
  1. 多元线性回归分析表明,A变量与B变量均进入回归方程。二者能够很好地解释职业幸福感的变异。

    The linear multivariate regression analysis showed that Variable A and Variable B were into the regression equation , and both of them can explain better to variation of professional subjective well-being .

  2. 基于中学教师职业幸福感的学校快乐管理研究

    Research on High School Enjoyable Management Based on High School Teachers

  3. 高中教师职业幸福感问卷的编制及职业幸福感与资源的交叉滞后分析

    Development of Occupational Well-Being Questionnaire and Its Cross-Lagged Regression Analysis with Resources

  4. 新课改背景下初中教师职业幸福感研究

    A Study on Occupational Well-being of Middle School Teacher in Curriculum Reform

  5. 小学教师职业幸福感研究

    A Study on Occupational Well-being of Primary School Teacher

  6. 一位农村教师职业幸福感的叙事研究

    A Narrative Study on Occupational Well-being of a Teacher in a Rural School

  7. 希望这些对策能够有助于高校青年教师职业幸福感的提升。

    Hope that these measures can help young university teachers occupational well-being improved .

  8. 因此,对教师职业幸福感的研究应当引起足够的重视。

    Therefore , the study of teachers ' occupational well-being should betaken seriously enough .

  9. 每个人都想要职业幸福感为什么它这么难以获得呢?

    Career happiness is something everybody wants & so why is it so hard to find ?

  10. 所以,在职业幸福感和责任之间,我选择责任。

    So between a chance of professional happiness and my responsibility , I choose being responsible .

  11. 因此,笔者尝试性地从社会网络分析的角度,对经销商职业幸福感这一重要构念进行考查。

    From the perspective of social network analysis , the author tried to discuss this important construct .

  12. 从我国目前的状况来望,高中教师的职业幸福感不容乐观。

    The whole current situation on the sense of teachers'professional well-being , generally , is not so optimistic .

  13. 第一部分是论述教师职业幸福感与教师专业发展的关系。

    The first part of the paper is the relation between teachers ' occupational well-being and teachers ' professional development .

  14. 根据以上研究结果,中学教师的职业幸福感还有待于进一步提高。

    According to the research results above , the high-school teachers ' occupational happiness still remains a further rising space .

  15. 研究结果表明:近半数江阴市城镇小学班主任缺失职业幸福感。

    The results show that : nearly half of primary school head teachers in Jiangyin lack of sense of occupational happiness .

  16. 影响教师职业幸福感要素的调查与分析&以杭州市中小学为例

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Essential Factors on Affecting Teachers ' Vocational Well-being & Based on Hangzhou Primary and Middle Schools

  17. 小学班主任的职业幸福感如何,对学生的健康成长和全面发展至关重要。

    The occupational happiness of the primary school head teachers is very important for pupils to grow up healthily and improve themselves comprehensively .

  18. 以该七个因素作为自变量,职业幸福感作为因变量进一步做多元线性回归分析。

    The above seven factors as the independent variable and professional subjective well-being as the dependent variable further does multiple linear regression analysis .

  19. 因此,关注小学班主任的职业幸福感,提升小学班主任的职业幸福感就显得尤其重要。

    Therefore , to make the pupils feel happy , it is particularly important to pay more attention to primary school head teachers ' occupation happiness .

  20. 通过调查和对大量材料的分析,发现我国教师职业幸福感的总体现状是不容乐观的。

    With the help of the thorough investigation and careful analysis of a large number of materials , we find that the status quo is not optimistic .

  21. 根据日前发布的《2016网络新闻从业者生态报告》,我国互联网新闻从业者的特征是受教育程度高、工作时间长、职业幸福感低。

    China 's Internet media employees are defined by high education , long work hours and low job satisfaction , according to the 2016 report on Internet media workers .

  22. 中学校长&教师沟通行为与教师职业幸福感相关研究国际营销渠道中文化差异对于跨组织沟通行为的影响

    The Relationships among the Principal 's Communication Behavior and the Teachers ' Occupational Well-being in the Middle School Impact of Cultural Difference on Interfirm Communication in International Marketing Channels

  23. 幼儿教师职业幸福感是其职业生活的重要内容,也是衡量其工作生活质量的重要指标。

    Subjective Well-being of Kindergarten teachers at work is an important part of their work-life , and it is also an important guideline that used to evaluate their quality of work-life .

  24. 笔者在以上分析的基础上,提出了几点有关提升小学教师职业幸福感的建议。

    Therefore , the author , on the basis of analysis for the above data , puts forward some relevant countermeasures to promote professional sense of subjective well-being for primary school teachers .

  25. 在此基础上从辅导员、独立学院和社会三个方面,有针对性地提出了追寻和提升独立学院辅导员职业幸福感的建议。

    Based on that , it puts forward suggestions of pursuing and promoting Independent College counselors ' sense of happiness about career from three aspects of counselors themselves , the Independent Colleges and society .

  26. 如何提高当前我国中学校长职业幸福感水平?根据调查的问题发现和原因分析,本文从教育主管部门、校长自身和社会与舆论三个方面提出对策建议。

    According to the investigation and reason-analysis , this dissertation raises suggestions for secondary school principals promote the level of occupational well-being from three aspects : department of Education , secondary school principal itself and society .

  27. 本调查旨在了解我市班主任的职业幸福感情况,为教育行政部门和学校进一步改善班主任管理工作提供事实依据。

    The survey aims at understanding the headteachers ' well-being in our city , in order to provide the factual basis management for the education administrative departments and schools to further improve the headteachers ' Professional Well-being .

  28. 农村教师的职业幸福感失落与农村教师的幸福能力、教育管理对教师职业生命质量的忽视以及整个社会人文精神的缺失等深层内在的原因也不无关系。

    The lose of Subject Well-being is also due to teachers ' blunt sensitivity to Subject Well-being , educational executives ' neglect toward teachers vocational life , and the lack of humanistic spirit of the whole society .

  29. 研究发现,独立学院辅导员职业幸福感具有动态变化性、精神性、付出性、创造性的特点,辅导员职业幸福感的获得受环境、工作本身和辅导员自身的因素影响。

    It is found that the sense of happiness about career of independent college instructors is characterized by changeful , spiritual , dedicate , creative and is influenced by the environment , the work itself and counselors themselves .

  30. 教师只有增强岗位胜任力,才能在工作中体验到更多的成就感,他/她就会更加热爱本职工作,把工作当成实现自我价值的出发点和归宿,从而提高职业幸福感。

    Only through enhancing their post competency , can teachers feel more sense of accomplishment . Then they will enjoy their working , and make the teaching job become the starting point and end point to realize their self-value .