
  1. 本文按照职业发展观的思想提出基于比较排序的企业人力资源评价基本观点和基本理论。

    Based on profession development , the paper suggests the basic views and theory of human resource appraisement of an enterprise through comparison and taxis .

  2. 职业教育发展观是从哲学角度对发展的诠释,是人们对经济社会发展总的看法和根本观点。

    The modern view of the development of vocational educational is an philosophical explanation which is overall and basic understanding of socioeconomic development .

  3. 全面建设小康社会与职业教育均衡发展观

    Constructing the well - off society in all round way and the view of balance development in vocational education

  4. 因此,基于工作而形成的雇佣关系是社会的基本关系之一,决定了人们的生活水平、精神状态、职业发展和社会价值观等重要内容。

    Employment relations are the basic relations that determine our living standard , psychosis , profession development and social values .

  5. 城乡统筹发展职业教育是一种新型职业教育发展观。

    It is a new concept of development of vocational education .

  6. 科学发展观与高等职业教育基于五大视角的现代职业教育发展观

    The Viewpoint of Scientific Development and Higher Vocational Education Five major view basis of modern vocational education

  7. 正确的大学生职业价值观包括正确的职业价值取向、科学的职业理想、合理的职业价值目标和科学的职业发展观。

    College students ' correct professional value consists of correct professional orientation , scientific professional expectations , reasonable professional aim and scientific concept on professional development .