
zì zhú guǎn lǐ
  • self-management
  1. 创新思路:推行学生自主管理模式

    The New Thinking : Carrying Out the Mode of Self-Management by Students

  2. 中等职业学校寄宿制学生生活费的自主管理研究

    Study on the Self-management of Secondary Vocational School Boarding Students

  3. 宝钢的自主管理活动与PDCA循环

    Self-decision making management and PDCA Cycle in Bao-Steel

  4. 以自主管理为导向;PIDE自整定软件在FCCU上的应用

    The Applications of PIDE Self tune Software on the Shijiazhuang Refinery FCCU

  5. MIT不设全校性的专门管理机构,由各学院及培训机构自主管理,但培训项目形散而神不散。

    MIT does not set up the specialized agency to manage training , but distributes the management rights to various training centers and colleges .

  6. 可以完全配置轻量级内存泄漏检测,并将其设计为与高级自主管理器或自定义JMX客户机交互。

    Lightweight memory leak detection is completely configurable and is designed to interact with advanced autonomic managers or custom JMX clients .

  7. 但WWW是一个信息的海洋,数亿万计的Web文档散布在世界各地的成千上万个Web服务器上,并且每个服务器自主管理自己的资源,没有一个统一的管理机制。

    But WWW contains too much information and billions of pages located on thousands of servers in different palaces in the world . Every server manages its own resources , and does not follow one standard managing mechanics .

  8. 提出了基于P2P的终端自主管理节点的组网方式,并在此基础上定义了自主管理服务,从业务层面进一步增强了管理节点间的协作能力。

    After that , P2P-based network organizing method for autonomic management nodes was proposed . The paper also defines autonomic management services , which enhance the cooperation capability between management nodes from service layer .

  9. 本教程说明如何使用AIDE通知、操作多个接触点,并了解简单自主管理器的一些关键元素。

    This tutorial describes how to use AIDE notifications , manipulate multiple touchpoints , and understand some of the key elements of a simple autonomic manager .

  10. 雷达实现了VTS系统对周围水域的自主管理,雷达原始视频的实时监控便于对全景交通图像的观察。

    VTS system achieves the independent management of the surrounding water area using radar equipment . The radar raw video is convenient to monitor the traffic status all around in real time .

  11. 本文基于Globustoolkit3.2平台,构建了一个透明的网格信息基础设施,极大的方便了用户的操作,并充分体现了网格的自主管理性。

    The paper which is based on Globus Toolkit 3.2 platform creates a transparent grid information infrastructure , which extremely facilitates user 's operation and fully embodies the independent management of grid .

  12. 通过对科技文献中的科学数据特性的分析,采用B/S数据库体系结构以及合理的安全和用户管理策略,应用Oracle数据库系统,建立了面向用户的数据查询和用户自主管理数据的网络数据库管理平台。

    Network database system with data inquire and consumer self-determination function were built by analyzing data characteristic from technological literature , using B / S database system configuration and its rational safety and consumer management strategy , and applied Oracle database system .

  13. 该模式有别于传统意义上的业主自主管理,也不是单纯的工程监理,更不是EPC总承包,既具有PMC的基本特点,同时又引入监理单位和专业公司。

    This management mode is different from the traditional owner-independent management , it is neither simple engineering management nor EPC turnkey contracting . It has the basic features of PMC , meanwhile the management unit and expert company are introduced .

  14. 根据HNB管理需求,我们分析HNB管理研究现状的不足,在3GPP现有管理框架的基础上,提出了一种基于策略的HNB管理框架,为HNB的自主管理进行策略指导。

    Then we analyze the research status of HNB management and on the basis of 3 GPP management framework we propose a policy-based management framework , providing policy guidance for the management of HNB .

  15. 论我国民族教育自主管理政策的实践与完善

    On the Improvement of Autonomous Education in China 's Ethnic Regions

  16. 第二章是高中生自主管理实践之一:学生法庭。

    Chapter II is a study on the Students ' Court .

  17. 基于自主管理机制的网格监测系统故障诊断与恢复

    Autonomic Management Mechanism Based Grid Monitoring System Fault Diagnosis and Recovery

  18. 关于企业细胞工程&班组自主管理模式的探索

    Cell Project For Enterprises Exploring the Model of Teams Groups Managing Themselves

  19. 让班级成为学生自主管理的园地

    Let the Class Become the Students ' Paradise of Their Autonomous Management

  20. 自主管理,勤奋,独挡一面并且能够承受工作压力。

    Self-management , hard-working , independent and able to deal with pressure .

  21. 自主管理在煤矿基层车间中的应用

    Independent Management in Coal Mining Industry Basic Unit Workshop Application

  22. 相反,我们决定让这个团队完全的自主管理自己。

    Instead , we decided to let the team be entirely self-managed .

  23. 护士自主管理小组在护理病历终末质量管理中的作用

    Effect of Autonomous Nursing Team on Terminal Quality Control of Nursing Charts

  24. 中加大学生自主管理情况比较考察

    A Comparative Investigation on University Students ' Self-Governing between China and Canada

  25. 自主管理是中学教师管理的较好方法;

    Independent management is better in the management of teachers .

  26. 中学生班级自主管理研究

    Research on Middle School Students ' Class Autonomous Management

  27. 学生的良好个性在自主管理的集体中也会逐步形成。

    Good personality of the students in self-management collective will gradually taking shape .

  28. 如何建设与大学生自主管理相适应的校园环境

    How to Build Campus Environment that Fits with the Self-management of University Students

  29. 优化煤矿班队结构实施班队自主管理

    Optimized work team structure to facilitate independent work team management in coal mines

  30. 大学生宿舍的自主管理

    Students ' Self - Management of Their Dormitory