
  • 网络Total Cost of Ownership;tco;TCO Total cost of ownership
  1. 加快实施和更快的训练,为雇员,从而降低总体拥有成本。

    Quicker implementation and faster training for the employees and thus reducing TCO .

  2. C1200/C2100系列产品的超凡特性可归纳为管理简单、性能最佳、完全支持数据流媒体、无限扩展及低廉的总体拥有成本。

    The outstanding features of C1200 / C2100 can be highlighted as easy administration , highest performance , complete streaming media support , unlimited scalability , and low TCO .

  3. Windows终端是一项能降低用户总体拥有成本,提高管理安全性和实现零维护的技术。

    Windows Terminal Services is a technology that can lower total of ownership , increase security of management , and achieve zero maintainability .

  4. IBM刀片服务器降低复杂性、改进系统管理、提高能源效率,同时降低总体拥有成本。

    The blade servers reduce complexity , improve systems management , and increase energy efficiency while driving down total cost of ownership .

  5. 两家公司均通过提供可管理性最强的电脑来降低客户的总体拥有成本,我们在这一领域都在领导着业界发展的潮流。康柏在台式机的WindowsNT市场上占据领先地位。

    Both companies lead the industry in reducing cost of ownership by providing the best managed PCs. We lead the Windows NT market for desktops .

  6. LDM有利于减少总体拥有成本。

    A LDM helps to reduce total cost of ownership .

  7. 较低的总体拥有成本(TCO)

    Lowered total cost of ownership ( TCO )

  8. 这些版本包括能够显著降低LotusDomino环境总体拥有成本(TCO)的技术。

    These versions include technology that can significantly reduce the total cost of ownership ( TCO ) for your Lotus Domino environment .

  9. LotusDomino环境的虚拟化很大程度上有助于优化和减少总体拥有成本(TCO)。

    Virtualization of your Lotus Domino environment can significantly help you to streamline and reduce your total cost of ownership ( TCO ) .

  10. Peer-to-Peer文件系统最大的特点是使用起来灵活自由、总体拥有成本低廉、资源总量巨大,因此吸引了大量的用户,在现实世界中被广泛地应用。

    The Peer-to-Peer file-sharing system attracted numerous users and being applied widely because of its flexible mode , low-cost ownership , and numerous file resources .

  11. 他将SOA描述为减少TCO(总体拥有成本)的一个动因,这是共享和重用可组合服务的结果。

    He characterizes SOA as an agent for reducing the TCO ( Total cost of ownership ) as a result of sharing and reusing composable services .

  12. 我们发现对SAP需求的关注有助于争取上千名对于降低其总体拥有成本感兴趣的现有的和潜在的客户&而且,我们已经得到回应!

    We found that focusing on SAP requirements helped us reach thousands of existing and potential customers interested in lowering their total costs of ownership & and we responded !

  13. IBM销售代表也可以带您了解WebsphereApplicationServer的主要功能,向您介绍WebsphereApplicationServer的总体拥有成本(TCO)如何低于其他应用服务器。

    An IBM Sales representative can also take you through the major features of WebSphere Application Server and illustrate how Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO ) is lower for WebSphere Application Server compared to other application servers .

  14. 数据库采用了MySQL数据库,由于其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低,特别适合小型项目。

    Database using the MySQL database , because of its small size , high speed , low total cost of ownership , especially for small-scale projects .

  15. 思科的无线控制系统将集中配置和管理工厂的Wi-Fi网络,减少总体拥有成本。

    Cisco 's Wireless Control System will centralize the configuration and management of the plant 's Wi-Fi network , reducing overall cost of ownership .

  16. 上面的两个模式都提高了语义互操作性和数据质量,可保证数据服务的服务水平协议(Service-LevelAgreement,SLA),而且降低了总体拥有成本(TCO)。

    Both patterns improve semantic interoperability and data quality , guarantee the service-level agreements ( SLAs ) of data services , and reduce total cost of ownership ( TCO ) .

  17. 替代方法是一个服务器安装多个应用程序,以便组织降低总体拥有成本(TCO)。

    The alternative is to load a single server with several applications so that the organization gets the full total cost of ownership ( TCO ) .

  18. 在此背景下,降低总体拥有成本(TCO)是有效提升电信企业竞争力的重要手段之一。

    In this context , lowering the TCO ( Total cost of operation ?) is one of important measures to effectively enhance the competitiveness of telecom operators .

  19. telenor匈牙利首席执行官安德斯延森(andersjensen)表示,中兴通讯获得该合同是因为该公司提供了最低的总体拥有成本,使telenor能以更高效率提供服务。

    Anders Jensen , chief executive of Telenor Hungary , said ZTE won the contract because it offered the lowest total cost of ownership , allowing Telenor to run its services more efficiently .

  20. 并且它通过引入了光纤通道仲裁环技术(FC-AL),使其具有方便性、可扩展性、高容错能力、高可靠性和配置的灵活性,有效减少了总体拥有成本(TCO)。

    Simultaneously , the SAN based on Fiber Channel-Arbitrated Loop ( FC-AL ) has convenience , expansibility , high fault tolerated ability , high reliability and agility of configuration . It can reduce total holding cost effectively .

  21. 每个元素都会增加总体拥有成本。

    Each element adds cost to the total cost of ownership .

  22. 图书馆自动化系统的总体拥有成本分析

    Total Cost of Ownership of Library Automatic Information Management System

  23. 结果是凭借无代码实现减少了总体拥有成本。

    This results in reducing the total cost of ownership through codeless implementation .

  24. 这有效地加强了每台服务器的可伸缩性,并且降低了总体拥有成本。

    This effectively doubles their scalability per box and lowers the total cost of ownership .

  25. 除了初始的购买成本之外,还有几个因素会影响总体拥有成本。

    Several elements , in addition to initial purchase costs , affect the total cost of ownership .

  26. ,其中每个节点都是同类和无头的,关注的是总体拥有成本和总体电源使用效率。

    , where each node is homogeneous and headless and the focus is on total cost of ownership and power use efficiency overall .

  27. 结果,组织能够实现快速增长、降低总体拥有成本并获取及时准确的信息。

    As a result , organizations can achieve rapid growth , reduced total cost of ownership and improved access to timely , accurate information .

  28. 帮助企业在提高工作效率,保障数据安全,提高服务体验的同时,降低了总体拥有成本。

    It helps enterprises to enhance efficiency , protect data base and improve service experience , and costs are lowered at the same time .

  29. 调查结果显示,一般说来,各大机构使用开源软件背后的主要驱动力是省去了先期支付的一笔许可费用,降低了总体拥有成本。

    From a general perspective , the survey showed that the main driver behind open source adoption is the absence of an upfront license payment along with a lower total cost of ownership .

  30. 我们的目标就是向客户提供符合工业标准的服务解决方案和不断改进的服务、工具和交货期,以降低客户的总体拥有成本和风险。

    Our goals are to lower customers ' total cost of ownership and reduce risk by offering service solutions which incorporate industry standards and by driving innovation in service creation , tools and delivery .