
  • 网络Occupational Prestige;professional standing
  1. 深圳人职业声望评价的特点

    The Characteristics of the Shenzhen People 's Assessment of Occupational Prestige

  2. 我国职业声望研究二十年述评

    Review on China 's Occupational Prestige Study Over the Last 20 Years

  3. 转型时期冲突性的职业声望评价

    Conflicting Occupational Prestige Evaluation in the Transitional Period in China

  4. 教师职业声望的自我认同低于社会认同。

    Self-identity of teachers ' professional reputation is lower than social identity .

  5. 中学体育教师职业声望的形成及其发展

    Causes and its future preview of professional prestige of middle school PE teacher

  6. 当代中国社会的声望分层&职业声望与社会经济地位指数测量

    Prestige Stratification in the Contemporary China : Occupational prestige measures and socio-economic index

  7. 殡葬职工职业声望的调查与分析

    On the Investigation and Analysis of Funeral and Burial Workers ' Occupational Reputation

  8. 教师的经济待遇和职业声望正在提高。

    The teachers ' economic treatment and their occupation reputation are in the exaltation .

  9. 档案职业声望评价

    An Appraisement for Prestige of Archival Profession

  10. 城市居民职业声望评价的一致性与差异性研究

    A Research on the Consistency and Difference of Urban Residents ' Evaluation of Occupational Prestige

  11. 他们的职业声望评价如何?

    How to evaluate their reputation ?

  12. 职业声望好。

    Professional reputation is good .

  13. 结果表明,教师的工作压力主要来自职业声望压力、工作负担压力和职业发展压力;

    It was revealed that their work pressure mainly came from the professional prestige , workload and professional development .

  14. 由于工作性质的特殊性,从事这行业的职工职业声望低。

    Because of the particularity of its nature , the workers whose jobs are funeral and interment enjoy low prestige .

  15. 以上分析说明当今中国城市职业声望评价的一致性和差异性是同时存在的。

    The above analysis proves that nowadays evaluation consistency and difference of China 's urban occupational prestige exist at the same time .

  16. 专业技能、受人尊敬、社会贡献、学识及收入等是影响医生职业声望评价的主要因素。

    Main related factors of the evaluation of occupational reputation are professional skills , respect , social contribution , knowledge and income .

  17. 但他的辞职还是凸显了一个真相:职业声望是一回事,真正住在北京又是另一回事了。

    But his resignation highlights this truth : Career prestige is one thing , the reality of living in Beijing is another .

  18. 文章论述了档案职业声望及其研究意义,并根据实际调查对档案职业声望进行了部分评价。

    This article discusses the professional prestige of archives and the significance of studying it , and to which makes some appraisement based on practical investigation .

  19. 正是因为大法官对法律的绝对忠诚,才使法官在美国历年职业声望的民意测验中具有很高的声望。

    It is because of the absolute loyalty to the law that the judges enjoy high reputation during the professional opinion polls in the United States .

  20. 文章利用第五次全国人口普查数据,结合国际职业声望量表和每一职业中高中及以上文化程度劳动者所占的百分比,估计了中国就业人口的阶层结构状况。

    Based on the data of the2000 population census and the Standard International Occupation Prestige Scale , this paper elaborates the stratum structure of employees in China .

  21. 从经济待遇、社会权益和职业声望三个方面,对引起高校体育教师职业焦虑的社会地位因素进行分析。

    The article analysed the factor of society status arousing vocational anxiety to PE teacher in university form economic treatment , societal rights and interests , vocational reputation .

  22. 影响工作满意度的主要因素是个人收入满意度、福利保障满意度、对发展前景的认识、职业声望的自我评价、自我才能的实现程度。

    Affecting factors for this are the degree of satisfaction with income and welfare , acknowledge of developing prospect , appraisals of occupational reputation and realizing of abilities .

  23. 文章进一步指出,所谓职业声望评价实际上也是一种特殊形式的社会舆论,职业声望对金钱和权力起着平衡和纠偏的作用。

    The author also argues that occupational prestige evaluation is , in fact , a special type of public opinion and balances the roles of money and power .

  24. 职业声望好。外企能提升你的事业潜力,外企员工的工作能力也普遍能得到社会的认同。

    Professional reputation is good . The foreign enterprise can promote your career latent capacity , the working ability of foreign enterprise employee can get social self-identity generally also .

  25. 结果显示,我国与国外多数国家的职业声望评价有明显的差异:职业声望评价的一致性低于这些国家而冲突性、分裂性又高于这些国家。

    The figures for the consensus evaluation of prestige is much lower in China than in other countries , while figures for conflicting and divergent evaluations are much higher .

  26. 本文基于全国抽样调查数据,依据职业声望和社会经济地位指数测量,考查当代中国社会的声望分层状况。

    Based on a national survey data , the author examines the prestige stratification in the contemporary Chinese society through the measures of occupational prestige scale and socio economic index .

  27. 通过职业声望的内、外评价维度,对普通高校体育教师的职业声望现状进行了调查分析,并结合高校体育的实际情况,提出了一些调控思路。

    Through the inner and outer dimension of evaluation , the article analyses the present situation of the vocational prestige of university PE teachers and some countermeasures are put forward .

  28. 档案职业声望是人们对档案职业社会地位的主观价值评价,是决定档案职业生存和发展的重要指标。

    The professional prestige of archives is people 's subjective value appraisement to social position of archival profession , and an important norm in deciding the existence and development of archival profession .

  29. 结论是:第一,整体来看,家庭里的文化资本、人力资本、财务资本、社会资本、社经地位、职业声望,对子女的学业表现或是教育成就有显著的影响力。

    The conclusions were : 1.In general , cultural capital , human capital , financial capital , social capital , SES , and occupational prestige influenced children 's academic performance significantly ; 2 .

  30. 本文认为,民国时期教师群体的经济待遇比上不足比下有余,虽然是受聘雇佣于学校,但是还有着较高的社会地位和良好的职业声望。

    This paper argues that Republican economic treatment groups of teachers shortage worse than the previous , although employed by employment in the schools , but there is a higher social status and good professional reputation .