
zì rán chǎn pǐn
  • natural products
  1. 三是无法解释自然产品为何也具有价值、价格;

    Third , it is impossible to explain why natural products also have prices and values ;

  2. 而D-组氨酸和D-脯氨酸却难以从自然产品中大量提取,因此其价格十分昂贵。

    However , D-histidine and . D-proline are difficult to obtained from natural products in large quantities and , therefore , are very expensive .

  3. 他说,这违反了反对自然产品获得专利的法律规定。

    He said they violate the law against patents for products of nature .

  4. 作为自然产品,目前肌氨酸还没被禁止在体育比赛中服用。

    It is a natural product , and so far has not been banned in any sport .

  5. 一个人注视一个最普通的自然产品不会不发现一种不著边际想像的食物。

    One cannot fix one 's eyes on the commonest natural production without finding food for a rambling fancy .

  6. 商品应定义为,就是用来交换,能够满足人们某种需要的劳动产品和自然产品;

    " Commodity " should be defined as " manufactures and natural products that can be used for exchange and can meet certain needs of the people ";

  7. 经过综合处理,真空包装的自然发酵产品在人工气候室内36℃恒温保藏10d,产品的色泽、风味、香味、形态、性状表现良好。

    After soybean product was preserved at 36 ℃ for 10 d with integrated treatment and vacuum package , the color , flavor , aroma , form and shape , and properties of product kept well .

  8. 这是一个自然的产品和无害于环境。

    It is a natural product and is environmentally sound .

  9. 第二部分为政府在自然垄断产品定价中的行为分析。

    The second part is the analysis of the government behavior in Nmps pricing .

  10. 保持远离极端的情况一样,热或水分,因为它是一个很自然的产品。

    Keep it away from extreme conditions like heat or moisture since it is a natural product .

  11. 人是自然的产品,但同时人类总是试图改变它。

    Man is the product of nature but at the same time man is always trying to change it .

  12. 他们的一个最流行的自然护肤产品,湿疹是牛油果油脸部和身体乳。

    One of their most popular natural Skin care products for eczema is the Shea Butter Face and Body Lotion .

  13. 对于政府是否应介入自然垄断产品定价,如何介入,一直是理论界久议不衰的话题。

    It is a long-lived issue of whether and how the government should take part in the pricing of Nmps .

  14. 我国自然垄断产品在上世纪80年代以前实行政府直接定价,垄断企业亏损严重。

    In China , before 1980s , Nmps were priced directly by the government and the monopoly enterprises lost heavily .

  15. 研究由它的很,自然提高产品,是否那个产品利润驱动或仅仅一奖学金。

    Research by its very nature enhances the product , whether that product be profit-driven or merely a piece of scholarship .

  16. 通过分析指出,政府应该保持自然垄断产品价格的相对稳定,以激励下游企业发挥主动性,降低成本。

    The conclusion is drawn out that the government should valorize the natural monopolist products to inspirit the downstream enterprises to reduce the cost .

  17. 由于国民所得提高,国民对健康、安全、自然农产品品质格外重视。

    Due to the increase in average income , the public has become more aware of health , safety , and quality of natural agricultural products .

  18. 并邀请杨鸿参加有世界华商会在上海主办的“首届亚太自然健康产品博览会”专家委员会委员。

    And will invite Yang Hong to participate has the world Chinese businessman to sponsor " the first Asian and Pacific nature health product exposition " in Shanghai Expert board committee member .

  19. 为解决这一问题,上世纪70年代之前的西方学者主张政府对自然垄断产品进行价格管制,借看得见的手纠正垄断带来的福利损失。

    To solve this problem , many scholars before 1970s proposed that the government should regulate the price of Nmps , using the ' visible hand ' to correct the welfare losses due to monopoly .

  20. 自然发酵大豆产品的加工与保藏技术研究

    Research on Process and Preservation Technology of Naturally Fermented Soybean Product

  21. 石膏砌块是一种新型内隔墙材料,靠自然晾晒影响产品产量和质量。

    Gypsum block is a new kind of construction materials for inner partition wall .

  22. 法律要求自然垄断者的产品定价等于平均总成本。

    Suppose that a natural monopolist were required by law to charge average total cost .

  23. 设计出造型美观、简约、时尚,充分体现人与自然和谐的产品。

    Pretty , Simple , fashion design , adequately incarnate human and nature harmonious products .

  24. 论自然垄断行业产品的价格宏观调控问题

    Try Talking About the Price Macro Adjustments and Controls Question of the Natural Products of Monopoly Industry

  25. 而场外衍生产品作为高度个性化的合约,其风险自然成为衍生产品风险的主要代表。

    Since Over-the-counter derivative products are highly personalized product , their risks are the main representative of derivative products .

  26. 加快自然资源及其产品价格改革,逐步将资源税扩展到占用各种自然生态空间。

    Accelerate reforms of natural resources commodities pricing , and gradually levy taxes on all kinds of natural resources and space .

  27. 由于穿着追求回归自然,全棉产品,特别是环保产品更受消费者青睐。

    Because in pursuing the nature of coming back , the cotton products , especially environmentally safe products are favored by consumers .

  28. 江苏省茶叶产业化经营有着独特的优势,包括自然优势,产品优势,科技优势,市场优势等。

    Jiangsu Province tea industry operations have unique advantages , including natural advantages , produc (?) superiority and technological advantages , market advantages .

  29. 虽然对有些人来说难以想象,但对于业内长久以来大肆宣传的“融合”之说,它的确是一种自然的后续产品。

    While this might seem counter intuitive to some , but is a natural follow-on to the long running industry hype about'convergence ' .

  30. 第三章,从风景名胜资源管理现状说明自然旅游地产品私人生产的现实性。

    Chapter 3 indicates that the private production of tour goods in natural scenic sites is real because the management institution and the law do not forbid do so .