
  • 网络Professional Conscience;A Clean Conscience
  1. 职业良心与社会责任之冲突&暂停播出通知背后的冷思考

    Conflict between Professional Conscience and Social Responsibility

  2. 企业的会计良心和会计师的职业良心构成了会计良心的二元结构。

    The accounting conscience of the enterprises and the professional conscience of the accountants constitute the binary structure of the accounting conscience .

  3. 在护理学基础教学中加强护生职业良心教育

    Strengthen nursing students ' vocational conscience education in fundmental nursing teaching

  4. 教师职业良心是构成教师职业道德的基本因素之一。

    The teachers ' work conscience is one of the basic factors of their work ethics .

  5. 论教师的职业良心

    On Teachers ' Work Conscience

  6. 所有的这些人,不论是决策部门,企业机构还是工程从业人员,他们的工作态度、工作的责任感和义务感即职业良心都具有十分重要的作用。

    The sense of responsibility and obligation of all the people ( whether they are decision makers or the engineers ), which can be also called professional conscience , is of great importance .

  7. 公民道德教育应突出爱国主义教育的凝聚力,重视职业良心教育的感召力,发挥学校、家庭、社会在教育中的合作力。

    The education should highlight the cohesive force of patriotism education , emphasize the impelling force of vocational conscience education and bring into play the close cooperation of family , school and society in the education .

  8. 应当以行为和思想互动理论为依据,从以下几方面开展:1.激发学生树立崇高的职业理想,形成发自内心的职业荣誉感和职业道德良心;

    We based on the interaction theory of the behavior and thought , emphasizing on the below ways : 1st , stimulate the students to set up the lofty occupation idea and form the professional sense of honor and the professional ethics conscience from self-heart ;