
  • 网络CADBURY;Cadbury Schweppes;Cadbury plc
  1. 吉百利DairyMilk在英国和爱尔兰的销售额为2亿英镑。

    Sales of Cadbury 's Dairy Milk in the UK and Ireland are worth 200m .

  2. 上周,吉百利被美国卡夫(kraft)收入囊中。

    Last week , Cadbury passed into the hands of kraft of the US .

  3. 卡夫和吉百利的一些大股东已表态支持这一收购交易,但其他股东,如英国的LegalGeneralInvestmentManagement,则对吉百利这家英国糖果集团得到的报价表示失望。

    Some big Kraft and Cadbury shareholders voiced support for the takeover , but others such as Legal General Investment Management in the UK , were disappointed at the price paid for the British confectioner .

  4. 在全球赞助商下面还有国内赞助商:约有44家公司与伦敦奥组委签署了只覆盖英国本土的交易协议,包括英国石油公司(BP)和吉百利等。

    Below the global sponsors are the domestic ones : some 44 companies , from BP to Cadbury , have signed deals with LOCOG that cover only Britain .

  5. 它刚刚被吉百利(Cadbury)分拆出来。

    It was just spun out by Cadbury .

  6. 吉百利希望与公平贸易建立更密切的关系,将公平贸易DairyMilk推广到英国和爱尔兰以外的市场,或者在更多产品中采用公平贸易原料。

    Cadbury hopes to expand its involvement with Fairtrade , introducing Fairtrade Dairy Milk to markets outside the UK and Ireland or introducing Fairtrade ingredients to more of its products .

  7. 吉百利(Cadbury)凭借家族价值观,发展成一家世界一流公司,结果却毁在了赚快钱的股东手中。

    Family values built Cadbury into a world-class company ; quick-buck shareholders have dismantled it .

  8. 不过,吉百利第二大股东LegalGeneralInvestmentManagement对该交易表示不满:我们认为,卡夫食品对吉百利提出的经过调高的最终收购价,未能全面体现公司的长期价值。

    However , Legal General Investment Management , Cadbury 's second biggest shareholder , expressed unhappiness with the deal : We believe the increased and final offer for Cadbury PLC by Kraft Foods Inc. fails to fully reflect the long term value of the company .

  9. 曾带领吉百利顽强抵抗卡夫收购的前吉百利董事长罗杰卡尔爵士(sirrogercarr)为该举措拍手叫好,并要求将新公司命名为吉百利。

    Sir Roger Carr , who led the robust defence against Kraft as chairman of Cadbury , applauded the move and called for the new company to be called Cadbury .

  10. 吉百利的可可豆由公平贸易认证,而卡夫与雨林联盟(RainforestAlliance)也有类似的安排。雨林联盟是一家推广可持续农业活动和改善农业工作条件的组织。

    While Cadbury cocoa is certified by Fairtrade , Kraft has a similar arrangement with the Rainforest Alliance , an organisation that campaigns for sustainable farming practices and improved farm working conditions .

  11. 这是由于该公司本月初宣布,吉百利DairyMilk及吉百利巧克力饮品所含的可可将全部来自公平贸易(Fairtrade)生产商。DairyMilk是英国最畅销的巧克力块。

    That is the effect of its announcement last week that all cocoa in Cadbury 's Dairy Milk , the UK 's best-selling chocolate bar , and in Cadbury 's drinking chocolate will come from Fairtrade producers .

  12. 2010年,她领导公司兼并了英国糖果巨人吉百利公司(Cadbury)。同年,公司营业收入达到480亿美元。

    She led the company in acquiring British candy giant Cadbury in2010 , and the company generated $ 48 billion in revenues that same year .

  13. 在他们的眼里,拥有一项纪念伯明翰巧克力生产商吉百利(cadbury)的慈善基金的塔塔公司,很符合条件。

    Tata , which has a philanthropic heritage reminiscent of Cadbury , the Birmingham chocolate maker , fits the bill nicely , in their view .

  14. 难道他们一边在策划类似的交易一边还在继续并购其他的公司,比如2010年并购糖果公司吉百利(Cadbury)?

    They had been evaluating this " type " of transaction while they continued to buy other companies , including the early 2010 purchase of Cadbury ?

  15. 此外,卡夫对吉百利企业价值(EV)的估值为2009年利息、税项、折旧及摊销前利润(ebitda)的13倍,低于近来食品业重大交易的水平。

    Kraft is also offering an enterprise value of 13 times 2009 earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation , below recent big food industry deals .

  16. 但分析师表示,这家瑞士食品集团可能会把一部分资金用于收购,包括有可能参与竞购英国糖果集团吉百利(cadbury)后者正面临卡夫食品(kraftfoods)的敌意收购。

    But analysts suggested the Swiss foods group could divert part of the proceeds to acquisitions including possibly entering the battle for Cadbury , the UK confectionery group facing a hostile bid from Kraft Foods .

  17. 她说,这个课程对她影响最大的部分,是获得了业内高管吉百利(Cadbury)的前首席执行官以及布丁生产商Gü的董事的建议。

    But one of the most influential parts of the course , she says , was getting advice from executives in the industry : the former chief executive of Cadbury and the director of pudding maker G ü .

