
  • 网络professional duties;Professional responsibility;Professional Liability
  1. 异步的交货在遇见程序时间表在你的私生活或职业责任的要求给你能力到因素。

    The asynchronous delivery gives you the ability to factor in the demands of your personal life or professional duties in meeting the program schedule .

  2. 谈注册建筑师的职业责任

    The talk about the professional responsibility of registered architect

  3. 美国连串的会计造假丑闻,除了孕育了跨境性的【2002萨班斯&奥克斯利法案】(SOA)外,也速使各国政府进行改革,改革增加会计师的审计职业责任和审计法律责任。

    Apart from breeding the supranational Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Corporate scandals in United States have urged governments of other countries to proceed reforms .

  4. 在中国已加入WTO的背景下,如何推行监理职业责任保险已成为一个急需解决的问题。

    On the background of China entering WTO , how to implement professional liability insurance for supervision engineers has become an imminent problem which needs to be solved .

  5. 探索建立土地登记管理职业责任保险。

    Explore the establishment of land registration management occupation liability insurance .

  6. 工程监理职业责任保险的现状及发展趋势

    Current Situation and Development Trend of Project Supervision Professional Liability Insurance

  7. 试析注册会计师职业责任的单方集体约定现象

    A Phenomenon of Unilateral Collective Agreement on the Registered Accountant 's Liability

  8. 逃离家庭和逃避职业责任已成为一种移民形式。

    The flight from family and occupational responsibility has become an exodus .

  9. 工程造价咨询职业责任保险的应用价值

    Applicable Value of Duty Liability Insurance in Engineering Cost Consultation

  10. 浅谈我国监理职业责任保险的障碍及对策

    Obstacles in Professional Liability Insurance for Construction Supervising Engineers and the Countermeasures

  11. 在我国,这是个全新的职业责任保险品种。

    It 's a type of new profession liability insurance in our country .

  12. 第三部分、第四部分从审计责任的两个具体内容:职业责任和法律责任分别来讨论,并结合我国的实际情况具体问题具体分析。

    Chapter 4 is the analysis of the legal responsibility of CPA audit .

  13. 关于工程造价咨询职业责任的思考

    Thinking of the Professional Responsibilities of Project Cost Consultation

  14. 职业责任险与专门职业的行为管理

    Vocational Liability Insurance and Behavioral Management of Special Profession

  15. 建筑业职业责任保险分析

    An Analysis of Liability Insurance in Construction Industry

  16. 建设工程相关职业责任保险研究

    Study on Professional Indemnity Insurance for Engineering Profession

  17. 我国注册会计师职业责任保险问题研究

    China Certified Public Accountants Professional Liability Insurance Study

  18. 伦理视角下的警察职业责任问题探究

    A Study on the Issue of Police Professional Responsibilities from the Perspective of Ethic

  19. 完善职业责任保险制度;

    Perfect the professional liability insurance system ;

  20. 因此我国应从多方面加强职业责任险的行为管理作用。

    So the government should strengthen the management over vocational liability insurance from various aspects .

  21. 职业责任险,金额不少于合同价值。

    Professional liability insurance for the amount no less than the value of the contract .

  22. 论监理工程师的职业责任保险

    Professional Liability Insurance for Supervision Engineer

  23. 其次,我国建立注册会计师职业责任保险制度的可行性;

    The next , our country establishes the CPA occupation the possibility of system liability insurance .

  24. 律师职业责任保险制度探讨

    On Lawyer 's Liability Insurance System

  25. 医师职业责任保险若干法律问题研究

    Research on Medical Liability Insurance

  26. 我国医疗职业责任保险的现状及展望

    On the Employer 's Liability Medical Occupational Liability Insurance in China : the present condition and further outlook

  27. 2007年,他被美国律协职业责任中心颁发的MichaelFranck

    This year , he was nominated for the Michael Franck Award presented by the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility

  28. 再次,借鉴国外经验,建立我国的注册会计师职业责任保险制度;

    Again , draw lessons from the abroad experience and establish our country 's CPA occupation liability insurance the system .

  29. 将公证过错责任分为刑事责任、民事责任、行政责任以及职业责任并分别做了介绍。

    Will notarization fault liability is divided into criminal responsibility , civil liability , and professional responsibilities and administrative responsibilities respectively .

  30. 成就动机是较强工作动机的表现形式之一,企业档案人员应该意识到自身的职业责任和价值。

    Achievement motivation is one of the pattern of manifestations , enterprise archives workers must realize their professional duty and value .