
  • 网络RoA;rate of return on total assets
  1. 公司客户和消费者责任贡献与总资产报酬率显著负相关。

    Corporate profile and responsibility contribution to client and consumer are negatively related to ROA .

  2. 总资产报酬率是对公司盈利能力进行全面衡量的最好的指标。

    The rate of return on total assets is the best overall measure of the earning power of a corporation .

  3. 上述数字显示,总资产报酬率从1997年到1998年略有下降。

    The above figures show that the rate has decreased a little from1997to1998 .

  4. 当然,公司还是应该依靠提供销售收入来提高总资产报酬率。

    Of course , the corporation should improve the turnover by increasing the revenues in future .

  5. 从回归结果可以得出净资产收益率和总资产报酬率与单位特许权价值是最为显著正相关的。

    Return on equity and total assets , return on franchise value and units are the most significant positive correlation .

  6. 研究结果表明:湘电公司对长泵厂的并购产生的协同效应不是很明显,与行业相比较净资产收益率、每股收益、总资产报酬率变化的幅度不大;

    The research result indicated that there is no significant synergetic effect of merge between Xiangtan Electric Company and Changsha Pump Factory .

  7. 通过上述公式,我们能够看到总资产报酬率与销售利润率和资产周转率之间的关系。

    Through the aforementioned formula , we can see the relationship of return on assets to return on net sales and assets turnover .

  8. 提到总资产报酬率和总资产周转率,我们必须提及著名的杜邦总资产报酬率。

    Referring to the rate of return on total assets and total assets turnover , we should talk about the famous Dupont return on total assets .

  9. 该模型包括资产的对数,资产负债率和总资产报酬率三个指标。

    Log of assets , the rate of assets and liabilities , and the rate of return on total assets are the three variables in the model .

  10. 上市公司盈利能力分析指标主要有总资产报酬率、每股收益、普通股权益报酬率、股利支付率、市盈率等。

    The listed company 's profitability analysis index mainly includes the total property return rate , each income , the common share rights and interests return rate , the dividend payment rate , and Price-earning ratio , and so on .

  11. 所选财务指标包括流动比率、速动比率、资产负债率、存货周转率、应收帐款周转率、销售利润率、总资产报酬率、资本保值增值率、社会贡献率。

    The financial indicators selected include current ratio , quick ratio , assets-liability ratio , rate of stock turnover , turnover of accounts receivable , total capital profit ra-tio , ratio of asset inflation proof and incremental value and social contribution etc.

  12. 企业总资产报酬率、资本收益率、销售利润率以及成本费用利润率是评估企业获利能力的重要指标。

    The reward rate of the enterprise total capital , the profit rate of asset , the profit margin of distribution and the profit margin of the cost and expense are the important indexes to evaluate the capability of the enterprise to profit .