
  • 网络professional ethics
  1. 学习型社会图书馆馆员的社会角色与职业理念

    The Social Roles and Professional Concepts of Librarians in Learning-oriented Society

  2. 论医院管理者的职业理念与基本能力

    Discuss the Occupational Theory and Basal Ability of the Hospital Manager

  3. 从事行政审判的法官,穿行于行政权、司法权与公民权之间,形成了自己独特的职业理念。

    The judges engaged in administrative trial has formed their unique professional idea .

  4. 论新世纪图书馆员的职业理念和社会角色

    On the Occupation Principle and Social Role of the Librarian in the New Century

  5. 它是新闻工作者的一种人文底蕴和职业理念,也是新闻工作者参与社会主义和谐社会建构的重要途径和手段。

    Journalism concern is a kind of humanism detail and professional idea of News Workers .

  6. 建立正确秘书职业理念,形象,行为及专业水准

    " To develop proper professional secretarial attitude , images , conducts , and professional competencies . "

  7. 其次要倡导记者职业理念,培养记者独特品格。

    Second , we must advocate the professional concept of journalists ; cultivate a unique character of journalists .

  8. 馆员的职业理念是图书馆思想与图书馆理论的具体体现和凝结。

    The profession I dea of the librarian is the basic judgment and opinion on library idea and library theory .

  9. 论图书馆人力资源管理体制的创新21世纪图书馆员职业理念与图书馆人本管理理念的关系

    The Relations between the Profession Ideas of Librarian and the Conception of Personal Management in Library in the Twenty-one Century

  10. 分别从法律角度、图书馆内在的人文精神角度、内在的职业理念角度和现实操作角度进行阐述。

    From a legal point of view , the library are inherent humanistic spirit angle , internal occupation concept point of view and practical perspectives .

  11. 首先,医校报刊是教育传播的重要媒介和师生学术活动的重要途径;也是传播和弘扬医学救国精神和职业理念的重要平台。

    First of all , medical school magazines are significant medium of educational communication as well as important way of teachers / students ' scientific activities .

  12. 在知识经济和网络环境双重作用下,智慧服务理念是最大限度地实现图书馆价值的最佳职业理念。

    With the development of knowledge economy and Internet , the intelligence service idea becomes the best idea for library to achieve its goal and value .

  13. 本文就中国传媒严重的新闻失实问题进行了论证。文章分析了造成这种情况的原因,强调坚持新闻客观性的职业理念,以保障新闻真实。

    The thesis analyses the reasons which cause inconsistency with the facts in the press , and stresses the professional idea of news objectivity to ensure news truth .

  14. 从传统图书馆员社会角色及职业理念的成因和发展脉络分析入手,阐述网络时代馆员社会角色重新定位及职业理念亟待更新等问题。

    The position of librarians and update of their professional idsas in the network times are discussed on the basis of an analysis of their social role and the formation and development of their professional ideas .

  15. 新闻监管机制的改革、新闻价值体系的构建和新闻职业理念的革新都是进行媒介话语生产机制重建的重要措施。

    The reform of the News monitoring mechanism , the Construction of news value system and the innovation of the concept of News Career ideas are important measures to the reconstruction of media discourse production mechanism .

  16. 澳大利亚职业教育理念的借鉴与启发

    Inspiration Drawn from Australian Model for Vocational Education

  17. 对高等职业教育理念及体制的探讨

    On Higher Vocational Educational Conception and System

  18. 杜威教育思想中的职业生涯理念

    Career Ideas in Dewey 's Educational Thoughts

  19. 首先,要借鉴西方人本位的职业道德理念,拓宽职业道德教育的内涵。

    First , we should learn from Western-based professional ethics , expand the connotation of professional ethics education .

  20. 与传统的职业教育理念相比,职业能力具有更明显的优势,是社会对高等职业教育的本质要求。

    Comparing with traditional ideas of vocational education , the one focuses on professional ability is of prominent advantage .

  21. 文章重点围绕着中国大学校长职业化理念的推出、概念的界定以及职业化校长的能力结构等有关问题进行了全面而深刻的论述。

    The definition of professionalism of college principals in china , capacity structure of professional college principals is discussed deeply and comprehensively .

  22. 所有这一切表明:中国的职业教育理念,正从岗位(专业)定向教育向综合职业能力教育和终身教育转变。

    All of the above indicate the conception of the china vocation education is changing from post orient education to comprehensive vocation education and lifelong education .

  23. 如今,大学生有模糊职业生涯理念和学校的就业指导体系不够完善,导致社会上人才资源未达到合理分布。

    At present , college students have fuzzy occupation career concept and school employment guidance system is not perfect , cause talent resources in the society not to achieve a reasonable distribution .

  24. 与现代知识观相联系的现代大学思想和职业教育理念也在理性主义与功利主义、博雅教育与技术传授的论争与反思中寻找发展方向。

    Modern thought of university and the idea of vocational education related with modern view of knowledge find their developing direction in controversy over rationalism and utilitarianism , erudite education and imparting technology .

  25. 造就一支具有高等职业教育理念,具有较高理论与实践教学能力,并具有创新精神的师资队伍,是高等职业教育发展的客观要求。

    Bring up one to have higher professional educational concept , the teachers troops have higher theoretical and practice teaching ability and innovation spirit is the objective requirement of higher professional educational development .

  26. 第二部分论述了中职语文教学改革的理论依据,分别为新课程的改革理念、以就业为导向的职业教育理念和生本教育的观念。

    The second section provides an overview of the theory of education reform , broken into the theory of new course reform , the perspective of job placement as the driver for vocational training , and the perspective of student-centered education .

  27. 作为新生事物的护理硕士专业学位的教育模式尚属探索阶段,基于能力本位职业教育理念,护理硕士专业学位研究生的临床能力水平是反映其培养质量的关键。

    As a new thing , the Master of Nursing Specialist still is in a stage of exploration . Based on the concept of Competency-based education , the level of clinical competence of postgraduates of MNS is the key to reflect their quality of education .

  28. 他们在孩子们的心中注入了职业道德的理念。

    They instilled the work ethic into their children .

  29. 在北京的一家法式餐厅里,他们向贝塔斯曼集团中国区各家公司的CEO们询问了职业和创新理念的问题。

    They asked the CEOs of Bertelsmann China companies about careers and innovative ideas at a French restaurant in Beijing .

  30. 发达国家职业技术教育理念的启示

    Revelation on Vocational and Technical Education Ideas in the Developed Countries