
  • self-improvement;self-enhancement;Self Promotion
  1. 我们大多数人只有到整个世界都在崩溃的时候才能学会释放我们自我提升的能力。

    The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self-improvement power is when the whole world is falling apart .

  2. 我们只有在一切都变得最糟的时候才想释放我们自我提升的能力。

    The only time we think of unlocking our self-improvement power is when everything gets worst .

  3. 释放我们的自我提升能力意味着把我们自己从固有的思维模式中解放出来。

    Unlocking our self-improvement power means unlocking ourselves out of the box of thought that is just the way we are .

  4. 只有当我们享受着释放自我提升能力的整个过程时,我们才会意识到我们开始轻装上阵,变得快乐起来。

    And only when we are enjoying the whole process of unlocking our self-improvement power will we realize that we 're beginning to take things light and become happy .

  5. 在某个时点,我们都将最终开启自我提升的力量,不是因为这个世界这么说,而是因为我们意识到这是为了我们自己好。

    At one point or another , we are all going to finally unlock our self-improvement power not because the world says so , but because we realize it 's for our own good .

  6. 我们最终都会释放自我提升的力量,这并不是因为这个世界告诉我们要这样做,而是因为我们会意识到这样对自己更有益处。

    At   one   point   or   another ,   we   are   all   going   to   finally   unlock   our   self-improvement   power   not   because   the   world   says   so ,   but   because   we   realize   it 's   for   our   own   good .

  7. 总部位于威斯康星州布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)的人力资源咨询公司PsychologyForBusiness的心理学家约翰•韦弗(JohnWeaver)说,专注于一个比自我提升更高的目标能够帮助员工管理压力水平。

    Commitment to a goal beyond self-promotion can help a worker manage stress levels , says John Weaver , a psychologist at Psychology For Business , a Brookfield , Wis . - based employment consultancy .

  8. 实施科研管理是YN学院不断自我提升和达到战略目标的重要保证。

    The implementation of scientific management is an important guarantee for Y N College to improve itself and to achieve the strategic objective .

  9. 给自我提升和更加认真的学习腾出时间。

    Set time aside for self-improvement projects and more serious study .

  10. 对许多人来说,自我提升几乎变成了一种个人兴趣爱好。

    For many people , self-improvement becomes somewhat of a hobby .

  11. 论升格高校图书馆的自我提升

    A Discussion on the Self - Upgrading of Libraries in Promoted Colleges

  12. 17.勇于接受负面的反馈来促进自我提升。

    17 . Accepts negative feedback as a tool for self improvement .

  13. 确定一个切实可行的目标这是自我提升的第一步。

    Achievable goals : the first step to self improvement .

  14. 自我提升是一种以过度积极的方式看待自己的倾向。

    Self-enhancement is the tendency to view oneself in overly positive terms .

  15. 他们更看重工作经历与自我提升。

    What they appreciate more are working experiences and self-improvement .

  16. 青少年自我提升的发展及其与适应的关系

    Development of Self-Enhancement in Adolescence and Its Relationship to Adjustment

  17. 自我提升一直是人格和社会心理学研究中的主要问题。

    And a new interpersonal approach about self-enhancement was based on SRM .

  18. 勇于接受负面的反馈来促进自我提升。

    Accepts negative feedback as a tool for self improvement 。

  19. 众所周知,美国人迷恋自我提升的书籍。

    Americans are notoriously obsessed with books about self-improvement .

  20. 任何人,任何事都不能替代我对自我提升的疯狂追求!

    Nothing and nobody can take the place of my crazy self-improvement pursuit !

  21. 但是自我提升不仅仅是奇异的体验。

    But self-expansion isn 't just about exotic experiences .

  22. 确定一个切实可行的目标——这是自我提升的第一步。

    Achievable goals -- the first step to self-improvement .

  23. 甚至当你努力自我提升和成长时,你也是完整的。

    Even when you are striving to improve and grow , you are complete .

  24. 自我提升的含义与研究

    Connotation of Self - Enhancement and Its Studies

  25. 试论教师社会地位的自我提升

    On Teacher 's Social Status Self - Promotion

  26. 承受工作压力并不断自我提升。

    Self driven and like to work under a high pressure time to time .

  27. 因为工资不错,而且还有自我提升机遇。

    Because the salary is good and I have a lot of opportunities for advancement .

  28. 按高盛的说法,这叫自我提升。

    Call it self-improvement , Goldman style .

  29. 受拒斥型青少年的自我提升和自恋水平更高,谦虚水平更低。

    The rejected adolescents scored higher on self-enhancement and narcissism , but lower on modesty .

  30. 在能力自我提升上性别差异显著,男性的能力自我提升水平显著高于女性;

    Gender only has significant main effect on Ability Self-enhancement , but not on Relation Self-enhancement ;