
  • 网络Overall compensation;total remuneration;totalcompensation
  1. 战略沟通为HR从业者提供一个设计、完善和实施整体薪酬沟通的一个框架体系。

    The Strategic communication provides HR professionals with a framework to design , develop and implement successful total rewards communications .

  2. 如果这一趋势延续,当小公司赶上大公司的水平时,CEO整体薪酬可能会被压缩。

    If this trend continues , we may witness pay compression as the smaller companies catch up with the big ones , he said .

  3. 工资是整体薪酬体系的主体部分。

    Base pay is the master element in total rewards system .

  4. 货币报酬是员工整体薪酬的重要组成部分。

    Pay in currency is an important component of clerk 's whole pay .

  5. 广西电信整体薪酬制度发展研究

    Guangxi Telecom Total Compensation System Development Research

  6. 实践自助式整体薪酬的思考

    Consideration of Practising Cafeteria Total Rewards

  7. 整体薪酬是指把公司给员工支付的薪酬分成外在的和内在的两大类,两者的组合,被称之为整体薪酬。

    Total Compensation divides the compensation which employees get from the company into the extrinsic and intrinsic .

  8. 根据公司运营情况,在批准的预算范围内确保整体薪酬体系与市场保持一致;

    Ensure overall consistency of annual salary guidelines according to market trends , inflation , allowed budgets and performance ;

  9. 从单一薪酬到整体薪酬,薪酬制度的变化,同时反映着企业的发展变革情况。

    From the Base Compensation to Total Compensation , the variation of the compensation mechanism reflects enterprises ' development and reform .

  10. 在当今激烈的竞争下,整体薪酬也将对人才的吸引、激励和保留起到不同的作用。

    In today 's competitive environment , total rewards can make the difference in the attraction , motivation and retention of employees .

  11. 激励性外在薪酬体系包括外在整体薪酬体系、股票期权制薪酬体系、宽带薪酬体系。

    Excitability external salary system including external overall salary system , stock time authority and legality salary system , wide band salary system .

  12. 比如,你得周全地考虑除基本工资外的其他福利,或者至少在讨论整体薪酬时提及它们。

    For example , you should absolutely consider your job 's other benefits or at least negotiate them when you talk about your whole pay package .

  13. 重新设计的薪酬体系设计方案,包括薪酬定位、薪酬结构,体现了整体薪酬结构的思想。

    To re-design the salary system includes the salary fixed position , salary construction , which can embody the structural thought of the whole salary system .

  14. 整体薪酬是指企业在员工充分参与的基础上,建立每个员工不同的薪酬组合系统,并定期随着他们的兴趣爱好和需求的变化,做出相应的变更。

    Integral compensation bases on the employees ' ample participation , building everyone 's different compensation constitution , and changes with the their interests and needs .

  15. 尽管评论人士将关注的焦点放在高管奖金上,但两家银行去年的整体薪酬支出几乎和2007年一样高。

    Although commentators have focused on the bonuses of senior executives , compensation expenses overall at both banks were nearly as high last year as in 2007 .

  16. 文章认为,应从适度提高员工整体薪酬水平、构建双重职业生涯通道等方面综合地化解这些问题。

    It is stated in the thesis that these problems should be comprehensively solved using enhancing the overall compensation level of employees , establishing dual career way and etc.

  17. 自助式整体薪酬是知识经济时代薪酬管理的发展趋势,它体现了员工的个性化需求,考虑到了员工的偏好特点。

    The cafeteria total rewards is the trend of compensation management developing in the era of knowledge economy , it indicates personal demands , considering employees ' preference .

  18. 在分析高新技术企业各层次员工基本特点的基础之上,构建了一个整体薪酬框架。

    Second , depending upon the analysis of the characteristics of different levels of employees in Chinese high-tech companies , it builds the systematic framework of compensation system .

  19. 保障措施:做好相关的基础管理工作,提升技术中心员工的整体薪酬水平,重视职工民众参与决策与监督。

    Security measures : do good jobs related to basic management ; enhance overall technical staff pay levels , emphasis on public participation in decision-making and supervision of staff .

  20. 此次中智人事经理沙龙将围绕整体薪酬回报体系展开,通过介绍整体薪酬回报体系的设计流程、员工工资的设计以及绩效薪酬方案展开更深入的讨论。

    With the main clue to total rewards system , an in-depth discussion of the total rewards and pay for performance , design of an employee base pay program .

  21. 很多投资者不支持这些规定,专家们预测,这些规定将推升基础薪资,而不是像立法者预想的那样降低整体薪酬。

    As many investors do not back those rules , experts expect that they will push up base salaries rather than further bringing down overall pay , as intended by lawmakers .

  22. 本文的研究目的就是在委托&代理理论和心理契约理论的结合下对职业经理人薪酬管理模式进行深入地研究与探讨,构建出一套完整合理的整体薪酬模式。

    In this thesis , the main study aim is to advance a system for profession manager compensation combined with the reality on the basis of Proxy-Agency theories and psychological contract theories .

  23. 自助式整体薪酬方案的实施要求在真正了解员工需求的基础上,充分挖掘企业的薪酬资源,并结合企业的实际大胆创新。

    How to build the salary institution we should really acknowledge the demand of employee , make full use of salary resource , and combine with the practice of enterprise to innovate .

  24. 本文立足于当前公务员整体薪酬的现实状况,探讨了公务员现行薪酬制度运行和管理中存在的主要问题,并提出了有助于进一步深化公务员薪酬制度改革的政策建议。

    Based on current realistic compensation condition of civil servant , this paper discusses the main problems during current compensation running , and put forward some reformable policies to further developing compensation system .

  25. 以投资银行业的标准衡量,穆拉迪安的奖金额度远远没到高得异乎寻常的水平,但比工资高出四倍的奖金,是他整体薪酬中决定性的部分。

    By investment banking standards , the bonus paid to Mr Mouradian was far from unusually large , but at more than four times his salary it was crucial to his overall compensation .

  26. 重点指出薪酬中的内在因素和外在因素,并结合相关的激励理论引入整体薪酬体系的概念,对组成该体系的各组成部分的主要内容进行了阐述。

    Point out inherent factor and external factor of salary especially , combine relevant motivational theory introduce whole salary concept of system , and have explained the main content which made up every component of this system .

  27. 第三部分包括第四章,主要在经济学中效用函数的基础上,分析了知识型员工薪酬的边际效用递减规律,建立了知识型员工整体薪酬模型。

    Chapter IV of Part III , mainly in the economics of the utility function on the basis of a knowledge-based staff of the law of diminishing marginal utility , and the establishment of a knowledge-based employees pay model .

  28. 首先要合理确立企业整体薪酬水平,然后构建科学的薪酬体系,建立科学的考评机制,发挥薪酬的激励功能,效率功能和保障功能。

    Want whole salary level of reasonable establishment business enterprise first , then set up the salary system of science , build up the examination mechanism of science , develop a salary to encourage function , the efficiency function and the guarantee functions .

  29. 整体的薪酬市场面临着什么样的问题?

    What kind of problem does payment market face ?

  30. 但监管机构应审查整体的薪酬水平,这是它们确保机构财务状况良好职责的一部分。

    But regulators should look at overall compensation as part of their responsibility to make sure an institution is financially sound .