
  • 网络professional emotion;Occupational emotion
  1. 高等师范院校是培养中小学教师的摇篮,通过调查,当前大部分的师范生不愿意从教,师范生严重缺乏教师职业情感,这将极不利于教育事业的发展。

    Though Normal University is the cradle of primary and middle school teachers , many students in Normal University were found not willing to teach based on this investigation , they lacked of occupational emotion as a future teacher , which was bad to the development of education .

  2. 校园文化既可陶冶情操、培养学生职业情感,又可创造准就业环境。

    By campus culture is meant the qualities that can mould the sentiment of the students , and cultivate the professional emotion of the students and create the quasi-employment environment .

  3. 论图书馆员职业情感的核心&三爱

    On the Core of the Librarian 's Professional Emotions-Three Loves

  4. 职业情感教育在护理技能训练中的应用

    Practice of Involving Professional Affection Education into the Training Process of Nursing Skills

  5. 广州市护士职业情感现状及其相关因素分析

    Status of professional affection of nurses in Guangzhou

  6. 护理实习生的职业情感培养

    Fostering of professional sensibility of nursing probationers

  7. 护理伦理学教学中应用案例讨论法对培养护生职业情感的作用

    Effect of Case Discussion in Nursing Ethics Teaching on Cultivating Nursing Students ' Professional Affection

  8. 图书馆员的职业情感是图书馆员对图书馆职业的态度的体验。

    The librarian 's professional emotions are the experience of his attitude to the library profession .

  9. 审视苏南地区初中教师职业情感状况

    A General Survey of Professional Affective States of the Junior Middle School Teachers in Southern Jiangsu Province

  10. 目的探讨广州市护士职业情感现状及其影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the status of professional affection of nurses in Guangzhou and the related factors .

  11. 提升师德水平的有效途径有:加强教育引导,培养职业情感;

    Then the effective way of promoting the level of the ethics has : strengthen education and guide , train the job emotion ;

  12. 调查表明:不爱岗敬业者虽然是少数,但超过半数的人职业情感不强;

    The investigation shows that people of minority dont love their jobs , but people whose feeling of profession not very well exceeding half .

  13. 当前不应忽视三种校长素质:正确的教育思想、笃深的职业情感和深厚的学术涵养。教师职业情感初探

    They are : correct education ideas , sincere and deep professional affection and profound academic ability . A Preliminary Research of Teachers ' Professional Emotion

  14. 而案例、视频和活动教学则是适应体验教学的最好形式,也是培养学生专业精神和职业情感的最佳途径。

    Cases , video and teaching activities are the best forms to adapt to experiential teaching , and also the best way to cultivate students'professionalism and occupational emotions .

  15. 而辅导员的职业情感和工作态度,又很大程度上影响着学生的身心发展、未来成就,也决定着学校工作整体的运作效率。

    However , the career emotion and work attitude of the Counselor , affect the physical and mental development of the students ' future achievement at a large scale , but also determines the overall efficiency of the operation of the school work .

  16. 应采取如下措施走出缺乏教育智慧的困境:重新认识教学的意义和价值,关注教师的实践,关注教师的个体经验淡化教育改革及科研的功利性,关注教师的职业情感、激发教师的学习热情。

    To get rid of the dilemma , it is necessary to re-understand the significance and value of teaching , show due concern with teachers ' practice , weaken the utilitarian orientation of educational reform and research and arouse teachers ' professional feeling and enthusiasm for learning .

  17. 本科小学教育专业在教育实践环节方面相当薄弱,影响了小学教育专业学生职业情感的培养和教学技能的训练提高;二是重考试轻训练,学生从事教学技能训练的动力不足。

    Primary Education Professional Practice in the areas of education is weak , affecting the primary school students in vocational education , professional training and teaching emotional skills training to improve ; Second , examination light weight training , skill training in teaching the students lack of motivation .

  18. 最后呼吁:语文教师树立终身学习的意识,带着理性的目光审视自己昨天,使自己在更高的层次上培养职业情感,完善知识结构,提高教学技能,成为一名智慧型的教师。

    Finally the implication is that Chinese teachers should set up the consciousness of the lifelong learning , look at yesterday with rational eyes , develop their own profession emotion on a higher level , perfect knowledge structure , improve teaching skill , and at last become an intelligent teacher .

  19. 特里也直觉地感到了这一点,而且为自己这种显然非职业的情感感到沮丧和矛盾。

    Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her .

  20. 有一定的职业道德情感,但缺乏职业品德意志。

    2 , a certain professional ethics of emotion , but the lack of professional German goods .

  21. 是否独生子女、家庭所在地、家庭月收入、家庭凝聚力、家庭沟通、家庭冲突、父母受教育程度、职业、情感表达等,对大学生的抑郁和疏离感有不同程度的影响。

    The factors of single child , hometown , family monthly income , the familial bond , family communication , family confliction , parents ' education , occupation and their expressiveness , all influence college students ' depression and alienation state in different extent .

  22. 教师职业是高情感投入的职业,是高度情绪劳动的职业。

    Teacher is high emotional labor occupation which need to input more emotion .

  23. 不同学历护生对职业认知和情感态度的分析

    Analysis of professional cognition and affective attitude among nursing students with different academic background

  24. 中等职业学校语文情感教育探究

    On the Inspiration of Sensibility in Chinese Language and Literature Teaching in Technical Secondary Schools

  25. 结论长期接触锰可引起职业接触工人情感状态、心理运动能力、手眼协调能力的改变。

    Conclusion The emotion state , psychomotor performance and manual dexterity in the long-term manganese-exposed workers could be changed .

  26. 第二章阐述了中等职业学校实施情感性道德教育的相关理论依据,用理论指导实践。

    Related theoretical about emotional moral education in secondary vocational is expounded in chapter two , theory guiding practice .

  27. 结论:不同学历护生职业认知和情感态度有差异。

    Conclusion : There are differences in the professional cognition and affective attitude among the nursing students of different academic background .

  28. 本着尊重、关爱体育观众的理念和原则,提出了中国职业体育开展情感营销的一些方式和方法。

    Based on the concept and principle of respecting and caring for sport audience , some methods and ways of developing emotional marketing in Chinese professional sports are put forwarded .

  29. 在对结果变量的预测中,传统职业生涯对情感承诺和离职倾向都不显著;无边界职业生涯负向影响情感承诺、正向影响离职倾向。

    In the prediction of the variables , the traditional career of emotional commitment and turnover intention is not significant ; Boundaryless career negative influence emotional commitment , positive influence on turnover intentions .

  30. 不同的背景因子,例如不同性别、年龄、教龄、职称、工作量、收入、学历主要在高校体育教师职业倦怠在情感耗竭和低成就感两个维度上有差异显著。

    Different background factors , for example , gender , age , of school age , professional ranks and titles , workload , income and education background are influencing each of the dimensions of job burnout of college PE teachers , especially so with emotion exhaustion and ineffectiveness .