
  1. 你的职位与你的个人职业生涯目标符合吗?

    How well does your position align with your personal career objective ?

  2. 107名护理本科生职业生涯目标分析

    Analysis on professional career goals and paths of 107 college nursing students

  3. 在此基础上,自己同企业一同发展,自己的职业生涯目标与企业目标息息相关。

    On this foundation , oneself develop together with the enterprise , oneself professional career goal and company goal be closely bound up .

  4. 一方面有利于提高青年医务工作者工作的积极性、主动性和创造性,提高青年医务工作者的医疗业务水平和科研创新能力,更好的实现其职业生涯目标。

    On the one hand , better to improve youth medical talents ' work enthusiasm % initiative and the creativity , raise young medical talents ' medical service level and scientific research innovation ability , better implementation their career goals .

  5. 更重要的是,我非常有兴趣加入的税务部门作为我的职业生涯长远目标是成为一个税务顾问。

    What 's more , I have great interest in joining the Tax Department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant .

  6. 他们有目标,他们相信自己,他们敢于冒险,他们借助他人,他们对自己要求较高,一旦作出决定,他们会为自己的职业生涯和目标担负起全部责任。

    They set goals , they believe in themselves , they take risks , they work through people , they demand much of themselves , they make decisions and they take full responsibility for their careers and objectives .

  7. 他个人职业生涯中的目标与动机都非常开诚布公地告诉了我们。

    He was very open about his motivation about his goals in life with his career .

  8. 教师职业生涯必要修养的目标是培养优良的教师职业素质。

    The goal of teachers career planning is to develop excellent professional quality .

  9. 职业生涯发展指个体逐步实现其职业生涯目标,并不断制定和实施新的目标的过程。

    The profession development refers to that the individual gradually to achieve its professional goal , and unceasing formulate and implement new goal process .

  10. 第三,论述大学生职业生涯规划的原则、步骤,以及职业生涯规划与班级目标结合的问题。

    Third , students discussed the principles of career planning , steps , and career planning goals and the problem of combining classes .

  11. 职业适应期则强调制定切实可行的策略、不断反省和修正职业生涯目标等。

    During the period of vocational adjustment , they should focus on the practicable strategies , constantly reflect on and revise their career goals .

  12. 图书馆开展职业生涯规划的步骤是:对员工进行分析与定位;帮助员工确定职业生涯目标;

    This paper discusses the measures of career planning in libraries , such as analyzing and orientating personnel , helping them fix their career aims and draft their career measures , and evaluating and correcting their planning .

  13. 职业生涯规划一般是指个体基于对主客观职业因素的多种分析,明确职业生涯发展目标,为实现职业生涯发展目标制定相应的学习工作计划,并按照计划来实现自己职业生涯目标的过程。

    Career planning is generally refered to an individual based on a variety analysis on the subjective and objective occupational factors . Then make a clear career goal and a appropriate work plan , and follow the plan to achieve your career goal .

  14. 职业生涯规划是现代人力资源管理的重要方面,有效地开展职业规划,不仅有利于个人职业生涯目标的成功实施,也有利于组织目标的顺利实现。

    Career planning is an important aspect of modern human resources management , effectively carry out professional planning , not only benefit to the success of individuals career goals , but also to the realization of the organizational goals .

  15. 成立职业生涯管理委员会和人力资源管理部门,建立公平公正的评估和考核体系,促使青年医务工作者努力提升自身业务水平和综合素养,保障其职业生涯目标的实现。

    Established career management committee and human resources administration departments , establishing a fair and impartial assessment and evaluation system , to raise young medical talents the level of their own business , guarantee their comprehensive qualities and career goals .