
  • 网络self-action
  1. 这种特定的行动理论即本文旨在建立的中国人的自我行动理论。

    The author tries to present a specific action theory , namely , the Chinese self-action theory .

  2. 2参加游泳运动训练的男、女生之间也存在一定的差异,女生在家庭自我方面显著高于男生,在自我行动方面亦较男生为积极。

    Participated in swimming training of boys and girls , there are some differences between girls in the family were significantly higher than boys self-respect , self-action in the positive than boys .

  3. 其中,自我行动和自我认同对学习态度、学习技术、学习环境以及学习适应总分都有较好的预测作用,自我概念中的自我行动因子对心身健康有预测作用。

    The self-activity and self-identity can predict significantly learning attitude , learning skill , learning environment and the overall learning adapting , while self-activity can predict significantly mental and physical health . 5 .

  4. 建议你开始自我改善行动。

    You should be getting into self-improvement projects .

  5. 作为一个指导原则&为了并且作为全体自我而行动。

    As a guiding rule - act for and as the Self of All .

  6. 不理解自我之行动,则冥想沦为感官之刺激,毫无意义。

    Without knowing the activities of the self , meditation becomes sensuous excitement and therefore of very little significance .

  7. 受到诺贝尔奖得主托马斯∠鞌(ThomasSchelling)的启发,经济学家迷上了承诺战略的理念——在诱惑变得不可抵挡之前,你品行高尚的那部分自我会采取行动,战胜你较弱的那部分自我。

    Inspired by the ideas of Nobel laureate Thomas Schelling , economists have become fascinated by the idea of commitment strategies , where your virtuous self takes steps to outmanoeuvre your weaker self before temptation strikes .

  8. 通过行动研究实现自我发展:行动、反思及启示

    Self-development Through Action Research : Action , Reflection , and Implication

  9. 英语教师的自我发展与行动研究

    Self-development as an English Teacher and Action Research

  10. 自我主张与行动消费者必须以自我行动争取公平交易的权利。

    Involvement or action - consumers must assert themselves and act to ensure that they get a fair deal .

  11. 学生所要学习的知识,不仅仅包括那些能用语言、文字表达出来的显性知识,还应该要包括指导自我如何去行动并且很难用文字等表达的隐性知识。

    The knowledge that students should to learn , not just explicit knowledge that who can use language to express , but also should include tacit knowledge that guidance on how to act self-text and so difficult to express .

  12. 自我评价要跟行动研究紧密结合起来。

    Self - assessment should be combined with action research .

  13. 自我、景致与行动:《园冶》借景篇

    Self , Scene and Action : The Final Chapter of Yuan ye

  14. 在此,艺术向“边缘”的挪移就成了一种自我保护的潜意识行动。

    Therefore , the art moving to the edge becomes a sub-conscious self-protecting action .

  15. 自我效能;理性行动论;

    Self-efficacy of Social Learning Theory ;

  16. 它们都是连续的,不断加深,拓宽的,自我复杂化的行动记录,或者是言语行为。

    It 's all continuous as an ever-deepening , broadening , and self-complicating record of action , or speech action .

  17. 人通过意识也只有通过意识才能进行认识包括对象认识和自我认识并采取行动。

    People can know by consciousness , or to say , only by consciousness that includes knowledge of object and ego , and take action together .

  18. 利己价值得以实现是主体在进行科学接受活动时所要考虑的首要因素,特别是主体精神价值的自我实现与主体行动价值的利己效益,都推动了科学接受活动的实施。

    The self-interest realization is the top priority that the subject should contemplate in the activity of scientific acceptance . This part mainly discusses the self-interest realization of spiritual worth of subject and the effect of self-interest of subject acts .

  19. 授课16周,自主学习模式班在道德自我、社会自我、自我满意、自我行动以及自我概念总分上总体水平高于自主&合作学习模式班。

    For 16 weeks , self-regulated learning class at moral self , social self , self-satisfaction , self-action as well as the self-concept total score the aggregate level are higher than independent - cooperative learning class . 4 .

  20. 高职院大学生自我概念总体水平处于中等偏上,自我概念总分及家庭自我、自我行动、道德伦理自我、自我认同因子上的差异显著,在学科性质上没有显著差异。

    The level of self-concept in vocational college students is up-middle , and the significant differences lie in the total score of self-concept , own family , self-action , moral and ethical self , self-identity factors ; while there was no significant difference in the nature of subjects . 3 .

  21. 3参加游泳运动训练中学生自我概念与其学习态度诸因素之间存在显著性相关关系,总体表现为自我概念中的自我认同、自我行动和心理自我与学习态度存在相互影响的关系。

    Swimming training students to participate in self-concept between the factors and their attitude towards learning , there was significant correlation between the overall performance of the self-concept of self-identity , self-action and mental attitude of self-existence of mutual influence and learning relationship .