
  • 网络Self-disclosure;self disclosure
  1. 从SNS这一新媒介入手,首先探讨了SNS的人际传播特征,以及自我表露行为在此上面的体现。接着,本文通过扎根理论和深度访谈方法,深入调查用户在SNS中自我表露的特征。

    Starting from a new media , SNS , the characteristics of SNS communication is discussed firstly , as well as the embodiment of self-disclosure on it . Secondly , a survey on the users ' self-disclosure behaviours in SNS is presented by both theory and profound interviews .

  2. 大学生在网络上倾向于更深层次的自我表露;

    The college students are likely to do the deeper self-disclosure on-line ;

  3. 为了调查笑声在自我表露过程中扮演的角色和产生的影响,格雷和他的同事从英国牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)召集了112个学生,并把他们分为四组。

    To investigate the role and influence of laughter in this disclosure process , Gray and his colleagues gathered 112 students from Oxford University in England , into groups of four .

  4. 他们习惯了在Facebook和Twitter等社交媒体平台上实时记录他们的生活,因此也将他们信奉的自我表露原则一同带入了职场。

    Accustomed to documenting their lives in real time on social-media forums like Facebook and Twitter , they are bringing their embrace of self-disclosure into the office with them .

  5. 中学生的自我表露及其与自尊的关系

    Self-disclosure of Middle School Students and Its Relationship with Self-esteem

  6. 自我表露在依恋回避与抑郁状态之间起部分中介作用。

    Self-disclosure functions as mediator between attachment avoidance and depression .

  7. 自我表露是心理学研究中备受关注的课题之一。

    Self-disclosure is one of the most important topics in psychological research .

  8. 自我表露与主观幸福感间的因果关系是双向的。

    Self-disclosure and subjective well-being of the causal relationship is a two-way .

  9. 自我表露就是将个人信息传递给他人的过程。

    Self-demonstration is a process that one conveys its own information to others .

  10. 心理咨询师的自我表露在心理咨询与治疗中的运用心理咨询和治疗师与来访者的双重关系多中心调查

    A Multi-Center Survey on Dual Relationships and Associated Factors among Chinese Counselors and Psychotherapists

  11. 这个对话也是一个解释自我表露的很好的例子。

    This dialogue sets an example for self-disclosure .

  12. 大学生成人依恋、自我表露与抑郁状态的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Adult Attachment , Self-disclosure and Depression of College Students

  13. 大学生网络聊天中的自我表露、应对方式与孤独感的关系研究

    Research on Relationship among Self-disclosure in Online Chatting Coping Style and Loneliness of College Students

  14. 中学生自我表露的发展

    Development of Self-disclosure of Middle School Students

  15. 青少年网络依赖现象与其自我表露

    Youth 's Net-Reliance and Self-Manifestation

  16. 其次,互联网可以克服羞怯者的交流障碍,促进自我表露。

    The Internet can help those people overcome the communicative obstacles and encourage them to express themselves .

  17. 中学生人际关系、自我表露与网络成瘾的关系

    A Study on the Relationship of Interpersonal Relationship , Self-disclosure and Internet Addiction Disorder in Middle School Students

  18. 与现实中熟识的朋友的自我表露程度显著高于一般朋友以及与网络中结识的陌生朋友。

    The self-disclosure to real familiar friends is apparently more than to general friends or strangers in the internet .

  19. 社交网络对社会个体真实且立体的还原完全建立在每位用户不断进行自我表露的基础之上。

    The Real and solid copy which social networking made to users , depends entirely on individual constantly self-disclosure .

  20. 自我表露的研究有助于我们把握许多重要的心理学现象,同时也可以帮助我们更好地解决现实生活中的问题。

    It is helpful for us to realize many major psychological phenomena by means of studying it and meanwhile to solve problems in realistic life .

  21. 有关自我表露的研究是心理学关于自我研究的一个重要领域,心理学家发现,展示个人信息的行为有重要的心理学意义。

    Self-disclosure study is the most important area about self-study in psychology . Psychologists found that the behavior of expressing personal information have significant psychological meaning .

  22. 并且,随着学生自我表露的广度和深度的增加,师生间加深了对彼此的了解和信任,从而推动了师生关系的发展。

    Besides , with students self-disclosure in greater scope and depth , teachers and students know each other better , and their relationships will be promoted .

  23. 在中学生自我表露的6个维度中,性别差异不显著,年级差异显著,年级和性别的交互作用显著。

    On all of the dimensions , there are no significant differences in gender while grade differences are great and gender and grade interact with each other .

  24. 结果表明:(1)中学生在态度、爱好、学习、金钱、个性、和身体6个维度的自我表露水平上,从初中到高中均呈上升趋势。

    The results indicate : ( 1 ) in the whole period from junior to senior middle school , the students'self-disclosure assumes rising in all of the6 dimensions ;

  25. 研究结果如下:1、大学生对不同目标人、在不同表露问题上,自我表露的程度存在性别、年级等的差异。

    The result of studies as follows : 1 . There are significant differences between gender and grade in self-disclosure to different targets and different topics . 2 .

  26. 传统心理咨询和心理治疗理论鼓励来访者自我表露,有关的咨询和治疗技术定位于促进来访者的自我表露;

    Visitor 's self-disclosure was encouraged in traditional psychological consultancy and psychotherapy theory , and some relevant consultation and treatment technology were orientate as to promote visitor 's self-disclosure .

  27. 通过中介效应分析,发现父亲拒绝否认和母亲情感温暖通过自我表露程度间接影响孤独感。

    By means of analysis of mesomeric effect , it can be found that fatherly denial and motherly emotional warmth have indirect effects on loneliness through the degree of self-disclosure .

  28. 结果表明,大学生对不同目标人、在不同表露问题上,自我表露的程度存在性别、年级差异:(1)女生比男生的表露程度高;

    There are significant differences between gender and grade in self-disclosure to different targets and different topics . ( 1 ) Girls show more than boys on different topics of self-disclosure ;

  29. 中学生的内隐自尊在外显自尊与自我表露行为(目标人为一般同学)、认知的表露意愿适宜性之间起调节作用。

    The implicit self-esteem of middle school students plays a moderator role in the relationship between explicit self-esteem and self-disclosure behaviour ( towards classmates ) and the appropriation of disclosing inclination . 4 .

  30. 自我表露是社会心理学领域重要的研究课题。随着网络的普及和发展,自我表露的相关研究开始从现实生活情境延伸至网络空间社区。

    Self-disclosure is an important research topic in the field of social psychology , with the popularity and development of Internet , relevant researches of self-disclosure begin to extent to the cyberspace community from real-life situations .