
zì yóu zhí yè
  • profession;self-employed;free occupation
  1. 我是新闻记者,我的职业是自由职业,我的立场也是自由主义的立场

    " I 'm a journalist . Mine 's a free profession , and I 'm here as an independent observer !"

  2. 个体劳动者和自由职业者可以直接到当地社会保险经办机构办理参加养老保险手续,缴纳养老保险费。

    Individual worker and free profession person can receive orgnaization of agency of local society insurance to deal with continuously attend endowment insurance formalities , pay endowment insurance is expended .

  3. 他做自由职业每年可赚2万元。

    His freelance work brings him in about $ 20 000 a year .

  4. 她生了孩子后决定做一个自由职业者。

    She had a baby and decided to go freelance .

  5. 西蒙·莱恩很快找到了适合自己的位置,成了一名忙碌的模型制作的自由职业者。

    Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker .

  6. 她从事自由职业,一边写作,一边搞研究。

    She has freelanced as a writer and researcher .

  7. 做自由职业者让她体会到无穷的快乐。

    She gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance

  8. 我在儿子亚当出世后开始从事自由职业,自此一帆风顺。

    I went freelance when my son Adam was born , and have never looked back .

  9. 我们这儿的编辑部人员大多数是自由职业者。

    Most of our editorial workers freelance here .

  10. �freelancework自由职业你是全职工作者么?不,我是自由职业者,我想什么时候工作就什么时候工作。

    No , I do freelance work , so I can work when I want .

  11. 他以自由职业获取收入

    He derives his income from freelance work .

  12. 有些出版社会有创意总监,他们会委托自由职业的设计师做设计,或者指派自己社内的设计师做。

    Some publishers have creative directors , who commission ( freelance ) or assign ( in-house ) designers .

  13. 《自由职业的国度》(FreeAgentNation)一书的作者丹尼尔•平克将最新兴起的自由职业浪潮归结为如下几个因素。

    Daniel pink , author of free agent nation , attributes the recent rise in freelancers to several factors .

  14. 据美国劳工统计局(theBureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,2009年,有1530万美国人自称自由职业者。

    In 2009 , 15.3 million Americans identified themselves as self-employed , according to the Bureau of labor statistics .

  15. ta们有时也被称为失业人员或者自由职业者。

    They may also be described as underemployed or freelance workers .

  16. 我的伴侣李(Lee)从事自由职业,卡尔得依靠我的工作得到保险。

    Lee , my partner , works freelance and Karl was covered under my work insurance .

  17. JoeLennon,软件开发人员,自由职业者

    Joe Lennon , Software developer , Freelance

  18. 他的DemandMedia每天动用一个团队的自由职业者粗制滥造出7000个视频或者文章,而这一切的根据就是复杂的网络运算来确定每天读者们都在搜集些什么内容。

    His Demand Media uses a team of freelancers to churn out7,000 videos and articles a day , based on a sophisticated computer analysis of what online readers are searching for on any given day .

  19. JörnZaefferer居住在德国科隆,是一个自由职业的Web开发人员、咨询师和培训师。

    J ö rn Zaefferer is a freelance web developer , consultant and trainer , residing in Cologne , Germany .

  20. 美国就业者组织“自由职业者联盟”(FreelancersUnion)估计,如今有5300万美国人在从事某种形式的自由职业,其中包括2100万独立承包人。

    The Freelancers Union , a US employee group , estimates that 53m Americans now freelance in some form , including 21m independent contractors .

  21. ChristianPruett,高级系统管理员,自由职业者

    Christian Pruett , Senior Systems Administrator , Freelance

  22. 雇主在这些网站上贴出面向自由职业者的工作,你可以“竞拍”这些工作(就像在ebay上竞拍一样)。

    It is a website where people post jobs for freelancers and you may " bid " like on ebay for a job .

  23. 在我看来,DIY经济其实就是自由职业市场。自主创业的时代已经到来。

    So the advice I guess for people what I call the DIY economy , do it yourself job market .

  24. Open-collarworker(字面意思为“开领工人”)指把家当办公室,在家里上班的人,即“自由职业者”。

    An open-collar worker refers to a person who does jobs at home that once required an office setting .

  25. 郑远涛建议那些想从事自由职业的人可以通过加入像QQ群或豆瓣小组这样的业内人士网络联盟,来了解行业信息。

    Zheng suggests that would-be freelancers learn more about their industry by joining online communities of industry insiders , like QQ groups and douban groups .

  26. 斯特林泰勒(sterlingtaylor)就是一位自由职业者有活干的时候,就去干干建筑工作,在这里干几天,在那里干几天。

    Sterling Taylor is a " free agent " doing construction jobs as and when they come up , a few days here , a few weeks there .

  27. SOHO是人们对自由职业者的另一种称谓,同时亦代表一种自由、弹性的工作方式。

    SOHO is the perception of the liberal professions another title , but also on behalf of a free and flexible ways of working .

  28. 但是,在你聘用律师或收款中介机构之前,霍洛维兹【她曾写过一本非常有用的书,名为《自由职业者圣经》(TheFreelancer'sBible)】还给出了下面六条建议。

    In the meantime , though , and before you hire a lawyer or a collection agency , Horowitz -- who , incidentally , wrote a terrifically useful book calledThe Freelancer 's Bible - has six suggestions .

  29. 根据全球自由职业者市场网站PeoplePerHour(PPH)在美国对5000份英音招聘启事的分析报告显示,玛丽精致高贵的口音在众多声音中最受欢迎。

    And Lady Mary 's cut-glass upper-class accent is the most popular of the lot , according to PPH 's analysis of 5000 job adverts requesting British-sounding voices in the USA.

  30. Uber专车司机是公司雇员(就像加州劳工委员会最近裁决的那样),还是利用Uber软件工作的自由职业者(像Uber主张的那样)?

    Are Uber drivers employees ( as a California labour commissioner recently ruled ) ? Or freelancers using Uber 's software to help them do their jobs ( as Uber insists ) ?