
zǒng kuài jì shī
  • chief accountant;general accountant;treasurer;comptroller
总会计师[zǒng kuài jì shī]
  1. 该公司的总会计师是一位经验非常丰富的会计,他直接向财务副总裁汇报。

    EXAMPLE : The company 's comptroller was a highly experienced accountant who reported directly to the vice president of finance .

  2. 总会计师制度与CFO制度之比较

    Comparison of General Accountant System and CFO System

  3. 我国企业总会计师向CFO角色转变及定位问题分析

    Analysis of Changing and Its Positioning on CA to CFO

  4. 通过对现代公司治理结构中CFO角色的认知,人们越来越关注国有企业总会计师的角色定位问题。

    Chief Accountant in state owned enterprise has been more and more concerned with realizing CFO in modern enterprise .

  5. 最后提出了促进总会计师制度向CFO制度转型的若干建议。

    At last this paper proposes some suggestions on how to promote the transformation from the Chief accountant system to CFO system .

  6. 通过比较分析,提出总会计师制度向CFO制度转变要结合中国国情,并且是一个渐进的过程。

    With comparison and analysis , It is proposed that the transformation of general accountant system into CFO system should be combine with China 's actual conditions step by step .

  7. 总会计师职业道德的制度建设与实施机制

    System Building and Implementary Mechanism of General Accountant 's Professional Ethics

  8. 我想你最好跟我们的总会计师谈一谈。

    I guess you 'd better talk to our chief accountant .

  9. 高校设置总会计师的必要性

    The Necessity of Having Chief Accountants in Colleges and Universities

  10. 建立医院总会计师制度强化医院财务经济管理

    Building hospital general accounting system and strengthening hospital financial management

  11. 乔先生是我们公司的总会计师。

    Mr Joe is the chief accountant of our company .

  12. 大中型医院建立总会计师制度的思考

    A Thinking of Establishing Chief Accountant System in Large and Medium-sized Hospitals

  13. 试论高校设立总会计师岗位的重要性

    Importance of Setting up a Chief Accountancy Post in Colleges and Universities

  14. 分析建立总会计师委派制度的必要性、建立的法律依据和实证依据。

    Analyzed its necessity , law and practice basis .

  15. 论新经济条件下医院经营管理与总会计师的作用

    On the hospital management and the chief accountant under the new economic situation

  16. 推行总会计师制度更新医院财经管理模式

    Pursue the system of general accountant to update hospital finance and economical management

  17. 医院设置总会计师制度的研究分析

    Study the system of setting general accountant in hospital

  18. 高等学校设置总会计师的重要性和必要性

    Importance and Necessity of Arranging General Accountants for Universities

  19. 大、中型企业、事业单位和业务主管部门可以设置总会计师。

    Large and medium-sized enterprises , institutions and competent departments may have accountants-general .

  20. 总会计师的岗位,无论在企业还是事业单位,都是十分重要的。

    It is important for both the enterprises and institutions to have chief accountants .

  21. 总会计师必须回答审计员们提出的众多问题。

    The chief accountant have to answer a mass of query from the auditor .

  22. 马克o福克斯——时任谷歌财务副总裁兼总会计师;

    Mark Fuchs - then , Google 's vice president of finance and chief accountant ;

  23. 一个制造业集团的总会计师

    The chief accountant of a manufacturing group

  24. 高校建立总会计师制度的必要性及框架研究

    Research on the Necessity and Framework of Establishing General Accountant System in Colleges and Universities

  25. 由于滥用专款的丑闻,总会计师被迫辞职。

    After the scandal over misappropriated funds the chief accountant was asked to step down .

  26. 针对实施总会计师委派制度应注意的问题提出改善措施及建议。

    Presented improvement measures and suggestions against the problem in enforcement of general accountant appointing system .

  27. 财务总监与总会计师既有着紧密的联系,又存在着明显的不同。

    The CFO and chief accountant , as two closely related officers , have apparent differences .

  28. 构建财务总监与总会计师双轨并行的财务治理结构

    To establish a financial administrative structure in which the CFO and chief accountant is the parallel

  29. 从委托代理理论出发,本文还分析了企业集团总会计师制度,认为财务总监委派制的实施,可以在很大程度上弥补在权力下放时子公司产权主体虚置、监督机制乏力和信息不对称的缺陷。

    According to the theory of agency , this paper analyses the chief accountant system of enterprise group .

  30. 总会计师职业道德水准的高低更是直接影响着企业财务会计工作的质量。

    The moral level of general accountant directly influences the quality of financial and accounting work in enterprise .