
  • 网络Integrated Marketing Communication;Integrating Marketing Communication
  1. 为此,西方学者提出了一种新的营销理论,即整合营销传播理论(IntegratedMarketingCommunication简称为IMC)。

    Therefore , some scholars in western countries have come up with a new theory called Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ) .

  2. 整合营销传播理论在电视频道品牌战略中的应用

    The Application of Integrated Marketing Communication Theory to the TV Channel 's Brand Strategy

  3. 本文采用理论研究和案例分析相结合的方法,应用整合营销传播理论,对商务印书馆这一著名出版社进行案例研究,探讨用IMC战略重构商务印书馆营销传播体系的必要性和可行性。

    This thesis will conduct a case study of the famous Chinese publisher-the Commercial Press and explore the necessity and feasibility of restructuring its marketing communication system with IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ) strategies .

  4. 此外,本文还通过分析整合营销传播理论下的4C理论框架,重新认识4C理论中的沟通策略(Communication),并将促销组合策略引入到二手房中介公司的营销传播活动中。

    In addition , though explaining the framework of the IMC theory , we may refresh our understanding of the communication strategies in 4C theory and introduce the sales promotion combination strategy into the marketing spreading activities of the second-hand house trading agents .

  5. 以整合营销传播理论论述了要从目标消费人群的角度评估广告效果;

    To evaluate advertising effects from the point of target audience ;

  6. 试论整合营销传播理论在城市行销中的运用

    A Tentative Analysis of IMC Application on City Marketing

  7. 整合营销传播理论对我国民营企业发展的影响

    The Integrated Marketing Communications Theory and the Development of the People Managed Enterprises

  8. 第2章是相关理论综述。对整合营销传播理论和促销组合理论进行了介绍。

    Chapter 2 Related Theories , theories of integrated marketing communication and marketing mix theories .

  9. 首先,文章将对影视节庆活动基础理论和整合营销传播理论做一次系统地梳理。

    Firstly , did some systematic and orderly arrangement about the film festival and the Integrated Marketing Communication Theory .

  10. 第二章相关理论综述。包括促销的概念和方式、整合营销传播理论的定义、促销的作用和意义。

    Chapter 2 : Relative documents , include Concepts and Patterns of promotion , integrated marketing communication , Function and meaning of promotion .

  11. 本文清晰地界定了电视频道品牌的概念,创造性地建立了整合营销传播理论应用于电视频道品牌的实践框架。

    The thesis clearly defined the concept of TV channel brand and creatively built the practical application frame of Incorporated Marketing Communication theory .

  12. 诞生于20世纪80年代后期的整合营销传播理论,要求从战略高度整合所有资源,充分调动一切积极因素以实现企业统一的传播目标,被看作是21世纪获得市场优势的战略性武器。

    It requires integration of all resources from a strategic height , mobilize all positive factors to achieve the communication objectives of the enterprise .

  13. 除导论外,论文在三个方面进行了相关理论综述,包括营销组合理论、直邮营销理论及整合营销传播理论。

    Except the introduction , it summarizes relevant theories in three aspects , including marketing combinatorial theory , direct mail marketing theory and integrated marketing communication theory .

  14. 本文以整合营销传播理论为探讨背景,用辩证的观点对广告文案策划过程作了系统地研究。

    The thesis researches the process of the advertising copy-writing planning on the background of the theory of the Integrated Marketing Communications , which quotes the viewpoint of dialectics .

  15. 即便是舒尔茨本人,前后多次对整合营销传播理论的介绍也有所不同,而这些都影响了理论构建的稳定性和一致性。

    In spite of Schultz himself , his successive introductions to the theory of IMC are different . All of these affect the stability and consistence of the construction of the theory .

  16. 虽然目前我国已有部分研究关注到了网络对于节事活动营销的重要性,但是基于整合营销传播理论进行节事活动营销传播的研究几乎没有。

    Although domestic literature has a part of research concerns about the importance of internet to FSE marketing , the study of FSE marketing and communication based on the integrated marketing communication is little .

  17. 然后,以整合营销传播理论为指导,在把握其主要特征以及现有学者提出的理论模式的基础上,建构起我国城市形象整合营销传播的运作模式。

    Then , under the Integrated Marketing Communication theory and on the basis of its main features and theoretical models , this paper aims to construct a operational model of Integrated Marketing Communication of domestic city image .

  18. 在相关概念的基础上界定了城市旅游形象系统的内涵,并解释了相关理论如系统论、推拉理论和整合营销传播理论对本文的支撑作用。

    Which defines the concept of the urban tourism image system based on the related concepts , and explains the related theories such as the system theory , push-pull theory and integrated marketing communications theory on the support effect .

  19. 整合营销传播理论自上世纪传入我国以来,逐渐受到学界、业界的关注与认可,于此同时,与整合营销传播有着异曲同工之妙的品牌传播概念也初见萌芽。

    The concept of Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ) theory spread into China since the last century , meanwhile , has the same purpose , the concept of Integrated Brand Communications ( IBC ) has shown signs of sprouting .

  20. 本文以商业银行的中间业务理论和整合营销传播理论为研究基础,运用理论联系实际和数据实证对比的方法就如何进行中间业务的营销展开论证。

    In this paper , intermediary business of commercial banks in the theory and the theory of integrated marketing communication research , theory with practice and the use of empirical data compared to the methods on how to start marketing the middle of the business argument .

  21. 企业整合营销传播的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Integrated Marketing Communication in Enterprises

  22. 在品牌营销推广策略中,结合整合营销传播的理论,着重探讨了都市类报纸品牌营销推广过程中四个基本策略;

    While talking about Marketing Spreading Strategies , the author thinks that the city-daily-category newspapers are still in low level status in the aspects of brand marketing and spreading . With the theory of IMC , the author specially discusses four strategies .

  23. 为了使国内大米企业更好、更快的打造产品品牌,本文基于品牌塑造的视角,分析了国内大米品牌的塑造需要借助于整合营销传播的相关理论及观念。

    In order to build rice brand better and faster of domestic business , so IMC theories and concept are needed in the rice brand creation .

  24. 整合营销传播(IMC)理论正是在这种营销管理理念不断更新的过程中逐渐形成和发展起来的。

    During the continuous renewing of marketing management theories , integrated marketing communications as a new concept or theory system has been put forward and developed rapidly .

  25. 足球、整合营销传播与广告传播&浅议整合营销传播理论(IMC)观照下的广告传播

    Football , Integrated Marketing Communication and Ads Communication

  26. 整合营销传播对中国市场有重要意义,中国本土市场应重新审视整合营销传播的理论及实践,构建具有中国特色的整合营销传播理论。

    Integration marketing spread has important significance for Chinese market , Chinese market should consider newly the theory and practice of integration marketing spread , construct integration marketing spread theory with Chinese characteristics .

  27. 因此作者提出整合营销传播首先是一种观念,并对此进行了详尽的论述,在这个研究领域中第一次旗帜鲜明地为整合营销传播理论做出了认识上的界定。

    Therefore , I propose that IMC first of all is a notion and make thorough discussions to prove it . This is the first time for determination in cognition of IMC in this field .