
  • Career;professional career;Career path
  1. 她以当英语教师开始了她的职业生涯。

    She started her career as an English teacher .

  2. 今晚是他职业生涯中最重要的比赛。

    Tonight is the biggest match of his career .

  3. 她在整个职业生涯中一直是会计师。

    She has been an accountant all her working life .

  4. 这次提升最后证明是他职业生涯的一个转折点。

    The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career .

  5. 他该从旁观者的角度来反思一下自己的职业生涯了。

    It was time to stand back and take stock of his career .

  6. 我一点也没想到这会断送了我的职业生涯。

    Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career .

  7. 他突然决定退休结束了他成就斐然的职业生涯。

    His sudden decision to retire brought down the curtain on a distinguished career .

  8. 受伤的问题有可能缩短他的职业生涯。

    Injury problems could shorten his career .

  9. 对于一段一直辉煌的职业生涯来说,这是一个惨淡的收官。

    It was a sad finale to an otherwise spectacular career .

  10. 他正步入职业生涯的后半程。

    He is getting into the latter years of his career

  11. 他的职业生涯中有很长一段时间是在好莱坞度过的。

    He spent a large part of his career in Hollywood

  12. 我职业生涯中第一次经历失败。

    For the first time in my career , I was failing .

  13. 史蒂夫和我在各自的职业生涯中处于迥然不同的阶段。

    Steve and I were at very different stages in our respective careers

  14. 哈里森辉煌的职业生涯长达60多年。

    Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades

  15. 他以一块奥运金牌为自己的职业生涯画上了圆满的句号。

    He topped off his career with an Olympic gold medal

  16. 他即将开始新的职业生涯——当一名作家。

    He 's embarking on a new career as a writer

  17. 他注定要在英格兰银行开始职业生涯。

    He was destined for a career in the Bank of England .

  18. 克劳福德为她的职业生涯提供全方位建议。

    Crawford counsels her on all aspects of her career .

  19. 伊夫琳的职业生涯蒸蒸日上,而我的则停滞不前。

    Evelyn 's career is accelerating , and mine is plateauing out a bit

  20. 霍顿在英国石油公司漫长的职业生涯中曾经让两个部门整体上起死回生。

    In his long career at BP , Horton turned around two entire divisions

  21. 在他整个职业生涯中,她一直是他心中完美女性的代表。

    Throughout his career she remained his feminine ideal .

  22. 在她职业生涯后期,最为人熟知的是和鲁道夫·努列耶夫的搭档组合。

    Her later career was best known for her partnership with Rudolf Nureyev .

  23. 职业生涯往往由早期爱好而来。

    It is often the case that early interests lead on to a career

  24. 由旅行得来的灵感伴随了他的整个职业生涯。

    The inspiration stemming from his travels lasted the length of his career .

  25. 在他的整个职业生涯中,他都是一个非同凡响的人物。

    Throughout his career he 's always been a larger than life character .

  26. 令人悲哀的是,他的国际职业生涯竟如此惨淡收场。

    It was sad that his international career should end in such anticlimax .

  27. 他的职业生涯是从利物浦大学开始的。

    His professional career started at Liverpool University .

  28. 今晚将可能成为巴恩斯国际职业生涯的转折点。

    Tonight could prove to be a watershed for the international career of Barnes .

  29. 室内设计师的整个职业生涯都是紧跟时尚潮流的。

    Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends

  30. 他的职业生涯延续了大约50年,作品既有抽象画也有写实画。

    His career spanned some 50 years and encompassed both abstract and figurative painting .