  18. 上周公布的一份对巴克莱(barclays)、吉百利(cadbury)及谷歌(google)等约250家领先雇主进行的调查报告显示,今年面向毕业生的职位空缺数预期会出现自2003年以来的首次下降。

    Vacancies for graduates are expected to fall this year for the first time since 2003 , according to a survey published last week of almost 250 leading employers , such as Barclays , Cadbury and Google .

  19. 他们对未来有着令人惊异的乐观心态,吉百利全球巧克力产品负责人巴拉特普里(BharatPuri)表示。

    And they have an amazing optimism about the future , says Bharat Puri , global chocolate category director for Cadbury .

  20. 卖公平贸易产品的一些企业,例如卖香蕉的森宝利(JSainsbury)、卖冰淇淋的Ben&Jerry's、以及卖巧克力的吉百利(Cadbury),在转投公平贸易阵营时,并没有上调相关产品的价格。

    Several sellers of Fairtrade products , such as J Sainsbury ( bananas ), Ben & Jerry 's ( ice cream ) and Cadbury ( chocolate ), switched to Fairtrade without charging consumers extra .

  21. 英国巧克力生产商吉百利(cadbury)猛烈抨击卡夫食品(kraft)的敌意收购,声称一颗“企业宝石”被这家美国食品集团收购没有任何战略或财务上的好处。

    UK chocolate maker Cadbury has launched a stinging attack on hostile bidder Kraft , declaring there is no strategic or financial merit in a " corporate jewel " being bought by the US food group .

  22. 吉百利史威士公司(CadburySchweppes)昨日简略公布了一些计划,包括将史威士从其名称中去除,在全球裁减约7000个工作岗位并关闭大约10家工厂,以提高盈利能力。

    Cadbury Schweppes yesterday outlined plans to drop Schweppes from its name , cut about 7,000 jobs and close about 10 factories globally to improve profitability .

  23. 一年以后,吉百利史威士公司(cadburyschweppes)更胜一筹,拿出一本黄皮书,包括至少144条供经理人“生存和呼吸”的规则。

    A year later , Cadbury Schweppes trumped that with a yellow book with more than 144 rules for managers to " live and breathe " .

  24. 卡夫的零食业务增长更快,年营收大约320亿美元,其中约42%由新兴市场贡献,旗下品牌包括奥利奥(Oreo)饼干、吉百利(Cadbury)和Trident口香糖。

    The faster-growing snacks business has revenues of about $ 32bn , with about 42 per cent coming from developing markets , and includes Oreo biscuits , Cadbury and Trident gum .

  25. 亿滋旗下还拥有吉百利(Cadbury)品牌。科弗表示,他对中国这个28亿美元的市场的长期前景有信心,理由是巧克力在中国普及率较低,而且亿滋有30年的在华销售其他甜点和零食的经验。

    Mr Cofer says he is confident of the $ 2.8bn market 's long-term promise , citing low penetration and Mondelez 's 30 years of experience selling other sweet treats and snacks in China .

  26. 卡尔说,吉百利尚无计划与美国好时(Hershey)、意大利费列罗(Ferrero)等潜在的竞争收购方进行认真谈判,除非它们提交有充分资金支持的要约。

    Mr Carr said Cadbury had no plans to hold serious conversations with possible counter bidders such as Hershey of the US and Italy 's Ferrero until the companies produced fully financed offers .

  27. 奥利奥曲奇、吉百利(Cadbury)巧克力和乐之(Ritz)饼干的生产商亿滋国际(MondelezInternationalInc.,MDLZ)周三公布,第四财政季度及整个财政年度的收入都有所下滑,部分原因是中国人对奥利奥夹心饼干的偏好下降。

    Mondelez International Inc. , the maker of Oreo cookies , Cadbury chocolates and Ritz crackers , announced Wednesday that its revenue was down in the fourth quarter and for the full year in part because China 's appetite for the cr è me-filled sandwich cookie fell .

  28. 欧尼尔还邀请了很多富豪朋友,如欧宝汽车公司继承人乔治·范·欧宝(GeorgvonOpe)、吉百利巧克力继承人乔尔·吉百利(JoelCadbury)、哥伦比亚富豪亚历杭德罗·桑托·多明戈(AlejandroSantoDomingo)以及艾丹·巴克莱和菲兹·巴克莱(AidanandFizzyBarclay)。

    O'Neill had also invited many of his super-rich friends , such as Opel heir Georg von Opel , Cadbury chocolate heir Joel Cadbury , Colombian billionaire Alejandro Santo Domingo , and Aidan and Fizzy Barclay .

  29. 巴菲特的批评是对卡夫首席执行官艾琳罗森菲尔德(IreneRosenfeld)的打击。罗森菲尔德曾希望,60%现金的最终报价将化解巴菲特的忧虑,即她向吉百利投资者提供了太多的卡夫股票。

    His criticism is a blow for Irene Rosenfeld , chief executive of Kraft , who hoped her final offer of 60 per cent cash would assuage Mr Buffett 's fears that she was giving Cadbury investors too much stock .

  30. 吉百利首席执行官托德•斯蒂策(ToddStitzer)简要宣布了吉百利的这些计划,目标是把吉百利打造成最大、最好的糖果集团。与此同时,他似乎也降低了该公司寻求大规模收购的可能性。

    Todd Stitzer , Cadbury 's chief executive , also appeared to play down the possibility of the company pursuing large acquisitions as he outlined plans for Cadbury becoming the biggest and the best confectionery group .