
  • 网络Master Plan;master planning;overall plan;Aggregate Planning
  1. 韩国水资源与水环境管理总体计划

    Master Plan of Water Resources and Water Environment Management in Korea

  2. 1993年,韩国政府开始实施名为“提升国民体育的5年总体计划”的体育政策。

    Korean government initiated its practical sport policy entitled in'The5-year master plan of national sport promotion'in1993 .

  3. 计划:节点计划和项目总体计划的实现程度;

    Plan : achievement of the node plan and the project 's overall plan ;

  4. 国内和国际的努力应把实施人口与发展的总体计划放在首位。

    National and international efforts should give priority to action programmers integrating population and development .

  5. 熟知本人负责项目的项目总体计划和预算情况。

    To be acquainted with the project master schedule and the budget for the assigned project .

  6. 各国领导人就金融监管的总体计划达成了一致意见,但细节的实用性上仍有些含糊不清。

    Leaders agreed to sweeping plans on financial regulation , but the details remain conveniently nebulous .

  7. 项目总体计划是一项重要的工作,它确定了工程的范围和内容。

    The project master schedule is an important work , it confirms the project scope and content .

  8. 一些人认为,森林覆盖大片土地也包括村庄,因此总体计划是十分重要的。

    Some argue that forests cover large tracts – many villages – and that an overall plan is essential .

  9. 总体计划生育经费投入表现出对计划外生育的强依赖性;

    The total family planning funds investment has a strong dependent characteristic for the funds out of the birth control .

  10. 我们应该做个总体计划,确保一切就绪。

    And then we should make the whole plan and make sure we have it all ready get everything ready .

  11. 在一个人的一生总体计划中,它对于未来的工作是一种愚蠢的准备。

    In the grand scheme , it was a silly preparation for a job , yet playing sports was not pointless ;

  12. 北京总体计划中的第二支柱是,仿照目前主导全球发展议程的多边组织,推动设立与之对应的机构。

    The second plank in Beijing 's plan involves setting up institutions to mirror the multilateral organisations that govern the global development agenda .

  13. 当务之急是制定总体计划,形成系统标准,接口标准、网上设备标准。

    The chief concern is to form an overall plan , to create standards about the system criterion , the connection format , and the network utilizing .

  14. 对韩国水资源与水环境管理总体计划情况做了介绍。

    In this paper , the master plans of water resources and water environment management in Korea are introduced with the general description about topographical and hydrologic characteristics .

  15. 根据项目的总体计划安排,本项目开发计划周期约为36个月,总投资约22亿元。

    As per the general schedule , the project in question is to take about 28 months and the total investment is one thousand million RMB or so .

  16. 斯里兰卡气象局希望未来加强应付灾害的能力,林先生就此向该局提供意见,协助其草拟发展总体计划。

    He provided advice to the Department on the preparation of its master plan for development , which aims at upgrading the Department to cope with future disasters .

  17. 国有控股公司要取得长足的发展,必须从战略的高度研究宏观的全局性的问题,以确定发展方向、目标、总体计划等。

    To make sufficient development of State-owned Holding Companies need to research the macroscopical and global problem from stratagem in order to determine trend and object and general plan .

  18. 杨先生此次草拟的计划,说明应采取甚技术策略和步骤以建立总体计划所指定的气象设施及人力资源。

    The plan drafted by Mr Yeung describes the technical strategies and the series of actions required to establish the meteorological facilities and human resource stipulated in the master plan .

  19. 作为总体计划的第一阶段,跨境贸易人民币结算仍处于萌芽期,占中国国际贸易总额不到1%。

    The settlement of cross-border trade in renminbi – stage one of the masterplan – is embryonic , accounting for less than 1 per cent of China 's total international trade .

  20. 目(预算旧制)-预算第2款第三项一目熟知本人负责项目的项目总体计划和预算情况。

    Article & Article ( I ) of chapter III of Section 2 of the budget To be acquainted with the Project Master Schedule and the Budget for the assigned project .

  21. 体育产业促进政策开始制定于第1个国家体育促进总体计划(1993&1997)准备时。

    The beginning of establishment to policies for the promotion in sport industry was the time when the1st five years master plan of the National Sport Promotion was prepared ( 1993 & 1997 ) .

  22. 七国集团部长上周五在华盛顿制定了一份阻止银行破产、向银行注资、改革存款保险及盘活证券化资产市场的总体计划。

    G7 ministers in Washington produced a broad-brush plan on Friday to stop banks failing , unfreeze bank funding , inject capital into banks , reform deposit insurance and unblock markets for securitised assets .

  23. 第四部分则是根据项目特点,编制可实施的进度计划,具体包括对项目工作的分解,项目时间的估算,项目各活动间逻辑关系的分析,项目总体计划的编制。

    The fourth part is according to the project characteristics , the establishment of the implementation schedule , the specific work of the project including the decomposition , the project time estimation , each activity project between the logical analysis , project overall planning .

  24. 本文提出了研究连锁经营零售商业的物流配送总体计划的大型线性目标规划数学模型,并用动态目标规划的方法来模拟和动态地分析配送系统运行性能和合理性。

    A large scale linear goal programming model for the general logistics distribution schedule of the chain managed retail commerce is presented in this paper , which combines a dynamic goal programming for simulating and analyzing the performance of the logistics distribution system as well as its rationality .

  25. 以西气东输管道工程19标段为例,介绍了山区管道施工的总体计划、不同地段施工方案和各项施工工序的内容及其相互间的组织协调关系。

    Take the construction of the 19th pipeline section in West-to-East Gas Pipeline Project as an example , the author describes the overall construction program of the section , the construction scenario and procedure in different areas as well as the organization and cooperation relationship between different constrUction procedures .

  26. 制定并负责落实项目阶段性目标和项目总体控制计划。

    Develop and fulfill project progress goal and master schedule .

  27. 测量总体测试计划和执行效果,并为每一个测试迭代定义时间表

    Size the overall test planning and test execution effort and define schedules for each test iteration

  28. 配合设计进展和总体投资计划,逐步用准确的预测成本取代全生命成本计价的历史数据。

    Develop WLCC with the design and the overall investment plan , gradually replacing historic data with accurately predicted costs .

  29. 他表示,亚洲发展中国家应当学习新加坡、韩国和中国的做法,制定总体投资计划。

    He said developing Asian countries should follow the example of Singapore , South Korea and China to put together investment plans .

  30. 而其他国家必须通过根据提高总体竞争力计划发展新企业的方式来进行调整。

    For other countries , adjustment must be managed by the growth of new businesses responding to programs that improve overall competitiveness .