
zì xìn xī
  • self-information
自信息[zì xìn xī]
  1. 利用信息论中自信息和熵的概念,给出了故障特征信息量的定义,介绍了故障特征信息量的计算方法。

    The fault signature information content is defined using the concepts of self-information and entropy in the information theory , and the algorithm of the fault signature information content is presented .

  2. 自信息被量化以来,通常用信息量的多寡来评价接收者获取信息的多寡。

    Since information is quantified , the obtained information quantity can be assessed by the information quantity . Information collection and using ;

  3. 为了能够将可视化对象的级别聚集到最高级别,即数字级别,本文提出应用信息熵作为可视化特征的表示,即用图像的平均自信息量表示图像。

    For aggregating the level of visual object to the number level , we propose one method : entropy as a visual feature of images .

  4. 两传感器自校正信息融合Kalman滤波器

    Two-sensor Self-tuning Information Fusion Kalman Filter

  5. 自校正信息融合Wiener滤波器及其收敛性

    Self-tuning Information Fusion Wiener Filter and Its Convergence

  6. 为达到充分发掘信息组合潜能的目的,利用多智能体(multi-agent)技术构建了自协同信息融合系统。

    In order to mine the potential information combination , the cooperative intelligent information fusion system based on multi-agent technology is constructed .

  7. 主要介绍了自地理信息系统(GIS)技术发展以来,空间地理数据库建设的模式及特点。

    This article mainly introduce the construction model and characteristics of spatial geography database during the progress of GIS technologies , analysis the advantages and disadvantages of some kinds of constructions model of database .

  8. 用仿射运动模型描述平台的运动,通过基于MAX金字塔的仿射运动估计和对准,清除图像中平台的自运动信息。

    Then we use affine motion modal to describe the motion of platform , and the motion information of platform is removed after an affine image registration . max had been found .

  9. 它避免了Riccati方程,可用于设计含未知模型参数和含未知噪声方差系统的自校正信息融合滤波器。

    It avoids the Riccati equation and can be applied to design the self-tuning information fusion filter for systems with unknown model parameters and unknown variances .

  10. 以上结果提示在外周持续性伤害性信息传递过程中,脊髓背角神经元和星形胶质细胞均参与介导了BV诱发的持续性自发痛信息的传递、加工和处理过程。

    The results indicate that in spinal dorsal horn both neurons and astrocytes are involved in the processing of persistent spontaneous nociception induced by BV .

  11. 信息素养作为一个概念,自美国信息产业协会主席保罗·车可斯基(PaulZurkowski)于1974年首先提出以来,其内涵一直随着人们对它的不断重视和深入研究而日益得到丰富和拓展。

    Information literacy , being a concept , was first posed in 1974 by Paul Zurkowski , Chairman of AIIC ( American Information Industry Committee ) . Scholars have been continued to study this topic , which ends in the further development of it 's connotation .

  12. 广义系统最优与自校正信息融合滤波器

    Optimal and Self-tuning Information Fusion Filter for Descriptor Systems

  13. 通常将“模具自组织信息”看作生命。

    As a mould board self organizing information is usually regarded as life .

  14. 一种基于流行病理论的自组织信息扩散算法

    Self-organization algorithm for information diffusion based on epidemic theory

  15. 不确定性是自地理信息系统发展与应用以来一个引起关注的课题。

    With increasing development and applications of Geographical Information Systems , issues of uncertainty are receiving wide concerns .

  16. 具有数据非线性处理及数据平滑功能,快速自动多点校正,自诊断信息提示。

    With the data of nonlinear processing and data smoothing function , rapid automatic correction , self diagnostic message .

  17. 自地理信息系统诞生伊始,技术和应用一直是推动其发展的两大主要动力。

    From the beginning of Geographic Information System ( GIS ), technology and application are always the main impetus of its development .

  18. 利用ON/OFF模型产生自相似信息流量,提出了一种自相似网络平均排队延迟分析模型。

    An average queuing delay ( AQD ) model for self-similar network was proposed based on ON / OFF model generating self-similar traffic .

  19. 秘书处还应迅速向各成员散发自ISO/IEC信息中心收到通知的副本。

    The Secretariat shall also distribute promptly to the Members copies of the notifications it receives from the ISO / IEC Information Centre .

  20. 给出了自协同信息融合系统的体系结构,对该信息融合系统需要进行的协同内容进行了分析,总结了基于多智能体的协同信息融合的主要技术特点。

    The architecture is set up . The cooperative content is analyzed , and the major technical characteristic of information fusion system is summarized .

  21. 特别可用于解决含有未知模型参数和噪声统计系统的自校正信息融合滤波问题。

    Specially , they can be applied to solve the self-tuning information fusion filtering problems for systems with unknown model parameters and noise statistics .

  22. 这类自描述信息保证了客户端和服务器之间的交互是可见的(如,对缓存的使用),可靠的(如检测局部故障并从中恢复)和可伸缩的。

    Such self-describing messages ensure that client-server interactions are visible ( e.g.to caches ), reliable ( e.g.detecting and recovering from partial failures ) and scalable .

  23. 提出了一种基于可靠性理论和贝叶斯理论的确认的不确定度计算方法,定量的考虑了各种自确认信息对于确认的不确定度的影响。

    A validated uncertainty calculating method based on reliability mode and Bayesian theory is proposed , integrating all self-validating information into the validated uncertainty . 6 .

  24. 自网络信息技术渗入到思想政治教育领域以来,社会各界都在思考网络与教育的关系,也都给予了高度的重视和广泛关注。

    Since the Network information technology penetrates the ideological and political education , all social classes have been paying high attention to the relationship between the network and education .

  25. 本文报道庐山鸣鸣蝉自鸣声信息的长码与短码结构及其部分频谱的双倍频特征。

    In this paper , the information combinative structures of the long codes and the short codes and dual-octamonic features of the spectra of the calling songs of the cicada O.

  26. 自会计信息质量低下被认为是公司财务舞弊发生的原因之一以后,会计信息成为人们关注的焦点。

    Since the low quality of accounting information is considered to be one of the reasons that lead to financial scandal , accounting information has become the focus of attention .

  27. XML也是自描述和信息完整的;应用程序可利用这一特性通过少量必要的编程或无需编程来自动构建自身。

    XML is also self-describing and informationally complete ; applications can use this feature to automatically build themselves with little or no programming required .

  28. 自校正解耦信息融合Wiener状态预报器

    Self-tuning decoupled information fusion Wiener state predictor

  29. 由于蚁群算法的分布式的计算、自组织、信息素的正反馈等特性,蚁群算法被尝试用于adhoc网络的路由计算。

    Ant colony algorithms support distributed computing , self-organizing and the positive feedback pheromones , so ant colony algorithms were tried for ad hoc network routing .

  30. 在按标量加权融合准则和按对角阵加权融合准则下,分别提出了状态分量自校正解耦信息融合Wiener估值器。

    The self-tuning decoupled information fusion Wiener estimators weighted by scalars and diagonal matrices are also presented for state components .