomous decentralized system ) is introduced .

  22. 初步构成了一个角色自律分散系统形式化描述框架,为基于EHA的形式化验证、系统自动生成奠定了基础。

    These methods initially constituted a formal description frame of role ADS , and has laid the foundation for EHA based formal validation , the automatic code generation of system .

  23. 结果表明,微血管自律运动具有人体第二心脏的作用,血液粘弹性质的影响与Weissenberg数及平均流量的大小有关。

    It is shown that microvascular vasomotion plays a role of the " second heart " of the body which is of importance in conveying blood , and that the effects of blood viscoelasticity greatly depend on the Weissenberg number and mean flow rate .

  24. 设立信托业协会,加强自律。

    To set up the trust industry association and strengthening self-discipline .

  25. 第五、建构主体性道德,实现大学生道德自律。

    Fifth , construct subjectivity moral , realize students moral self-discipline .

  26. 他律和自律在大学生诚信建设中的作用研究

    Heteronomy and Self-Disciple in University Student Good Faith Construction Function Research

  27. 同样,自律是关键,尤其在节假日时。

    Again , discipline is key , especially around the holidays .

  28. 豚鼠主动脉前庭组织的自律性研究和形态学观察

    A study of automatic activity and morphology of guinea-pig aortic vestibule

  29. 加强自律即要在内心中建立正确的道德法庭,并具有正确的判断能力等。

    Strengthening self-discipline requires the correct moral court and correct judgement .

  30. 心房利钠肽对心脏自律性的影响及其作用机理

    Influence of Atrid Natriuretic Peptide on Cardiac Automaticity and Its Mechanism