
zì wǒ ɡuān chá
  • self-observation
  1. 这种冥想叫作内观(Vipassana),是来自印度的一种古老训练,并且教导人们严格自我观察的形式,走向心理与情绪自由。

    The type of meditation , called Vipassana , is an ancient discipline from India and taught as a form of rigorous self-observation , leading to mental and emotional freedom .

  2. 在阅读活动中,能对自己的阅读过程、阅读状态、阅读行为进行自我观察、自我审视、自我调节;

    They should make a self-observation , self-check and self adjustment during the reading activity .

  3. 构建方式有多种,但最重要的一种是教师自我观察、自我监控的方式。

    There are many ways of constructing , but the most important one is self-observing or self-monitoring .

  4. 应该把内省看作是人对自己心理行为的自我观察、自我体验及自我完善的一种心理存在和活动的方式。

    It should be regarded as psychological presentation and activity of self-observing , self-practicing and self-improving one 's own mental action .

  5. 制定自我观察日记,事先由经治医生给予必要的辅导,内容包括服药后出现的不适反应及出现的时间。

    Patients made self-observation diary , in advance by the treating physician to give the necessary counseling , including drug reactions and appearance time of discomfort after receive treatment .

  6. 教师的研究主要是指教师通过对自身教育教学行为的自我观察与反思,以改进自己的教育教学实践为目的的研究,它是置身于教育教学之中的研究、改进教育教学的研究。

    Teachers ' educational research mainly refers to the activities conducted by teachers for improving their teaching capacity through self-observation and reflection of their teaching behaviors . In this sense , teachers ' educational research is a kind of study within the teaching-learning framework for improving educational quality .

  7. 本文利用问卷调查、面谈、观察、自我观察、语料分析等方法,结合统计学手段,对日韩优秀学习者的口语学习策略进行了较为客观的分析。

    Through methods of conducting questionnaires , interviews , observations , self-observations and language material analysis and through relevant scientific statistical methods , the thesis herein has made an objective analysis among a number of good Japanese and Korean learners for their strategies of studying Chinese spoken language .

  8. 反思性教学,简而言之,是指教师为提高自己的教学质量对教学内容、教学方法、教学策略、教学理念、教学过程、学生成绩等教学各个方面进行反思改进的一个自我观察和评价过程。

    The reflective teaching , in short , is a self observation and evaluation process in which teachers reflect on their teaching contents , teaching methods , teaching strategies , teaching concept , teaching process , students ' performance and other aspects of teaching to enhance their teaching quality .

  9. 消化道癌症失眠患者行为疗法与自我训练疗效观察

    The curative effects of action treatments and do-it-by-oneself exercises on the digestive tract cancer insomnia patients

  10. 患者的自我满意程度观察组高于对照组,P<0.01;术后肛门功能得分观察组2.57分,对照组7.21分,两组比较,P<0.01。

    The postoperative anal function score was 2.57 in the study group and 7.21 in the control group , there was significant difference between the two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 对兔视网膜损伤的自我修复功能进行观察和分析。

    To observe and analyse the self-recovering function of the damages on rabbit retina .

  12. 目的在社区慢性病管理研究中引入患者自我管理模式并观察自我管理对患者相关行为的影响。

    Objective To introduce the self-management into community chronic non - communicable disease management and observe the effect of relevant health care behavior among patients with hypertension or diabetes mellitus .

  13. 认知心理学家常用的研究方法有自我报告、自然观察、个案研究、心理生物学研究、计算机模拟和人工智能、控制性实验。

    The research methods usually employed by cognitive psychologists are self-report , natural observation , case study , psychobiological research , computer simulations and artificial intelligence , and controlled laboratory experiments .

  14. 自我认识是指个体通过自我观察、自我分析、自我评价、自我反省等手段认识自己的能力。

    Self-awareness refers to the individual through self-observation , self-analysis , self-evaluation , self-examination and other means to recognize their own capabilities .

  15. 他说,“自我认识最重要的是做一个出色的自我观察者而不是一个细心的内省者。”

    However , he remarks that " self-knowledge is less a matter of careful introspection than of becoming an excellent observer of oneself . "