
  • 网络Career orientation;Occupational Orientation
  1. 大学生人格对职业倾向的影响研究

    Research on College Students ' Personality Influence on Their Career Orientation

  2. 本研究根据以往的研究文献、访谈,探究人格与职业倾向之间的影响关系。

    In this research , we examine relations between personality and career orientation through the classic theories , conversation .

  3. 企业员工人格特征与职业倾向的关系研究

    Relationship of personality characteristic and vocational interest of employee in corporatio

  4. 大学生职业倾向及学习动机实证研究

    Study of vocational interest and learning motive of undergraduates

  5. 大学生职业倾向、感觉寻求及其关系研究

    The Research of under Graduates ' Occupational Tendency , Sense Seeking and Their Relationship

  6. 高职生的职业倾向不存在年级差异。

    The vocational students ' career tendency does not have the grade difference . 4 .

  7. 基于职业倾向的研发人员多职业通道设计

    The Design about Multiple Career Paths of R & D Professionals Based on Career Orientation

  8. 青年公务员职业倾向对职业满意度、工作投入影响实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Career Orientations and Career Satisfaction & Job Involvement of Young Civil Servants

  9. 研究发现,韩国公务员的学习动机和学习目的具有明显的职业倾向。

    The study shows that motives and objectives of Korean civil servants ' study have an obvious vocational tendency .

  10. 高职生的职业倾向类型存在着显著的性别差异,而年级差异不明显;

    To the tendency of occupation , there is obvious difference between male and female , but not between grades .

  11. 针对高校人力资源的特征及其职业倾向,从理论上提出激励模式;

    Pertinent to HR characteristics and its vocational tendency of Colleges and Universities , the writer proposed a motivation method theoretically .

  12. 主要得出以下结论:1、当前高职生在六种职业倾向类型上的人数分布非常不均匀。

    The mainly conclusion : 1 . The current vocational students distributing in six kinds of career tendency is extremely non-uniform .

  13. 对高职院校学生的职业倾向进行研究,可以帮助高职院校的学生了解自我、探索职业、认识社会。

    The research of higher vocational students ' career tendency can help them understand themselves , explore the occupation and know the society .

  14. 但职业倾向的影响因素极其复杂,受到生理、心理和社会等各个方面因素的影响。

    However , influential factors of vocational tendency are extremely complicated , concerning the influence of physiological , psychological , social and other factors .

  15. 围绕研发人员的职业倾向与组织满意度和激励需求之间的关系展开实证研究。

    An empirical study is launched in order to study the interaction of career orientation , organizational satisfaction and incentive requirement among R & D professionals .

  16. 依据教师职业倾向的特点和影响因素,为研究型大学管理者提出教师管理体制的相应建议,旨在提高研究型大学综合水平。

    In the paper the suggestions on developing faculties in terms of career orientation were provided in order to improve the level of aggregation of the research-oriented university .

  17. 大学生择业意向、职业倾向与职业价值观关系研究高职生所学专业、职业选择与职业倾向一致性研究报告

    The Research of the Relationship among Vocational Objectives , Vocational Tendency and Work Values ; The Report of Consistency among Major , Career Choice and Career orientation of the Vocational Students

  18. 大学生分布在六种职业倾向的人数从多到少依次是:社会型、调查型、艺术型、常规型、事业型、实际型。

    The sequence of the number of students ' distribution in the six career orientation is : Social , Investigative , Artistic , Conventional , Enterprising , Realistic . ( 2 ) C shape ;

  19. 验证了不同职业倾向研发人员在激励需求上、对激励措施的重视程度上、激励满意度和工作投入之间存在显著性差异。

    It is justified that R & D staff with different professional orientation tends to show significant difference about incentive demands , focus degree to incentive measures , incentive satisfaction , and work involvement .

  20. 大学生的职业倾向受到性别、专业和学校类型的影响:男生比女生更多地属于实际型,女生比男生更多地属于艺术型、社会型和常规型;

    Gender , major and the type of school can effect the career orientation of college students : more males than females were realistic ; more females than males were artistic , social and conventional ;

  21. 第四,自我效能感、职业倾向中艺术型和社会型的得分可以有效的预测大学生职业生涯规划水平。

    Professional tendency of art type and social type have significant correlation with career planning . Fourth , self-efficacy , professional tendency of art type and social type can be effectively predicted college students ' career planning level .

  22. 目的为选拔安置船员编制船员职业能力倾向测验(简称SVAT)。

    Objective To construct the seamen 's vocational aptitude test ( SVAT ) for selection and placement of the seamen .

  23. 目的为选拔安置水面舰艇士兵编制“水兵职业能力倾向测验”(简称SVAT)。

    Objective To construct the Seamen 's Vocatonal Aptitude Test ( SVAT ) for selection and placement of the warship soldiers .

  24. 职业心理倾向结构及其测评模型的研究

    Study on Structure of Vocational Mental Inclination and Its Measurement Model

  25. 论大学生的职业选择倾向及其引导

    On the Tendency and Guidance of College Students ' Career Selection

  26. 行政职业能力倾向测验效度的研究报告

    A study of the validity of the administration occupational aptitude test

  27. 贵州师范大学本科生职业兴趣倾向研究

    Research on the career interest tendency of students in Guizhou Normal University

  28. 地方院校心理学专业学生职业选择倾向调查分析

    The survey report on job choosing tendency of psychology majors in colleges

  29. 严格医护人员准入设立医护人员职业能力倾向性测试

    Strict access to health care workers the establishment of the professional ability tendentious test of health care workers

  30. 结论:广东省公务员考试中使用的《行政职业能力倾向测验》具有较好的结构效度,但在测验的结构和内容方面需要做一定的调整。

    Conclusion : AAT has high construct validity , though adjustment is still needed in the construct and content of AAT .