
  • 网络Competence;ability;vocational ability;job competence;Occupational Ability
  1. 基于工作过程中的高职学习领域职业能力内涵分析

    Analysis on the Competence Connotation in the Higher Vocational Learning Areas Based on the Working Process

  2. 以职业能力为核心构建高职学生素质教育体系济宁市成年人BMI与身体机能、素质关系的研究

    Building Competence Educational System of Higher Vocational Students with Professional Ability as Core Research on the Relationship between BMI and Physical Function and Capability Index of Adults in Jining

  3. 引进CBE模式探索化工职业能力培养

    Introduce CBE Model to probe into the Training of chemical Professional Ability

  4. 情景判断测验技术(SituationalJudgementTests,SJT)是近来发展较快的一种职业能力评价技术。

    Recently W. Situational Judgement Tests ( SJT ) is one of most quickly promoted evaluation skills lately .

  5. 个人发展规划(PDP):英国大学核心职业能力培养模式初探

    Personal Development Portfolio : Exploration on the Cultivation Model of Core Professional Competencies in Britain Universities

  6. TAFE学院是在终身教育思想、适应行业发展需求、培养学员职业能力这一办学宗旨的指引下开展职业教育与培训。

    TAFE College has carried out vocational education and training under the guidance of purposes which is the principle of life long education , adapt to the industry and need and training students ' job competence .

  7. 参考Kirkpatrick模型,在学习系统设计理论的基础上,构建以学习能力、职业能力为核心的学习绩效评估模型。

    Based on Kirkpatrick model and the theory of learning system design , this paper is intended to construct a model for evaluation of learning performance with learning ability and vocational ability as its core .

  8. 利用KSAO模型将应用性国际贸易人才的职业能力分解为知识、职业能力、素质能力和个性特质四个方面。

    The professional abilities of applied international business talents can be divided into four aspects including knowledge , professional abilities , quality abilities and personality by KSAO model .

  9. 本文认为,CBE模式十分符合EMBA教育特点,在我国EMBA教育中,借鉴CBE模式,更加有利于提高企业管理者的职业能力。

    The author holds the view that the CBE pattern conforms very much to the features of the EMBA education , and using the CBE pattern for reference in our country 's EMBA education will be helpful in training and improving professional abilities of enterprise managers .

  10. 关于培养数学教育专业学生职业能力的认识

    Remark on Cultivating the Professional Ability of Mathematics Education Major Students

  11. 高职大学英语教学应加强职业能力的培养

    English Teaching in Vocational Colleges Should Cultivate Students ' Vocational Ability

  12. 从科学技术发展谈职业能力教育

    On professional capability from the view of scientific and technical development

  13. 提高学生职业能力的高职人才培养模式探索

    On Training Vocational Talent Model to Promote Students ' Professional Abilities

  14. 治安专业学生职业能力评价体系构建

    On Evaluation System Construction of Vocational Ability of Public Security Majors

  15. 教育信息和各种职业能力认证和特殊技能包含在一起。

    Educational information is included along with certifications and special skills .

  16. 突出职业能力培养选择组织教学内容

    On Highlighting Profession-ability Training and Selecting / Organizing Teaching Contents

  17. 以职业能力为前提培养目标的实用性;

    The use value of training targets that presupposes the professional abilities ;

  18. 以校园文化活动为有效载体,强化大学生职业能力培养;

    Reinforce the cultivation of the occupational abilities through campus cultural activities ;

  19. 以职业能力培养为本位构建人才培养新模式

    Construct a New Mode of Training Upon the Standard of Professional Capacity

  20. 高职院校学生职业能力培养体系的探讨

    On Cultivating System of Students ' Vocational Ability in Higher Vocational Colleges

  21. 初步形成教师职业能力的阶段&模拟教育实习;

    The initially forming phase of teachers ' professional ability-stimulated practice education ;

  22. 在课程价值方面,实现从职业能力到内在精神的超越。

    From occupational ability to internal spirit in the value .

  23. 情境&达标式职业能力开发模式研究

    The Study on the " Objective-Situation " Model of Vocational Competency Development

  24. 面向职业能力培养的实训项目标准的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Practical Training Project Standard for Vocational Ability Cultivation

  25. 职业能力的内容包括基本职业能力和综合职业能力两个层次。

    The contents of vocational ability include basic and comprehensive vocational ability .

  26. 以协助提升学生的职业能力为追求;

    Pursue to assist in improving student 's professional ability .

  27. 高职高专工程爆破职业能力构建与实践

    Construction and Practice of Professional Ability in Blasting in Higher Vocational College

  28. 从需求分析看高校英语师范生职业能力的培养

    On the Development of Professional Ability of English Student-teachers by Needs Analysis

  29. 高职数学教育的出发点应当瞄准能力培养,结合专业注重职业能力培养。

    Higher mathematics education should aim at ability training and professional competence training .

  30. 对职校生职业能力培养的再思考

    Reflecting on Professional Abilities Training for the Students of Vocational Schools Once Again