
  • 网络professional discipline
  1. 法官监督机制作为对法官进行有效监督的重要方式,其主要包括对法官业务上的监督和对法官职业纪律上的监督。

    Judge supervision mechanism as an important way for the judge to supervise effectively , it mainly includes the supervision of the judge on the business and the supervision of the judge on the professional discipline .

  2. 另一个原因在于有些生意人缺乏职业纪律。

    The other reason lies on some businessmen 's short of occupational disciplines .

  3. 本周英国就一位心理治疗师试图改变同志性取向而举行了一场职业纪律听证会,会上探讨了试图改变男性同志性取向的治疗方法。

    A psychotherapist who tried to convert a gay man to become heterosexual faces being struck off at a landmark disciplinary hearing this week .

  4. 医生必须遵守职业纪律,不希望病人形成必须送礼的观念或认为礼物可能跟治疗有影响。

    Doctors must maintain professional boundaries and don 't want patients to get the idea that gifts are necessary or that they might influence care .

  5. 奥马尔•桑顿,34岁,哈特福德啤酒经销商司机,离开职业纪律听证会后开始开枪射击,最后开枪自杀。

    Omar Thornton , 34 , a driver for Hartford Distributors , leaves a disciplinary hearing and begins shooting before turning the gun on himself .

  6. 美国四大球职业联盟纪律处罚中程序公正性的探析&对完善我国职业体育纪律处罚程序的启示

    A Research on Procedure Fairness in the Discipline Punishment by American Professional alliance of the Four Big Balls & An Enlightenment for the Perfection of the Discipline Punishment Procedure of Professional Sports in China

  7. 中国专利局委托中华全国专利代理人协会对专利代理人的职业道德、执业纪律、业务培训等事项进行年检。

    The Patent Office of the people 's Republic of China authorizes and entrusts the All-China Patent Agents Association to undertake the annual examination on patent agents on their professional ethics , practice discipline , vocational training and other pertinent matters .

  8. 会计职业界需要关注我们的职业纪律和互查制度,一一加以解决。

    The accounting profession needs to acknowledge concerns about our system of discipline and peer review , and address them .

  9. 以德治警的指标体系包括完善的警察道德规范、高尚的警察职业文化和严密的警察职业纪律三方面的内容。

    The index system of administering police by morals includes perfect police moral norms , lofty police vocational culture and strict and impartial police vocational discipline .