
  • 网络self-schemas;self-schema;self-schemata;schema
  1. 而自我图式研究则从更加微观的角度探讨了具体的可能自我对学生学习的调节和支配机制。

    The research of self-schemas probed detailedly into the mechanism of specific possible self to control and promote the learning of students .

  2. 焦虑大学生自我图式的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of the Self-Schema of the Anxious University Student

  3. 采用情绪Stroop范式,考察外显有锻炼者自我图式大学生和外显非锻炼者自我图式大学生对四类刺激词的注意偏向。

    Emotional Stroop task was employed to examine the attentional bias of explicit exerciser self-schematic and non-schematic undergraduates towards exercise-related and sedentary lifestyle-related words .

  4. 研究一运用自我图式的研究方法,采用自我参照编码任务(SRET)实验范式,结合问卷调查法和个案访谈法,考察自杀意念高中生对整体自我的认知特点。

    The first part of research referred to the method of self-schemata , using the self-referent encoding task , questionnaire survey and casework interviews , to investigate the characteristics of general self-cognition of senior middle school students who have suicidal ideation .

  5. 目的:探索自我图式与心理健康的关系。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the relationship between self-schema and mental health .

  6. 自我图式理论&关于自我的信息加工观

    The Theory of Self-schema & On Information Processing of Self

  7. 抑郁障碍患者自我图式与父母教养方式的相关研究

    A Study on the Correlation between Self-schema and Parenting Style of Depressive Disorder Patients

  8. 抑郁障碍患者的自我图式表现出更多的回避性、强迫性和依赖性。

    Depressive disorder patients ' self-schema shows more avoidance , more compulsive and more dependence .

  9. 自我图式与心理健康

    Self - schema and mental health

  10. 抑郁大学生存在以无望的、苦恼的和失败的内容为主题的自我图式,并且他们的自我图式具有较强的稳定性和内容专一性。

    Depressive college students have negative self-schema that is much stabler and more constant in content .

  11. 马库斯关于自我图式、可能自我、工作的自我概念等观点形成了自我的社会认知理论。

    Markus ' view on self schemata , possible selves and working self conceptions constitutes her social cognitive theory on self .

  12. 自我图式是个体对源于过去经验的自我的认知类化,能够组织和引导个体与自我有关的信息加工过程。

    Self schemata are cognitive generalizations about the self , derived from past experience , that organize and guide the processing of the self-related information .

  13. 焦虑抑郁大学生也存在和抑郁大学生相类似的自我图式,但在稳定性和强度方面不如他们;

    Anxious and depressive college students also have almost the same self-schema as depressive students , but the stability and strength are less than theirs ;

  14. 研究六,以实验法验证148名高低过去定向者对积极、消极信息的加工是否具有自我图式的性质。

    The main aim of Study 6 was to demonstrate experimentally whether 148 high / low past orientators have self-schema to process positive or negative information .

  15. 提出对于传统花鸟画图式的认识和分析的重要性以及当代画家对于自我图式的建立的必要性。

    Asked the self-schema for understanding and analyzing the importance of contemporary artists in the traditional bird and flower painting schema for the necessity to establish .

  16. 两种理论最大的不同在于,自我图式理论认为个体只有在与自我相关的特定状态时才会具有性别图式。

    The biggest distinction between self-schema theorists and gender schema theorists is that the former argue that individuals are gender schematic only in more specifically self-related ways .

  17. 采用内隐联想测验,考察了外显与内隐锻炼者自我图式的关系,以及不同外显锻炼者自我图式大学生的内隐锻炼者自我图式及其差异。

    Implicit Association Test was utilized to examine the relationship between explicit and implicit exerciser self-schemata , and the implicit exerciser self-schemata of different explicit exerciser self-schematics .

  18. 这表明父母亲的自我图式中包含孩子这样的重要亲密他人。(2)5岁儿童即表现出了父亲/母亲参照效应。

    This proves that the self-schema of parents includes significant others like children . ( 2 ) Children of five years old have displayed father / mother-reference effect .

