
  • 网络Professional status;Occupational status
  1. 试论提升高校图书馆员职业地位的途径

    On the Path to Enhance Professional Status of University Librarian

  2. 社会资本与个人职业地位的获得

    Research on Social Capital and the Acquisition of Professional Status

  3. 然后研究人员要求他们估计威廉姆斯先生的薪水、职业地位和教育背景。

    With little else to go on , they were asked to estimate Mr. Williams 's salary , professional standing , and educational background .

  4. “注册会员”(CMILT)或“院士”(FCILT)称号标示着物流与运输行业中受人尊敬的职业地位。

    The designatory letters CMILT / FCILT signify a respected professional standing within the logistics & transport industry .

  5. 职业地位及声望与当代大学生就业选择

    Professional Position , Reputation and Modern College Students ' Employment Option

  6. 工作环境条件差,职业地位低;

    Enviromental condition of work is difference : professional position is lower ;

  7. 如何扩展有效的网络对女性的职业地位提升非常重要。

    How to expand the valid networks is very important to women .

  8. 事业单位女性职业地位探析

    An Analysis of the Profession Status of the Female in Public Institutions

  9. 除此之外,体制性原因也影响到女性职业地位的提升。

    In addition , the reason of system also affects the feminine status promotion .

  10. 权利本位理论也有助于教师职业地位的整体提升。

    Right-oriented theory is also helpful to the improvement of teachers ' professional status .

  11. 不同强度的关系对女性职业地位获得的影响不同。

    The different strength ties have different influence on occupational status attainment on female .

  12. ②学历高的、职业地位高的男性服刑人员更容易感知情绪。

    Male prison staff with the higher educational and profession-al status perceive emotion more easily .

  13. 他们已经赢得了自己的职业地位。

    He has earned his professional status .

  14. 农民工相对市民而言,其职业地位的社会评价处于绝对劣势地位。

    3 , The social evaluation of their occupation is in the absoluteness lower position .

  15. 收入、收入不均与健康:城乡差异和职业地位的影响

    Income , Income Inequality and Health : The Impacts of Rural-urban Gap and Occupational Status

  16. 注册会计师现在享有和医生、律师一样的职业地位。

    Certified public accountants now enjoy professional status similar to that of doctors or lawyers .

  17. 职业地位取得的社会性别差异

    Gender Difference on Occupational Status Attainment

  18. 政治精英职业地位获得在社会学学术研究中是热门而敏感的话题。

    The occupational status attainment of the elitist is the pet and sensitive subject in sociology .

  19. 城市规划师的职业地位

    City Planners ' Professional Status

  20. 此外,华人族群内部在教育水平、职业地位和收入方面存在两极分化的现象;

    Their income and occupational status are lower than the American local with the same education background .

  21. 他说,我们帮助的人越多,就越能建立口碑和职业地位。

    As you help more people , you build word-of-mouth referrals and job security , he says .

  22. 职业地位:社会分层的指示器&上海社会结构与社会分层研究

    Occupational Status : Indicator of Social Stratification , A study on social strata with hierarch in Shanghai

  23. 阶层背景对本科毕业生职业地位获得的影响市场转型与分割的阶层再生产

    The Impact of College Bachelors ' Class Background on Their Occupational Status Attainment-Market Transformation and Segmented Class Reproduction

  24. 越重视维持中关系和弱关系的女性,职业地位越高。

    Women pay more attention to maintain medium ties and weak ties , their occupation position are higher .

  25. 已有成果对雷氏家族的身份与职业地位仅有只言片语的表述,同时还存在一些误解。

    The existing studies have only a little information on its status and professional position , together with some misunderstands .

  26. 男女两性职业地位差异是导致两性社会阶层化差异的根本原因。

    The difference in occupational status between men and women is the fundamental reason for the social stratification between the sexes .

  27. 既然教师是一种专业,那么,教师的专业自主权理应得到增强,教师的职业地位、物质待遇理应得到提高。

    Therefore , teachers ' professional independence should be strengthened , and their professional status and material return should be improved .

  28. 职工下岗时间越长,导致人力资本折旧和社会资本萎缩,将越来越难以获得职业地位;

    The longer they are laid-off , their human capital depreciated and social shrunk , the more difficult they obtain professional positions .

  29. 从理论上看,对女性职业地位提升作用最大的应该是中关系,其次是弱关系。

    Theoretically , medium ties are the most useful to promote the female occupation position . Weak ties are the second order .

  30. 其中老年人的教育程度和职业地位对网络特征的影响最大,二者与网络范围有一种正向关系。

    Education and occupation are the most prominent indicator of the individual social status that is positively link to the network range .