
zài jiù yè ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • reemployment project
  1. 浅谈在构建和谐社会中完善再就业工程

    On perfecting the reemployment project in building a harmonious society

  2. 三,健全的失业保险制度,为再就业工程提供重要保证。

    Thirdly , sound unemployment insurance system provides reemployment project for important guarantee .

  3. 我国实施再就业工程存在问题及其出路研究

    The Study of Problems and Solution of Re-employment Project in China

  4. 实施再就业工程的法律思考

    Thinking about the Project of the Re-employment in Terms of Law

  5. 在社会转型过程中实施有中国特色的再就业工程

    On Implementing Re-employment Project in the Process of Social Transition

  6. 浅析我国再就业工程所面临的问题及对策思路

    Re employment Project in China : Problems and Countermoves

  7. 我国再就业工程的困境与对策

    Predicament and Countermeasures of Our Country 's Re-employment Engineering

  8. 连云港市下岗职工调查与再就业工程研究

    Investigation on the Laid-off and Reemployment Project in Lianyungang

  9. 论再就业工程与劳动市场建设

    Comments on Re-employment Project and Labor Market Building

  10. 发展都市工业园是实施再就业工程的有效途径

    An Effective Approach & Developing City Industrial Zones

  11. 对中国再就业工程的透视

    A Look at the Reemployment Project in China

  12. 必须建立再就业工程组织体系和服务体系,以使再就业工程顺利运行。

    With high press of reemploy , organizations and service faculty should be established .

  13. 就业岗位开发:再就业工程的治本之举

    Developing Work Opportunities : A Measure to Effect a Permanent Cure to the Project

  14. 这样再就业工程就已经成为国有企业改革不可避免的选择。

    The re-employment program has become key in SOE ( State-owned enterprise ) reform .

  15. 论下岗再就业工程中组织者的人格素质

    On a Moral Quality of the Organizers in the Reemployment Project for Laid-off Workers

  16. 公共图书馆与再就业工程

    The Public Library and Repetitive Employment Project

  17. 再就业工程稳步推进,居民收入继续增加。

    The re-employment project has advanced steadily , and the income of residents increased continuously .

  18. 论罗斯福的再就业工程

    On Roosevelt 's Re - employment Project

  19. 地勘单位实施再就业工程的障碍分析及对策探讨

    Conduct of Re employment Project in the Geological Prospecting Units : Obstacles and Counter measures

  20. 从再就业工程向再创业工程转变

    Transition from Reemployment to Re - creation

  21. 实施再就业工程的障碍与对策

    Handicaps and Strategies in the Re-employment Project

  22. 政府赞助的下岗人员再就业工程

    A government-sponsored reemployment project for the laid-offs

  23. 再就业工程则包括有4050工程,千人就业、万人就业项目等。关系型社会资本则来源于下岗职工的血缘、地缘、业缘及友缘。

    Reemployment Project contains " 4050 " Project , Thousands and Myriad Employment Project and so on .

  24. 劳动者个人行为是再就业工程的基础行为因素。

    The individual conduct of workers is the basic factor of conduct in the , Reemployment Project .

  25. 为了促进就业增长,减缓失业对社会稳定的冲击,我国政府相继实施了再就业工程、积极的宏观经济政策、让部分劳动者提前退休、鼓励非公有制经济的发展等一系列措施。

    To promote the employment rate stabilize the society , Chinese government has taken positive employment policies .

  26. 关于国企失业人员再就业工程的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking on the Reemployment Project of the Laid-off Workers and Unemployed people in the S.O. Enterprises

  27. 论再就业工程

    On Reemployment projects in China

  28. 劳动力市场发育的一个特殊环节&再就业工程评析

    A Special Link in the Development of Labour Force Market ── A case Study of the Reemployment Project

  29. 发展都市工业园是我国经济建设的客观需要,都市工业园是实施再就业工程的有力支撑,而再就业工程的实施又为都市工业园的发展提供了机遇。

    It is necessary to develop city industrial zones in China , for it offers more working opportunities .

  30. 赣、湘、粤三省再就业工程城市类型划分研究

    A Study on the Classification of Cities Undertaking the Reemployment Project in Provinces of Jiangxi , Hunan and Guangdong