
zǒnɡ cái
  • president;chief executive officer;managing director;Director general; head examiner;editor-in-chief of the imperial press
总裁 [zǒng cái]
  • (1) [head examiner]∶清代称中央编纂机构的主管官员和主持会试的大臣

  • (2) [director-general;president;governor;managing director]∶某些政党和国家首领的名称;某些机构(如银行)或公司最高的管理人员或总经理

  1. 她只听从总裁的吩咐。

    She takes orders only from the president .

  2. 总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。

    The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake .

  3. 她接任书业托拉斯的总裁。

    She took over as chief executive of the Book Trust .

  4. 75%的行政总裁来自公司内部。

    75 percent of chief executives come from inside the company

  5. 我和那家公司的总裁有过生意往来。

    I had done business with the company 's chairman .

  6. 他被叫去见总裁,然后就被解雇了。

    He was hauled before the managing director and fired .

  7. 副总裁说那个漫画家和他有私怨。

    The vice president said the cartoonist has a personal vendetta against him

  8. 新任总裁已经执行了抛售方案。

    The programme of sell-offs has been implemented by the new chief executive .

  9. 经济学家们可自由创建理论,公司总裁们则关心现实情况。

    While economists are free to theorise , company chairmen are concerned with actualities .

  10. 总裁没有出席这次会议。

    The president was not present at the meeting

  11. 坎贝尔公司的总裁退休后,麦戈文被选定为继任者。

    When the chairman of Campbell 's retired , McGovern was named as his successor

  12. 如果她投身商业的话,她会是一个很有能力的总裁。

    If she were involved in business , she would make a strong chief executive

  13. 总裁厚颜无耻地否认自己的恶行。

    The president brazened out his misdeeds

  14. 昨天该公司总裁被指控将数千万美元非法存入外国账户。

    Yesterday its president was accused of salting away tens of millions of dollars in foreign accounts .

  15. 作为新公司的总裁,弗劳德先生将负责调研和市场运作。

    Research and marketing operations will be Mr. Furlaud 's job as president of the new company .

  16. 他们的副总裁是他们的代言人。

    Their mouthpiece is the vice-president

  17. 逾400名行政总裁投票推选亚特兰大为最适宜开办公司的城市。

    Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives

  18. 一名记者向总裁提了大家都想问的问题:“您觉得自己会再获任命吗?”

    A reporter asks the president the question on everyone 's lips : ' Do you anticipate being re-appointed ? '

  19. 这使得比尔有机会和公司的总裁、董事长以及那些主要行政主管们厮混在一起。

    This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company 's president , board chairman , and leading executives .

  20. 公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。

    The company decided to appoint a Japanese manager as president of the company . The decision came as a bolt from the blue .

  21. 在新任总裁的领导下公司生意兴隆。

    The business prospered under the leadership of the new president .

  22. 他终于当上了福特汽车公司的总裁。

    He attained the position of President of Ford Motors .

  23. 她被视为未来的总裁。

    She is perceived as the future president .

  24. 他太年轻了,没有人把他当总裁看。

    He was so young that no one perceived him as a chief executive .

  25. 他是国际商业机器公司的执行总裁。

    He was the chief executive of ibm .

  26. 总裁去世后,大家选举副总裁为公司主管领导。

    When the president died , the vice president was chosen to head the firm .

  27. 手机销售公司卡胡纳的总裁亚丹·马奇可说道,只有不到15%的手机用户会特意调整设置,这就意味着剩下的85%的人会默认软件制造商的各种预设置。

    According to Adam Marchick , CEO of mobile marketing company Kahuna , less than 15 percent of smartphone users ever bother to adjust their notification settlings -- meaning the remaining 85 percent of us default to the app makers ' every preset trigger .

  28. EDX总裁兼电子工程师阿南特·阿加瓦尔预测说,即时评分软件将会是一个有益的教学工具,可以让学生反复测试和写作,并提高答案的质量。

    Anant Agarwal , an electrical engineer who is president of EdX , predicted that the instant-grading software would be a useful teaching tool , enabling students to take tests and write essays over and over and improve the quality of their answers .

  29. 布琳·哈灵顿�脸书(Facebook)员工成长副总裁

    Brynn Harrington , Vice2 President of People Growth , Facebook

  30. 总裁兼创始人:“所以,既然你在X公司工作过,那你一定认识Y女士。”

    CEO & Founder1 : " So , since you worked at X , you must know Ms Y "