
  1. 其二是情绪智力对职业生涯决策策略的影响,研究结果表明,职业生涯决策是一个有限理性的决策过程,是一个分阶段的信息加工过程。

    The other is the impact of emotional intelligence on career decision-making 's strategy which indicates career decision-making is a bounded rationality and multistage decision-making process .

  2. 女大学生职业生涯发展规划策略研究

    Study on Strategies of Career Developing and Designing for College Women

  3. 谈有效职业生涯设计的基本策略

    On the basic strategy of valid career design

  4. 第四章具体讲述了在中等职业学校实施残疾人职业生涯规划的策略。

    The fourth chapter elaborates strategies about career planning of the disabled in secondary vocational school .

  5. 基于职业周期的IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理策略

    Career Management Strategies for IT Industry Knowledge-based Employees Basing on Career Cycle

  6. 在对知识经济背景下企业职业生涯管理的内涵、特点进行分析的基础上,探讨了企业职业生涯管理的策略。

    The connotation and features of enterprise career cultivation management in knowledge-based economy are analyzed . Strategies of career cultivation management are discussed .

  7. 第四章阐述了如何进行基于胜任特征的职业生涯管理,并在此基础上阐述了实施基于胜任特征的职业生涯管理的组织策略。

    Chapter IV describes how to carry out organizational career management basis on the competency model . And describe the specific career management strategy .