
  • 网络Career Choice;Career Options;Choosing an Occupation;vocational choice
  1. 如今的青少年敬佩自己的父母,他们乐于接受父母在重要问题比如职业选择上的指导——但并不包括父母在一些个人品位方面的意见,比如音乐、时尚。

    Today 's teenagers admire their parents and welcome parental guidance about important matters such as career choice — though certainly not Mom and Dad 's advice on matters of personal taste , such as music or fashion .

  2. Bale承认这种经常性的搬家给他的职业选择造成了影响。

    Bale acknowledges that this constant moving was a major influence on his career choice .

  3. 找份市场营销的工作是一个不错的职业选择。

    Getting a job in marketing was a good career move .

  4. 年轻人有各种职业选择机会。

    There are a wide range of career opportunities open to young people .

  5. 对于在国家和国际层面正确制定经济政策,让个人能够做出正确的职业选择来说,了解技术趋势非常重要。

    Understanding technological trends is very important for correctly designing economic policies , both at the national and the international levels , and for making the right career choices at the individual level .

  6. 43%的X世代还说,他们偿还学生贷款的能力在职业选择中起到了重要作用。

    Also , 43 % say their ability to repay student loans plays an important role in their career choices .

  7. 大学生职业选择的SWOT战略分析

    SWOT Strategic Analysis of Job Choice of University Students

  8. 难道说有了PR和市场营销两门的专业知识不会让我有更多的职业选择吗?

    Wouldn 't having expertise in PR and marketing giving me more career options ?

  9. 情景测验在人员选拔中的应用自我职业选择测验(SDS)的试用报告

    The application of situational test in employment selection A report on the use of Self-Directed Search Inventory

  10. 虽然纽约大学理工学院(PolytechnicInstituteofNewYorkUniversity)无需应对与人文学科博士项目同样惨烈的存亡问题,但他们也开始尝试拓宽其博士候选人的职业选择。

    While not grappling with the same existential questions as humanities programs , the Polytechnic Institute of New York University is trying to expand career options for its Ph.D. candidates .

  11. 尽管她的职业选择可能不再是传统mba毕业生的选择,但她的商业策略显然仍符合传统的mba毕业生。

    Though her choice of career may no longer be that of a conventional MBA graduate , her business strategy certainly is .

  12. 在某些行业,MBA学位实际上是一项必备条件。而在其它行业,念MBA可能被视为一种极其古怪的职业选择。

    In some sectors , an MBA is virtually a prerequisite , but in others it might be viewed as a positively eccentric career choice .

  13. 然而,在伦敦金融城工作的咨询心理学家迈克尔•辛克莱博士(DrMichaelSinclair)发现,在30多岁这个群体中,越来越多的人对自己的职业选择和生活深感焦虑。

    However , Dr Michael Sinclair , a consultant psychologist based in the City , has observed increasing numbers of thirtysomethings experiencing profound anxiety about their career choices and lives .

  14. 当他从ScholaMagistrale毕业后,帕瓦罗蒂面对一个职业选择困境。

    After he graduated from the Schola Magistrale , Luciano faced the dilemma of a career choice .

  15. 当代大学生职业选择

    On choosing professions by college students in the modern age Choice

  16. 大学生职业选择和职业价值观的调查研究

    Research on College Students Occupations and Occupational Values Through Questionaire Method

  17. 你做职业选择,伙计,我提供资金。

    You made a career choice buddy and I bankrolled it .

  18. 而对自我客观准确的认知是个体职业选择的基础。

    In which self-knowledge is the base of individual career choice .

  19. 论大学生的职业选择倾向及其引导

    On the Tendency and Guidance of College Students ' Career Selection

  20. 大学生职业选择及适应心理探析

    A probe into college students'the psychology in job selection and adjustment

  21. 这是不忠还是一次正确的职业选择?

    An act of disloyalty or simply a good career move ?

  22. 对于这部分师范生而言,家庭环境是影响其教师职业选择的重要因素。

    Family background is a key impact on their career choice .

  23. 现在你的职业选择是什么?

    What career options do you have at the moment ?

  24. 你为什么会做出这样或那样的职业选择?

    Why did you make this or that choice of career direction ?

  25. 是一种职业选择,所以是种技术。

    It 's a career choice . So , vocation .

  26. 那是解决那些职业选择问题的一个关键。

    That 's a keybuilding blocking that fix into the career-path questions .

  27. 她父母支持她的职业选择。

    Her parents backed her in her choice of career .

  28. 职业选择可能是一项很艰难的决定。

    Choosing a career can be a very difficult decision .

  29. 教育对农民职业选择的导向效应。

    For farmers ' employment choice , education has the direction effect .

  30. 职校生职业选择态度与职业选择能力研究

    Study on Vocational School Students ' Attitude and Ability of Career Choice