
  • 网络Self coordination;ego-syntonic;egosyntonic;self congruence
  1. 从博弈论角度浅析冷战中的自我协调

    Analysis on the Self-coordination during the Cold War from the Perspective of Game Theory

  2. 为形成企业劳动关系自我协调机制,中国开始探索通过平等协商建立集体合同制度,并加以推广。

    To form a self-coordination mechanism of labor relations in enterprises , China has trial-implemented and promoted a group contract system through equal consultation .

  3. 而美国高校体育运动竞赛管理体制则主要通过社会自我协调来实施。

    The management system of university sports in China is mainly controlled by the government and the management system of university sports in USA is mainly managed by society itself .

  4. 文章认为:将传统的集中型国家行政垂直协调体制的体育发展模式,改为有宏观控制的社会自我协调体制的发展模式,是我国体育体制改革所需要达到的目标模式。

    The author believes that the combination model between macro control and management by society itself will be the goal objecting model for China sport from reforming the traditional highly centralizing management system .

  5. 钉子户的行动也表现着一种场域内部的自我协调适应和认同,是种种关系的协调演绎,也是一种主体在结构的制约下能动的生存策略表现。

    The revolt of nails is not just a protest performance , but also show the performance of internal self adaptation and identity , deducing the various types coordination of the relationships , also the survival strategy of a subject under the constraints of the structure .

  6. 此时自我便协调本我与超我的关系,力图以一种合理化的防御方式既满足本我需求又不违背现实原则。

    At this point the self coordination between ID and superego , strive with a rational defense is satisfying the id need not against the reality principle .

  7. 莱辛从中表达了自己的伦理观:虚伪的种族制度必将灭亡;女性若想寻求自由必须以坚定的意志直面惨痛代价;人与人之间应互助互爱;人与自我的协调需要特立独行的精神。

    In this novel Lessing express her own ethics : hypocritical racial system is bound to perish ; women must be face a painful price to seek freedom ; mutual love between people ; person with self-coordination needs maverick spirit .

  8. 个体有着维持自我内部的协调一致以及自我与经验之间的协调的机能,即自我和谐。

    Individual has the ability of keeping internal harmony and modulating the relation between oneself and experience , i.e. self-harmony .

  9. 从自我与他人协调的角度看,可认为它是一个由多脑区有机组织而成的系统。

    However , if we examine it from the self-others coordination , we could regard it as a systematical functions on multiple brain areas .

  10. 自我和谐是指自我内部的协调一致以及自我与经验之间的协调。

    Self Consistency and Congruence means the harmony in oneself and the harmony between oneself and his experiences .

  11. 一方面,少数族裔应通过适当的文化身份定位找到自我,在自我与社区之间协调,通过教育提高自身社会地位,使自己不被异化并融入主流。

    On the one hand , the ethnic minorities should search for a new " self " through appropriate cultural identifying , integrate into the mainstream society and win spiritual freedom by making compromises between self and community and improving their social position through education .

  12. 认为良好自我概念评价标准的问题是一个十分重要的理论问题,提出了良好自我概念的四个评价标准:自我概念的积极程度、自我复杂性、自我概念的协调性、自我概念的清晰确定性。

    This paper thinks that the issue of the evaluating criterions of good self-concept is an extremely important theoretical issue . It presents 4 criterions of good self-concept : positiveness of self-concept , complexity of self-concept , harmonization of self-concept , clarity and definiteness of self-concept .