
  • 网络commission;Commissio
  1. 从制播分离、广告代理到类型化广播,这家电台仅仅经过七年的经营,就取了良好的发展空间。

    From " Commission ", " advertising agency " to " format station " This radio station only after seven years of operation , have taken a good development .

  2. 国家要求广播电视实行制播分离,让国内民营资本进入传播文化业,在此背景下,XX市电视台将其经营性资产剥离与该市一家民营企业成立新视野传媒产业公司。

    The government urges broadcasting industry take the root of segregation of production and communication to attract private capital entering into media industry . The new vision is born on this background and it is a combination of operational asset of XX TV station and private capital .

  3. 电视行业制播分离的大幕已经拉开。

    The curtain starts with separation of manufacture and broadcast .

  4. 制播分离:电视业改革的必然选择

    Separation of Manufacture and Broadcast : Logical Choice of Television Industry Reform

  5. 电视制播分离的必要性解读及其困境

    The Separation of TV Making and Broadcasting and Its Difficulty

  6. 论制播分离所引发的中国电视资源整合

    To Discuss The Conformity Of Chinese Television By Commission

  7. 这必然使得制播分离改革包含一定的变数,有待进一步的观察。

    This leads to certain hidden variables of the reform which pending further observations .

  8. 制播分离催生了民营电视制作机构的迅速崛起;

    The separation of producing and broadcasting has given rise to a great many TV production agencies .

  9. 析电视节目制播分离与地方体育电视发展顺序电视设备节目控制器

    Anglicizing of Relationship between Commission System and Development of District Sports Channel ; sequential television equipment programmer

  10. 走进中美广电传媒,看制播分离如何当家韩国广播电视传媒的广告监察管理机制的发展史

    History Today-South Korean radio and television media advertising management mechanism to monitor the history of the development

  11. 第五章论述了发展节目经营对电视媒体的影响。节目经营可以促进媒体的改革,制播分离、频道专业化、频道制改革都是与节目经营的发展相辅相成、互相促进的。

    The 5th chapter expounded the influence to the TV mass media about the developing of the program managing .

  12. 市场圈定与我国广电业的制播分离改革:一个新的分析框架

    Market Foreclosure and the Reform of Separation between Programming and Broadcasting for Radio and Television Sector : A New Analysis Framework

  13. 只有注重研发,才能打造原创的电视节目模式;只有实现制播分离,才能盘活国内电视体制;只有打造实力雄厚的传媒集团,才能开发和铺设出国际化传播的渠道,真正使中国电视节目模式走向世界。

    Only create powerful media group , can we laid out internationalization dissemination channel , and make China TV format to the world .

  14. 科研交流:了解英国电视“制播分离”概况,参观英国当地影视制作公司,把握英国新媒体前沿动态,中英电视改革的不同。

    If possible , we can cooperate in the subject on new media , the seperation between production and broadcasting of television program .

  15. 制播分离模式的多元化发展,释放了电视剧市场的活力,推动了电视剧社会化、市场化、规模化转型升级发展。

    Diversified development of the new system activates market activity and propels the social , market and scale oriented transition and upgrading development of TV drama .

  16. 当前,国家政策的明朗化,电视的收费化和频道的专业化等改革措施的推出,亦为制播分离提供了可行的条件。

    Recently released reform measures including lucidity of policy , charge of television and specialization of channel also provide favorable conditions for separation of manufacture and broadcast .

  17. 近年来,在媒介产业经营浪潮冲击和屏幕竞争日趋白热化的形势下,电视制播分离正越来越受到关注,我国电视行业对这一电视节目生产管理体制进行了有益的探索。

    In recent years , the tides of media industry and keen screen competition have drawn more and more attention toward the separation of TV making and broadcasting .

  18. 最后,根据节目的不足,从制播分离、营销模式创新等多个角度提出了拓宽产业链、增加节目竞争力的渠道。

    Finally , based on the lack of programs , from various angles of Broadcast Marketing Innovation to expand the industrial chain , increase the program competitive channels .

  19. 按照宏观决策层关于深化文化体制改革的总体部署,全国范围的广播电视制播分离体制改革正逐步进入实质性阶段。

    According to the overall arrangement about deepening the reform of the cultural system , the TV Production System Reform of China has been into a substantial stage .

  20. 当下,中国广播电视把改革的目光聚焦于三点:一是四级办台变成两级办台,二是逐步实行制播分离,三是努力推进产业化改革。

    The innovation of Chinese broadcasting industry focuses on the following three aspects : 1.stations should be run two institutions at different levels ; 2.making and broadcasting should be separated ;

  21. 广电总局禁止广播公司将社会类、娱乐类新闻实行制播分离,并表示违反者将受到从通报批评到吊销节目制作资质的不同程度的惩罚。

    The SAPPRFT prohibited broadcasters from separating production and distribution of social and entertainment news , saying violators are subject to penalties from being named and shamed to license canceling .

  22. 传统的电视节目制作方式已经不能满足新媒体和用户的需要,迫切的需要实行电视节目制作的制播分离。

    The traditional television program manufacture way already cannot satisfy the needs of new media and users , it is urgent to implement the broadcast television programme production of separation .

  23. 随着频道专业化、制播分离、数字付费电视等的发展,民营电视的发展前景渐趋明朗。

    Along with the development of the frequency channel specialization , the separation of manufactures and broadcast , the Digital Pay TV and so on , the privately operated television prospects for development quite reveal bright .

  24. 对于我国的电视媒体来说,制播分离并不是一个新鲜事物,也不是一个陌生的问题。

    This is first document on Commission reform by the State Administration of Radio Film and Television . For China television media , the " Commission " is not a new concept , nor is it a strange problem .

  25. 另外,对传媒企业制播分离后企业运营现状及改善途径进行深入研究,对于推动相关领域理论与实践的有效结合,具有一定的实践价值。

    Further research on the media enterprise system to broadcasting after the present situation and the enterprise operation separate may drive the related field theory and practice of the effective combination . This research has a certain practical value .

  26. 随着制播分离的再次提出,以及《文化产业振兴规划》的颁布,电视内容产业已逐渐显示出应有的产业特性和价值增长潜力。

    As " separation with sowing " was put forward again , and the industrial revitalizing planning which adjust to the reinvigorate culture industry was released , the television content industry has gradually shows its nature and potential industrial value .

  27. 这些问题可通过制播分离、网台分离、频道专业化等措施,整合广电、电信部门之间的利益,改革广电管理体制来解决。

    It also tries to find out the countermeasures , for example , the separation of facture and play , net and station , the specialization of TV channels , the adjustment of broadcast television and telecommunication , and reforming television management system , etc.