
  • 网络Career Resilience
  1. 在此基础上,文章以东北师范大学女大学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查、文献分析、比较对比等研究方法,分别从职业认同、职业洞察和职业弹性三个维度得出了职业动机的现状与问题。

    Based on that , the article takes female undergraduates as the research object . Based on questionnaires , analyzing the literature and comparison , the current situation and problems are developed in three dimensions , which are career identity , career insight and career resilience .

  2. 随后,在此研究结论的基础上,本论文从个人和组织层面分别提出了提高员工职业弹性和职业承诺的建议及对策。

    Subsequently , on the basis of the study conclusions , this part respectively proposes the suggestions and strategies to improve employees ' career resilient and career commitment from the organizational and individual levels .

  3. 职业教育弹性学习制度探析建立与之相配套的政策与制度保障体系,可以最大限度地发挥弹性学习制度的育人功能和经济效应。

    Therefore , the policy and the ensuring system related with it must be set up so that the educational function and economic effects of elastic-study system can be given to full play .

  4. 本文作者运用绩效动态分析方法对我国职业教育实施弹性学习制度问题进行了较深入的探讨。

    This paper discusses the elastic study in vocational education .

  5. 在新形势下,职业教育实行弹性学制有其可行性和优越性,它可以增强办学活力;

    Under new circumstances , practising flexible educational system has its feasibility and advantage .

  6. 制度保障是中等职业学校顺利实施弹性学习制度并取得成效的关键。

    The guarantee system is key to smoothly implementing flexible learning system in secondary vocational school .

  7. 考虑职业变动时,弹性的工作管理对你重要么?(为什么?)

    Flexible working management is important to me , because it allows me a certain degree of freedom .

  8. 本部分总结了前文的研究结论,即职业承诺在职业弹性与离职意愿之间起到了完全中介作用。

    This section summarizes the study conclusions above that are career commitment plays a full intermediary role between career resilient and turnover intention .

  9. 最后,本部分采用线性回归分析法来分析和验证职业承诺是否在职业弹性与离职意愿之间、职业弹性各维度与离职意愿之间起到了中介作用。

    Finally , the part uses linear regression analysis method to analyze and verify that whether career commitment plays an intermediary role between career resilient and turnover intention .