
  • 网络Overall compensation;Total Compensation Package
  1. 波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)称,预计客户关系经理们今年年终奖金的平均升幅为40%,而总体薪酬水平的平均升幅为20%。

    Average year-end bonuses for client relationship managers are expected to jump by 40 per cent this year , while average total compensation is expected to increase by 20 per cent , says the Boston Consulting Group .

  2. 报告称,尽管总体薪酬更高的CEO的确有可能在以后的日子里表现不佳,不过那些接受较低薪水的CEO也有可能获得更高的股权收益和业绩。

    While the executives who received higher total paydays were likely to underperform going forward , they wrote , those who actually did receive lower pay packages were likely to achieve improved stock returns and performance .

  3. 该调查覆盖了标准普尔500指数(S&P500)成分股公司CEO过去两年的总体薪酬,其结果将给公司治理维权人士要求对高管薪酬进行更严格审查的呼声增加影响力。

    The results of the survey , which looked at total compensation of chief executives of companies in the S & P 500 index over the past two years , will add weight to calls by corporate governance activists for more oversight of executive pay .

  4. 不过,在投行中,最重要的是总体薪酬。

    However , total compensation is what matters at investment banks .

  5. 他预测总体薪酬支出将保持在收入的大约35%-40%。

    He expected overall compensation to remain at about 35-40 per cent of revenues .

  6. 而最近大部分怒火针对的都是投行内部的总体薪酬文化,其始作俑者通常是最高职位以下的呼风唤雨者,而这些人的个人奖金是保密的。

    Much recent ire has been directed at the general pay culture within investment banking , often earned by rainmakers below the top level where individual awards are hidden from view .

  7. 只在极少数情况下,薪酬与业绩的关系得到了解释,而这些复杂的薪酬构成意味着,其中至少有些安排会带来收益从而推高总体薪酬。

    In only a minority of cases is it explained how remuneration relates to performance , and these complex structures make it likely that at least some elements will pay out thus pushing up overall awards .

  8. 史蒂文斯表示,这是因为,大量合格的候选人会降低你的市场价值:“工资和总体薪酬可能远远没有经济好转之后换工作那般诱人。”

    Because , Stevens says , the abundance of qualified candidates has the effect of driving down your market value : " salaries and overall compensation packages may not be as attractive as when changing jobs in a better economy . "

  9. 通过论文的研究发掘区域差异对薪酬水平的影响与企业总体薪酬策略制定的内在联系,建立起一种切实有效的研究方法,进而提高企业的人力资源管理效能。

    Through the research paper explore regional gap in the level of salary and the impacts of enterprise general salary strategy formulation inner link , establish a practical and effective research methods , and further increase the enterprise human resources management efficiency .

  10. 其总收入(包括奖金)平均上涨20%,远远高于英国总体的薪酬安排。

    Total earnings , including bonus payments , rose by an average of 20 per cent . This was well above wage settlements for the economy as a whole .

  11. 委托书中仅提到:我们为我们任命的高管提供我们认为合理的、有竞争力的、符合总体高管薪酬计划的其他福利。

    The proxy simply states , We provide our named executives with other benefits that we believe are reasonable , competitive and consistent with our overall executive compensation program .

  12. 委托书中仅提到:“我们为我们任命的高管提供我们认为合理的、有竞争力的、符合总体高管薪酬计划的其他福利。”

    The proxy simply states , " We provide our named executives with other benefits that we believe are reasonable , competitive and consistent with our overall executive compensation program . "

  13. 研究主要集中在这样几个方面:第一,调查AF公司的总体情况与薪酬现状。

    Research is mainly focused on such aspects : The first survey of AF company , the overall situation and the current situation .

  14. 在考核体系设计的过程中,以学院的战略目标及现阶段的任务为依据,确立总体的绩效薪酬策略。

    The performance salary assessment strategy is designed in accordance with the strategic goals and the tasks in current phrase .

  15. 然后按照以下流程进行薪酬调整方案设计:根据A软件公司大连分公司的总体经营战略制定薪酬发展战略;

    And then , the author will design the adjustments of remuneration system as the following process : make development strategy of remuneration according to the overall business strategy of A software company Dalian branch ;