
  • 网络occupational classification;ISCO;NOC;ANZSCO
  1. 国际标准职业分类体系(ISCO),在国际上得到普遍认可并被各国广泛采纳,最新的分类体系为2008版本。

    ISCO has widely recognized and adopted by countries internationally , the latest classification system is the 2008 version .

  2. 检视扶轮社的填补及未填补的职业分类名册。

    Examine the club 's roster of filled and unfilled classifications .

  3. 你能够使用什麽方法来寻找新的职业分类?

    What methods can you use to identify new classifications ?

  4. 职业分类以农民(27例)和学生(25例)为主;

    Occupation : 27 persons are farmers , 25 persons are students .

  5. 国际移民和就业安置职业分类

    International Classification of Occupations for Migration and Employment Placement

  6. 报关员纳入国家职业分类体系

    Customs Declarer Included into National Vocational Category System

  7. 职业分类和职业名称目录

    Classification of Occupations and Directory of Occupational Titles

  8. 在我国的职业分类中,校长也被作为独立的职业得到了确认。

    Principal is also confirmed as an independent profession in the country vocational classification .

  9. 农业职业分类是实施农业职业教育的基础和依据。

    Agricultural vocation classification is the foundation and basis of implementing agricultural vocational education .

  10. GB/T6565-1999职业分类与代码

    Classification and codes of occupations

  11. 本文主要分为四个方面的内容。第一,国际标准职业分类的产生和演化。

    Paper is divided into four aspects . First , the generation and evolution of International Standard Classification of Occupations .

  12. 职业分类的应用涉及很多领域,且各国的职业分类也各具特色。

    The application of the classification of occupation involves many areas , and there are characteristics of occupation classification in the various countries .

  13. 尤其是国际上新版本出现后,中国尚未对中国职业分类做出有效的修订。

    In particular , there is a new version of the international community , China has not yet make effective work in revising job classification .

  14. 鉴于此,本文选择了研究国际标准职业分类,并与中国分类做对比分析,以期为中国职业分类的修订奠定一点基础。

    In view of this , the paper chose to study International Standard Classification of Occupations , and to do comparative analysis with the Chinese classification .

  15. 体育人不仅仅是职业分类上的简单称谓,它的身份标志是体育精神,这是竞技体育培育的独特的伦理品质,蕴含尊重、友爱、诚实、守信等美德。

    Sportsperson is not just a simple title on the classification of occupations . Its identity logo is the spirit of sport , which is the unique ethical quality developed by competitive sport .

  16. 主要包括法律、规章、管理工作规程以及体育职业分类、体育职业技能标准、体育职业技能鉴定规范和体育职业技能鉴定站资格标准。

    The regulations include : law , regulation , management rules , the standards of sport occupation classification and sports vocational competency , sports vocational competency authentication , the criterion of sports vocational skills qualification .

  17. 在研究国内外已有劳务派遣法律规制的基础上,笔者结合对我国职业分类的理解,提出了从职业分类角度对劳务派遣适用范围进行明确和规范。

    Based on the study of domestic and international legal regulation , with understand of job classification , the author proposed make norms and a clear scope of labor dispatching from the perspective of the job classification .

  18. 笔者借鉴并采用了中国社会科学院当代中国社会阶层结构课题组的分类标准,即以职业分类为基础,以组织资源、经济资源和文化资源的占有情况为标准。

    I have learned classification criteria from a " class structure of contemporary Chinese society group " of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences which are organization resources , economic resources and cultural situation as a standard , based on job classification .

  19. 职业学校分类教学模式实验效果分析

    Analysis report of experiment result of classified teaching model in vocational schools

  20. 论教师的职业技能分类及培训原则

    On the Classification of Teachers ' Professional Technical Ability and Training Principles

  21. 城市常见职业的AET分类

    Job Analysis of Common Municipal Occupations

  22. 建设项目职业病危害分类方法的探讨

    Discussion on the classification method of occupational risks in construction item

  23. 《职业技术教育分类主题词表》构建研究

    The Construction of Classified Thesaurus for Vocational and Technical Education

  24. 按照《建设项目职业病危害分类管理办法》第三条的规定,项目属严重职业病危害建设项目。

    It belonged to construction projects with serious occupational hazards according to the national regulations .

  25. 将下列表示职业的词语进行分类。

    Complete the chart with the words from the list .

  26. 职业年金制度采取分类模式是一个非常重要的部分,它关系到改革是否能顺利进行,是解决过渡时期非常重要的手段。

    Classification model of the systerm is an important part . It influences the implement of the reform and is the main means in the transition period .

  27. 职业停滞的现有分类存在诸多问题,一定程度上导致了目前职业停滞预测效果、治理效果不理想的局面。

    Many problems was founded in the current classification of career stagnation , which made the forecast and governance effect on career stagnation dissatisfying to a certain extent .

  28. 刻板印象是指按照性别、种族、年龄或职业等进行社会分类,形成的关于某类人的固定印象。

    Stereotype refers to the fixed impression of certain types of people in accordance with social classification such as gender , race , age or occupation and so on .

  29. 1995年5月足浴按摩作为一个职业被收录进中国职业分类目录。

    In May1995 , the foot massage was accredited as a vocation and listed in China Vocation Classification Catalogue .

  30. 首先,对就业准入制度、职业资格证书制度、职业标准、职业分类、职业资格鉴定等主要概念进行了界定。

    First of all , the system of obtain employment admittance , occupation qualification certificate system , occupation standard , occupation classification occupation qualification , main concept .