
  • 网络self-experience;experience;Self experience
  1. 目的采用自我体验教学法(self-experiencebasedlearning,SEBL)改进精神卫生学教学,提高教学质量和效果。

    Objective To improve mental hygienics teaching by using self-experience based learning method , in order to enhance teaching quality and effect .

  2. 自我体验是在自我评价的基础上,个体对自己产生的情感体验。

    Self-experience is individuals emotion experience on the base of self-evaluation .

  3. 自我体验教学法在精神卫生学教学中的应用

    The Use of Self-experience Based Learning in Mental Hygienics Teaching

  4. 最后,要处理好自我体验与服务社会的关系。

    Finally , must process the relation between self-experiences and serving the society .

  5. 网上学习行为对自我体验、心里自我调控有影响;

    The studying actions of the net can influence self-experience and mental self-control .

  6. 目的探讨大学生自我体验,家庭教养对成就动机的影响。

    Objective To study the influence imposed on achievement by family cultivating and subject-experience .

  7. 此外,积极的自我体验和自我价值感有利于心理健康状况的改善。

    Besides , active self-experience and self-worth can help to improve teachers ′ psychological health .

  8. 形式探索与自我体验。

    The form probe and self-experience .

  9. 教师只重视自己教的感受,忽视了学生学的心理以及自我体验。

    In teaching , teachers only focus on their own teaching and neglect students ' learning psychology and self-experience .

  10. 结果积极的家庭教养方式和自我体验对成就动机产生积极的影响;

    Results Positive family cultivating factors and subject-experience result in positive influence to achievement motivation as that of the negative ;

  11. 但是,男作家所想象的女性形象和女作家的自我体验还是有差距的。

    But there is a distance between the female image imagined by male authors and the self-experience of female writers .

  12. 自我体验是伴随自我意识而产生的情感体验能力,是自我教育意识产生的动力。

    Self-experience is accompanied by self-consciousness and emotional experience arising from the ability , sense of self-education is the momentum generated .

  13. 学生需要的正是这样一个以尊重自我体验为前提的空间,他们在这里能够表达与释放自己,认识与找回自己。

    Students need a space that created by themselves , they could express and release , understand and find themselves here .

  14. 王维随自我体验的逐渐深入,越来越想过隐逸的生活,但是因其所扮演的社会角色又要求他该仕。

    Along with gradually gone deep into self-experience , Wang Wei has desirous to recluse life , but his social role requested he became an officer .

  15. 探索年少一代身心成长秘密,表现孩子对其成长的自我体验,是我国当下儿童文学的精神底色。

    It is our present national spirit background color of children 's literature to explore the secrets of teenagers ' growth and to show their self growing experience .

  16. 如何引导研究生拥有正向的自我体验成为教育界、心理学界、社会学界共同讨论的课题。

    How to lead postgraduates who are in the universities belong to positive self-experience become the problems which experts are discussing together among education field , psychology field and society field .

  17. 结合当前的素质教育,提出动作技能学习策略的提高途径是:教师指导、分析与纠正、启发与诱导、自我体验。

    With the present quality education , it also makes a suggestion to develop the motor skill study strategy : teacher direction , analysis and redress , illumination and motivation , experience oneself .

  18. 现在世界各国都将教师发展的注意力集中在教师自我体验和自我发展上,这意味着教师不再是一种社会要求,而是教师自我实现生命价值的体现。

    In the issue of teacher development , people focus their attention on the teachers ' self-experience and self-development which means that teachers are no longer a social requirement , but the reflections of self-value of life .

  19. 注重让学生自我体验和感受,关注学生的个体差异,重视学生结论获得的过程与体验等,这是运用留白的基本原则。

    The basic principle of the use of blank is to focus on the self-experience and feeling of students , concern about the individual differences and attach importance to the access experience through which students can draw a conclusion .

  20. 王安忆善于在庸常而琐碎的叙事中融入女性独特的自我体验,以小见大地展现女性普遍的生存境遇,从而透视与观照平凡人的平凡人生。

    Wang Anyi is good at make the female unique experience join into ordinary and trivial narrating , and by way of exhibiting the common living condition of the female in detail , the ordinary life of the common is disclosed and set out .

  21. 国内招聘网站智联招聘与北京大学社会调查研究中心共同发布的《2018中国最佳雇主百强评选报告》称,越来越多的95后开始进入职场,这代人的价值观更加多元化,且非常注重自我体验。

    Increasing numbers of those born after 1995 are starting to enter the workplace , a generation that has more diversified values and thinks highly of their personal experiences , according to the 2018 China 's Top 100 Employers report by Chinese job website Zhaopin.com and Institute of Social Science Survey of Peking University .

  22. 网上银行评价是一个复杂的、综合的自我心理体验过程,具有综合性、模糊性和一定的不确定性,而D-S证据理论可以很好的解决这个问题。

    Evaluation of internet banking is a complex , comprehensive process of self-psychological experience , and its evaluation are mostly qualitative , comprehensive , vague and uncertain , but the D-S evidence theory can solve this problem .

  23. 真正的爱是一种持久的自我扩充体验,而坠入情网则不然。

    Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience . Falling in love not .

  24. 孤独感更多来自自我的体验与感受,具体的友谊质量、亲子关系并不能直接预测高中生的孤独感。

    The friendship quality and family affinity cannot directly predict high school students ' loneliness .

  25. 这些“他人”也通过与“他人”的交往形成“自我”体验。

    Those ' others " alsexperience their ' self " only in relation t'others . "

  26. 它未必是批判性的叙述,更可能是情感性的饱含自我生命体验内容的叙述。

    They are not necessarily critical narration , but emotional narration full of self experience of life instead .

  27. 自我情感体验的强烈介入,使其情爱小说具有极强的历史感和现实感。

    They present very intensive sence of history and reality because the strong self emotion and experience is plunged into the romantics .

  28. 指出当代书法家必须摒弃创作功利意识,着重自我内在体验的感悟,才能获取书法艺术真谛。

    It also points out , to acquire the essence of calligraph , calligraphists should spurn the utilitarianism , emphasize the inner self-experience .

  29. 我们每个人不都是从与他人的交往中,无论是同事、家人或陌生人,自然而然地形成“自我”体验的吗?

    As humans , we naturally experience our ' self " in relationship tothers , whether they be colleagues , family members , or utter strangers .

  30. “吃人”并不是一个抽象的单纯的理性判断,而是一个充满着自我生命体验的意象,是少年鲁迅“吃人情结”的升华。

    The " canniblism " is not abstract and sheer rational judgment , but imagery full of his personal life experiences and escalation of " canniblism complex " imprinted on juvenile LU Xun .