
zhěng chú
  • to be divisible by;divide exactly;exact division;be divided with no remainder
整除 [zhěng chú]
  • [be divided with no remainder; divide exactly] 被除数能被除数除尽的除法运算

整除[zhěng chú]
  1. 仅用整除的基本性质,巧妙给出费尔马(Fermat)小定理的一种完全初等简单的证明。

    With the basic quality of exact division , a simple primary proving for Fermat Junior Theorem is presented .

  2. 小学四年级学生数的整除概念获得水平的个案分析

    An individual analysis of the understanding level of the concept of " exact division " of the fourth grade pupils of the primary school

  3. 当G被3个或3个以上不同素数整除时,G还是幂零的。

    Moreover , if | G | is divisible by 3 or more distinct primes , G is nilpotent .

  4. 设G是有限p&群,如果G的阶整除其自同构群A(G)的阶,则称G为LA一群。

    A finite p group is called a LA group , if the order of G divides the order of the automorphism group A ( G ) of G.

  5. 记住,您只在表达式为True时执行if语句体。该表达式在当变量i不能被25整除时计算为True。

    Remember that you execute the body of an if statement only if the expression is True , which for this expression happens when the variable I is not evenly divisible by25 .

  6. 一个图G称为有理的,如果对任一整除的正整数t,G可表示成t个边互不相交的同构因子的并。

    A graph G is called rational if for any positive integer t dividing | E ( G ) | , G is the union of t edge-disjoint isomorphic factors .

  7. Fibonacci序列整除性质的证明

    On the Divisibility Property of Fibonacci Sequence

  8. 一个无零因子的交换环R称为拟赋值环,如果R中有一个非零元素a,使得R的任意非零元都整除a的某个方幂。

    Let R be a commutative ring without zero-divisor , R is called a quasi-valuation ring , if it contains a non-zero element a such that any non-zero element of R divides a power of a.

  9. 对任一长度为能被2整除的N原序列,求其倒序后的输入序列时,只涉及倒序十进制和顺序十进制数,不用对二进制数进行转换。

    For N original sequence of either length divided exactly by 2 , input time sequence was counted after inversed order of N original sequence . It only relates to inversed order Decimal and ordinal Decimal digits , did not transform Binary digit .

  10. 要使该筛选器在每当发生第三个事件时求值为True,我们将利用该函数的结果为整数的事实,并且我们可以使用BusinessEvents整除函数div和mod。

    To make the filter true for every third event , we 'll use the fact that the result of the function is an integer and we can use the Business Events integer division functions div and mod .

  11. 如果2到100,x是一个整数,多少2x+2的整数将被3n/2整除(2x1)=(3x+1),x是什么?

    If 2x goes into 100 and x is an integer , How many of the 2x + 2 integers will be divisible by 3n / 2 ( 2x1 ) = ( 3x + 1 ) , what is x ?

  12. 利用等幂和与判别素数的充要条件,获得了Bernoulli数的同余关系,得到了整除Bernoulli数分子的判别方法。

    We make use of necessary and sufficient condition for discriminating prime numbers and sum of equal powers , gain congruences relation of Bernoulli 's numbers , We also obtain discriminating method on the exactly divisible numerator Bernoulli 's numbers .

  13. 依据管克英、雷锦志在IntegrabilityofSecondOrderAutonomousSystem一文中给出的二阶多项式自治系统可积的充要条件,通过复域上二元多项式函数整除定理,判定了Brusselator方程不存在代数曲线解。

    By means of the sufficient and necessary condition of the second order polynomial system 's integrability and the division theorem of polynomial functions in two variables in the complex domain , we obtain some criterion for the non_existence of Brusselator equation algebraic curve solution .

  14. 质数只能被和本身整除。

    Prime numbers can only be divided by one or itself .

  15. 再谈数的整除性特征定理

    Advanced Analysis on the Theorem of the Numeral Divisibility Characteristic

  16. 几类图的伴随多项式的整除性特征

    Division Character of Adjoint Polynomials of a Variety of Graph

  17. 区间型灰数的标准型和整除性

    Standard Form and Integral Divisibility of Interval Form Grey Numbers

  18. 特殊图的伴随多项式的整除特性

    Divisible properties of adjoint polynomial of the special graphs

  19. 一种用浮点除实现整除的方法

    A Method of Integer Division by Using Floating-point Division

  20. 散文诗的文类批评一类数的整除特征

    On the Generic Criticism of Prose Poem The Characteristic of A Class Number

  21. 构成基本货币单位的分割或者整除部分。

    Constituting a division or an aliquot part of the basic monetary unit .

  22. 如果能够整除,则将值显示出来。

    When it is , the value is printed .

  23. 关于两个数论函数的一个整除式

    On a divisibility relation of two arithmetic functions

  24. 多项式整除的矩阵判别法

    Discriminant by Matrix for Divisibility of Polynomial

  25. 关于整数的一个整除性质

    On a Dividing Property of Some Integers

  26. 阿泰能被零整除。

    Ron Artest can divide by zero .

  27. 整数1只能被它本身整除,所以不是素数。

    The integer 1 is divisible only by itself ; it is not a prime .

  28. 可以被集合中所有数目整除的最小倍数。

    The smallest multiple that is exactly divisible by every member of a set of numbers .

  29. 一类数的整除特征

    The Characteristic of A Class Number

  30. 选举年是年份的四位数字能被4整除的年。

    An election year is one in which all four members are evenly divisible by four .