
  • 网络Occupational Demand;vocational needs;Occupational Needs;Occupation
  1. 大学生英语应用能力职业需求趋向性的调查分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Occupational Demand Trend in College Students ' English Application Ability

  2. 媒体职业需求的变化,无疑给高校的新闻摄影教育发出了信号,迫使新闻摄影教育课程必须应时而动、应时而改、应时而革。

    The changes of the vocational needs of the media , no doubt sends the signal to university photojournalism education , forcing the photojournalism education course reform .

  3. 卡拉赞各BOSS掉落及其布衣职业需求分析。

    The BOSS karaoke Zan falling demand analysis and commoner career .

  4. 论体育教育专业改革的职业需求适应性

    On the Professional Needs of the Reform of Physical Education

  5. 四是面向社会职业需求、内外结合的有机过程。

    Fourthly , it is the process to meet the social demands .

  6. 争议解决是实现这些个人和职业需求的良好途径。

    Dispute resolution is the ideal vehicle for meeting these professional and personal needs .

  7. 综合职业需求理论模型的构建

    The Establishment of Comprehensive Theory Career Need

  8. 但因为职业需求的紧迫性,这一情况已开始有所改观。

    But things are starting to change , prompted by a growing sense of urgency about employment .

  9. 只要人类不停止生小孩,教师的职业需求就不会停止。

    As long as human beings continue to have children , there will be a need for teachers .

  10. 护理人员压力源主要集中在护理专业及工作方面、社会方面和继续教育与职业需求方面。

    The main source of mental pressure were nursing work , social supply , continue education and occupation demands .

  11. IT企业知识员工的职业需求问题&厦门市A公司案例研究

    Research on knowledge workers ' requirement in IT enterprises & Empirical analysis based on an IT company in Xiamen City

  12. 企业情报职业需求分析&基于招聘网的统计与挖掘

    An Analyze on the Social Needs of Information Profession & Based on the Statistic and Mining Data of Employment Website

  13. 宁波市三级医院护士工作满意度和职业需求特征调查及管理对策

    Survey on the nurses ' job satisfaction and occupation need in exclusive hospital of Ningbo city and strategies to manage

  14. 在游戏设计的角度上,这个改动带来的便利是在副本战斗中可以增加更多的特定职业需求。

    In terms of game design , one of the options it opens up is for specific classes in dungeon encounters .

  15. 研发人员职业需求、职业发展规划与工作满意度研究&以中关村为例

    The Study of Career Needs , Career Development Programmes and Job Satisfaction of R & D Personnel : the Case of Zhongguancun

  16. 由于办公设施不外乎一部电话一台电脑,因此,很多人都选择在家里工作。目前这一职业需求量也很大。

    Because all they need is a phone and a computer with an Internet connection , many technical writers work from home .

  17. 我们的目标是让员工对每天的工作心怀期待,同时也从职业需求和为人处事两方面培养他们。

    Our goal is to make our people look forward to coming to work everyday and also develop as people & professionally and personally .

  18. 专业不是某一级学科,而是处在学科体系与社会职业需求的交叉点上。

    Specialty is not at the level of a certain discipline , but at the crossing point of a discipline system and professional needs in the society .

  19. 研究结果发现吸菸者多在青少年时期初次接触菸品,之后因为同侪鼓励、生活压力或职业需求等原因持续抽菸,进而形成习惯。

    The research indicated that smokers usually started smoking during their teenage years and then developed a habit due to peer pressure , or stress from their job or life .

  20. 是的,去吸引理想的候选人,展现申请人对公司的工作和职业需求的反应,对招聘广告来说也是很必要的。

    Yeah , to attract ideal applicants , it 's also necessary for our job advertisement to show the responsiveness of our company to the job and career needs of the applicants .

  21. 许多大学毕业生在择业时走入误区,高校应抓住改革机遇,适时建立并调整大学生的职业需求体系,从而培养出更多更好的适应社会需要的人才。

    In order to cultivate more higher quality talents fit for social need , colleges and universities should grasp reform opportunities , in the meanwhile , construct and adjust the professional demand system of college students .

  22. 年龄、性别、体质、心理素质、教育背景、家庭出身、生活区域、职业需求、就业制度、社会风气等等都会影响一个人的职业期望。

    Factors such as age , gender , habitude , mentality , education background , parentage , living region , career demand , employment system , social ethos etc. , all impose some influence on individual career expectation .

  23. 最后建构了一种着眼于时代的要求,建立以学生的发展为本,以能力培养为中心,以职业需求为主线的五年制幼儿师范教育课程结构。

    To establish a kind of " focusing on the requirements of The Times , to build the development of students , to train the ability for as the center , take the professional requirements for the preschool teacher education " five-year course structure .

  24. 学生对课程设置的评价普遍不高,34.0%的学生认为课程的应用性不强,51.8%的学生认为课程不能满足职业需求,教学内容的前沿性差、教学方法手段单一是学生反映的普遍问题。

    Students on the curriculum evaluation are generally not high , 34.0 % students think course applied not strong , the students think course 51.8 % cannot satisfy the profession demands , the advanced difference teaching content , teaching methods single is the common problem .

  25. 研究得出:(1)甘肃政法学院警察专业学生的入学身体素质很差,没有达到警察职业需求规定的标准,并且学生的警务技能水平也一般。

    Research results are as follows : 1 . The students of the police physical quality is poor in Gansu Political Science and Law Institute , cannot reach the police professional demand of the specified standards , and students ' police skills level also generally . 2 .

  26. 泛化理解边缘性学科的教育内涵,在应用型专业盲目施行背离职业需求的培养模式,是对复合型专业人材一专多能本质涵义的严重曲解。

    Understanding the educational connotation of frontier sciences in general terms and applying blindly the training patterns , which deviate from the occupational demands to applied specialities is a serious distortion of the nature of the compound professional talents who specialized in one field but able in many .

  27. 南宁市PCO职业培训需求调查分析

    A Professional Learning Demand Analysis and Investigation of Nanning

  28. 适应职业发展需求的本科人才培养模式构建:ANU的经验考察

    Establishing a Career-oriented Education Model for Undergraduates : the ANU 's Experience

  29. 高校师范生是未来的教师、未来的知识工作者,做好个人知识管理不仅是个人发展的需要,更是教师职业的需求。

    The College Normal Students are future teachers and knowledge workers .

  30. 新世纪农民职业教育需求的调查与分析

    Demanding investigation and analysis on peasant vocational education in new century