
  1. 在这部分中,首先利用在X市地税局基层组织文化建设项目中搜集到的数据和资料,通过SPSS专业统计软件进行分析整理,找出该局职业荣誉感存在的问题。

    In this part , using the data and information collected in the cultural construction projects in X City Local Taxation Bureau of grassroots organizations , then depended on the professional statistical software SPSS for analysis to identify the problems of the council professional pride .

  2. 中职语文教师要转变观念、要保持职业荣誉感、要走专业化之路、要不断提高人格魅力。

    Chinese teachers in secondary vocational schools should change the ideas , maintain a sense of honor in the occupation and enhance personality charm .

  3. 提高认识,树立职业荣誉感;提高素质,加强道德修养;加强学习,完善知识结构;积极实践,提高工作效率等。

    To raise awareness , foster professional pride ; Improve quality , strengthen the moral cultivation ; Enhance learning , improve the knowledge structure ; Actively practice , improve work efficiency .

  4. 应当以行为和思想互动理论为依据,从以下几方面开展:1.激发学生树立崇高的职业理想,形成发自内心的职业荣誉感和职业道德良心;

    We based on the interaction theory of the behavior and thought , emphasizing on the below ways : 1st , stimulate the students to set up the lofty occupation idea and form the professional sense of honor and the professional ethics conscience from self-heart ;