
  • 网络professional identity;occupational identity;Professional self-identity;career identity
  1. ⑷教师职业认同感和教学效能感显著影响中小学教师的工作投入,教师职业认同感在教学效能感与工作投入之间发挥中介作用。

    ⑷ Professional identity and teaching efficacy significantly affected primary and secondary school teachers , work engagement , professional identity in teaching efficacy and play an intermediary role between work engagement .

  2. 本章从系统观点出发,指出提升成人高校教师的职业认同感,既需要发挥政府的主导作用,又需要加强学校组织对教师人力资源的科学管理,更要重视教师自我素养的培养与提高。

    Basing on the systematic approach , the study points out that in order to raise teachers ' professional identity , the government should pay a leading role , the adult school should strengthen teachers ' human resource management , and especially teachers must improve their qualities .

  3. 护士在临床工作中得到的表扬对于增加护士的职业认同感有良好的促进作用,从而减轻离职的意愿。

    The praise nurses obtained in the clinical work increased nurses ' occupation identity , so as to reduce their turnover intention .

  4. 中国文化价值下的社会工作者要求具备的角色特征主要表现为:积极的职业认同感,良好的心理素养,真诚的合作态度,无条件的尊重,助人自助的理念,熟练的心理工作技能。

    Chinese cultural values require social workers of main features : an active role in the occupational identity , excellent psychological quality , sincere attitude towards cooperation , unconditional respect , the idea of helping people and helping themselves , and skilled psychological skills .

  5. 而现行的高职院校酒店管理专业发展却不容乐观,其专业领域和方向相对狭窄,毕业生普遍缺乏奉献精神和职业认同感,课程体系设计缺乏创新性。

    But the present development of cafes management specialty in higher vocational school isn ′ t optimistic . Its specialty realm and direction is relative limited , graduates lack of dedicative spirit and professional identification view popularly , and the design of curriculum system is short of innovation .

  6. 但是,由于相关制度和措施的落后,辅导员的职业认同感较差,对辅导员激励管理的力度不够,这大大影响了辅导员工作的热情,造成辅导员工作状态消极和辅导员队伍不稳定的现象。

    However , due to system and measures related to the backward , poor identification with career counselors , the counselors have not done enough incentive management , which greatly affected the enthusiasm of the work of counselors , resulting in counselors and counselors working condition unstable negative phenomenon .

  7. 要妥善规划各阶段教育实习,强化对教师职业的认同感;增加职后进修机会,积极鼓励进修。

    To properly plan the various stages of educational practice , increase continuing education opportunities .

  8. 一方面,通过对名师之所以成名的原因剖析,可以辅助其他教师尤其是青年教师端正职业立场、提高职业认同感;

    On the one hand , by analyzing the reason for their becoming famous , we may help other young teachers straight professional manner and enhance professional sympathy ;

  9. 这不仅有利于加深我们对外语教师职业专业化的认识和自我职业的认同感,而且对我国外语教师资格制度的深入研究提供了一些前提性准备工作。

    The studies can not only deepen our understanding of foreign language teachers professionalism and their self-identity , but also contribute to the preparation work for further researches on the professional qualifications and standards system for foreign language teachers in China .

  10. 结合高校辅导员职业倦怠的表现与成因,分别从做好选聘工作,增强职业认同感,提高辅导员综合素质,营造和谐工作环境等方面,提出了缓解辅导员职业倦怠的对策和建议。

    According to the causes and representation of job tiredness of university counselors , it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of the selection of engagement , enhancement of professional identity , improving their comprehensive quality , and the creation of harmonious working environment .