
  • 网络Employment at will
  1. 对于临时工作招聘集团而言,英国是一个颇具吸引力的市场,由于该国的自由就业法,这里临时劳动力的比例相对较高。

    The UK is a tempting market for temporary staffing groups , because the penetration of temporary labour is relatively high thanks to liberal employment laws .

  2. 阿里巴巴副总裁高红冰表示,与此同时,未来10年,20%的世界人口将通过互联网自我雇佣或自由就业。

    Meanwhile , 20 % of the world 's population will become self-employed or freelance via the internet within the next decade , Alibaba Vice President Gao Hongbing said .

  3. 20世纪80年代以来,西方国家选择了两种不同的就业政策,即新自由主义就业政策和合作主义就业政策。

    Since 1980s , some western countries have accepted new liberalist employment policy and the others resorted to cooperative one .

  4. 相对于新自由主义就业政策来讲,合作主义就业政策更有利于实现劳动力市场效率与公平的统一。

    Contrast to new liberalist employment policy , the cooperative one is more likely to realize the unity between efficiency and fairness of labor market .

  5. 贸易自由化对就业和工资的影响

    The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Employment and Wage

  6. 就业素质的提高要求大学生在学习好学校必修课程的基础上,根据个人爱好和专业兴趣自由选取和就业有关的知识进行学习。

    So asked college students to learn school required courses , and then based on personal preferences and professional interest to select employment-related knowledge to learn .

  7. 现任自由职业者就业平台SkillBridge营销和公关主管的莫尔斯说,尽管他在总分1600的测试中得了“1450多分”,但一家公司提出提交测试成绩的要求“让我有点怀疑自己还想不想去那里工作”。

    Mr. Morse , now head of marketing and communications at freelance marketplace SkillBridge , said a firm 's request for test scores ' made me a little bit skeptical of wanting to work with them , ' despite scoring ' in the 1450 range ' on the 1600-point test . '

  8. 发展中国家不想只讨论发达国家的高额债务,发展中国家希望着眼于在基础设施和儿童早期发展方面进行有效的投资。发展中国家有志于推进市场自由化,创造就业,提高生产力,推动经济增长。

    They want to free markets to create jobs , higher productivity , and growth .

  9. 本文就中国贸易自由化对工业就业的影响进行了定量分析。

    The article liberalizes with respect to Chinese commerce undertook quantitative analysis to the influence of industrial obtain employment .

  10. 这种变革的总趋势是放弃凯恩斯主义的劳动就业政策,奉行新自由主义的劳动就业政策。

    The general trend of the change is to abandon the Keynesian modal , and to pursue the new-liberal policy .

  11. 政府也应当调动手中一切财政自由空间来推动就业,比如降低工资税。

    Governments should also use whatever fiscal leeway they have to boost employment , for example by cutting payroll taxes .

  12. 昨日公布的一项调查显示,欧美民众对经济全球化的支持程度正在上升,但美国和法国的民众担心,提高贸易自由度将造成就业机会减少。

    Public support for economic globalisation is rising on both sides of the Atlantic but US and French voters are worried that freer trade costs jobs , according to a survey released yesterday .