  19. 自我图式会影响个人心理健康的形成机制,也可能成为心理健康的保证条件,同时也会影响心理健康的评价标准。

    The self-schema could affect the development of mental-health mechanism , which could also become a guarantee of mental health as well as influence the evaluation criterion of mental health .

  20. 大量研究发现,具有胖负面身体自我图式的人群对身体、身材或食物信息存在注意偏向。

    A large number of studies on participants with negative physical self have found that this group of people showed attentional bias to body - , shape - and food-related information .

  21. 为了深入探讨父母教养方式对子女抑郁障碍产生的影响机制,作者着重探讨研究了抑郁障碍患者的自我图式的特点和规律及其跟父母教养方式的关系以及对抑郁障碍产生的影响。

    In order to probe into the mechanism of how parenting style causes depressive disorder , this article researches the characteristics of depressive disorder patients ' self-schema as well as the correlation with parenting style .

  22. 这种消极的自我图式,体现了一种歪曲的信息加工方式,是一种易感因素,会最终导致临床躯体障碍、动力减退、情绪低落等抑郁症状。

    Then , the dysfunctional conception would arouse the self negative schema which suggests a distorted information processing mode . It is a susceptibility factor that would result in depression symptoms such as physical disorders , hypomotility , being down in spirits .

  23. 首先,认知易感性表现为一些功能失调观念;其次,功能失调观念导致或启动个体潜在的自我消极图式,对事物进行消极的、歪曲的认知。

    First , cognitive susceptibility is performed as dysfunctional conception .

  24. 图式具有时间属性,不断处于建构过程中,景观的设计过程也是设计者对自我现有图式的表达过程,表达需要用物质性要素的参与。

    The schema has the time attribute , is in unceasingly constructs in the process , the landscape design process also is the designer to the self - existing schema expression process , the expression needs to use the materiality essential factor the participation .

  25. 由于组织愿景、下属认知、自我认知和激励图式等认知图式的差异,导致交易型领导与变革型领导行为及其有效性存在差异。

    As there are differences in organizational vision , follower-schemata , self-schemata and motivation-scripts , transactional leadership and transformational leadership have their own characteristics and effectiveness .

  26. 因此,本研究拟从社会认知角度出发,借助双耳分听实验范式,考察胖负面身体自我女性对自我图式一致和不一致的身体信息的听觉注意偏向。

    Accordingly , from a social cognitive view , a dichotic listening paradigm was used to explore attentional bias toward schema-congruent and schema-incongruent body-related information in the auditory domain among women with negative physical self schema .

  27. 交易型和变革型领导理论已成为当代领导理论研究的新范式,由于组织愿景、下属认知、自我认知和激励图式等认知图式的差异,导致领导行为的差异。

    Transactional and transformational leadership theory have become new normal form study of leadership theory today . The cognitive of organizational vision , follower-schema , self-schema and motivation-scripts for transactional and transformational is different , thus leading to different leader behaviors .

  28. 该实验从范围假设的角度证实了中国人记忆中母亲的角色类似于自我的角色,并暗示中国人的自我图式可能包含母亲。

    From the angle of scope hypothesis , this study verifies that to Chinese , the role of mother is similar to the role of self on the memory level , which suggests that Chinese self-schema may include mother .

  29. 但自我价值保护策略实质是通过激活消极的自我图式而表现出来的一种消极适应性方式,从长远看,不利于个人的健康成长。

    But virtually , the self-worth defense strategy is a passive adapting behavior , which through passive self-schema aroused . In the long run , it would be harmful for individual growth .

  30. 研究包括以下两个部分:研究一,采用自我参照编码任务(SRET)实验范式,考察自伤大学生自我图式的特点。

    The research included the following two parts : The first study explored the self-schema of self-injury college students by using the self-reference encoding task ( SRET ) .