
  1. 国内的总体就业水平与FDI呈负相关;

    The total domestic employment and FDI are negatively correlated ;

  2. 中国企业的核心就业水平目前仅达到25%左右,总体核心就业水平达到30%左右。

    The current levels of core employment in China have only reached around 25 % in enterprises and 30 % in total economic activity .

  3. 总体方面,家庭给予的经济支持越多,那么越有利于家庭背景劣势的毕业生找到更合意的职位,且能提高总体的就业水平。

    Overall , the more family give financial support , then the more it will benefit for the disadvantaged family back - grounds of graduates to find a more desirable position , and can improve the overall level of employment .