
  • 网络Manufacturer Brand;manufacturing brand;national brand
  1. 尤其对于制造商品牌的研究更是形成了一套比较完整的理论体系,有关消费品经销商品牌的理论研究也成为了近年来理论界和企业界关注的重点。

    The research for Manufacturer Brand has especially formed a rather complete theoretical system , with the research in Consumer Goods Merchant Brand becoming the focal point of academics and enterprises .

  2. 在过去的12至18个月里,ebay已经取得了突破,在中国签下了越来越多想要打入全球市场的大型零售商、制造商和品牌。

    EBay has made inroads in the past 12-18 months signing up an increasing number of large Chinese retailers , manufacturers and brands which are targeting global consumers .

  3. 本田公司希望NSX将再度彰显其技术致胜的美誉,也希望NSX能提升本田作为高端汽车和卡车制造商的品牌形象。

    Honda hopes NSX will burnish its reputational halo for technical expertise . The automaker also wants NSX to help boost Acura 's brand image as a maker of premium cars and trucks .

  4. 中国应开始着重于国内汽车制造商的品牌建设。

    China ought to start focusing on the brand building of Chinese automakers , she says .

  5. 菲亚特和广汽将合资打入的中国汽车市场竞争激烈,汽车制造商和品牌比美国还要多。

    The venture with GAC will launch into an intensely competitive market with more automakers and brands than America 's.

  6. 这些合作使宏达避开了其它合同制造商为品牌手机制造商提供服务时面临的激烈竞争。

    The partnerships saved HTC from the cut-throat competition that other contract manufacturers get caught in when they serve branded handset makers .

  7. 实际上,即使市场规模类似,并且日本远比中国富裕,但汽车制造商奢侈品牌在华销量比日本高出20%。

    Indeed , carmakers sell 20 per cent more luxury cars in China than in Japan even though the markets are of similar size and Japan is a much richer country .

  8. 多年来,移动运营商玩着一场微妙的游戏,在手机制造商的品牌影响力与自身对客户关系的控制和对手机的补贴意愿之间寻找平衡。

    For years mobile phone operators played a delicate game , balancing the power of phone manufacturers ' brands against their own control of customer relationships and a willingness to subsidise handsets .

  9. 这是一家亏损的中型汽车制造商,其品牌已然蒙尘。

    It is a mid-sized carmaker with a tarnished brand that loses money .

  10. 史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)的公司把纽约旗舰店开在通用汽车大厦广场的地下,仿佛就是为了削弱这家汽车制造商及其已贬值品牌的根基。

    Steve Jobs ' company located its flagship New York outlet below the plaza of the GM building as if literally to undermine the carmaker and its devalued brands .

  11. 汽车业咨询公司Synergistics总裁、克莱斯勒(Chrysler)前中国区负责人罗威(BillRusso)表示,甚至连北京方面迫使外国汽车制造商创建自主合资品牌的决定,也可能侵蚀市场对非合资中国品牌的需求。

    Even Beijing 's decision to force foreign carmakers to create indigenous joint - venture brands could cannibalise demand for independent Chinese brands , says Bill Russo of Synergistics , a consultancy , who is also a former head of Chrysler in China .

  12. 去年春天,中国法院对一起商标争议案件进行判决,意大利巧克力制造商费列罗和奢侈品品牌古琦胜诉。

    While last spring , Chinese courts passed trademark judgments in favor of the Italian chocolate maker Ferrero and the luxury goods label Gucci .

  13. 台湾科技企业一直以来的挑战是,如何从利润微薄的合同制造商转型为国际品牌。

    The challenge for Taiwanese tech players has been to turn themselves from contract manufacturers , operating on slim margins , into global brands .

  14. 一些中国汽车制造商有仿造外国品牌的名声,它们把仿制品不加掩饰地作为自产轿车销售但荣威550不同。

    Chinese carmakers have a reputation for imitating foreign brands , and selling barely-disguised copies as home-grown cars . But the Roewe 550 is different .

  15. 自行车用户终于可以过一把“豪车”的瘾了。如今,顶级汽车制造商纷纷开始打造品牌自行车作为副业。

    Cyclists can now have their pick of bikes branded by automakers as a long line of product tie-ins have emerged featuring luxury manufacturers'brands , said Wired magazine .

  16. 中国汽车制造商长城旗下品牌哈弗2014年进入俄罗斯市场,当时正赶上俄罗斯经济衰退,全球汽车制造商纷纷退出俄罗斯市场。

    Haval , a brand owned by Chinese car maker Great Wall , entered Russia in 2014 while the country 's economic recession drove global automakers to quit .

  17. 中国也证实,将不会要求外国汽车制造商必须建立中国品牌或者为中国公司提供技术才能在中国销售汽车。

    China has also confirmed it will not require foreign automakers to establish Chinese brands or provide technology to Chinese companies in order to sell cars in the country .

  18. 然而,中国市场的竞争可能比其它任何地方都要激烈&中国拥有47家汽车制造商和82个品牌,而相比之下,美国只有15家汽车制造商和47个品牌。

    However , the level of competition is probably fiercer than anywhere else – China has 47 manufacturers and 82 brands , against 15 companies in the US and 47 brands .

  19. 冠捷的电脑显示器多数出售给大型电脑制造商,包括美国的戴尔(Dell)和惠普(HP)以及中国的联想(Lenovo)。这些电脑制造商再以自有品牌出售给顾客。

    Most of its computer monitors are sold to large computer makers including Dell and HP of the US and China 's Lenovo , which sell them on to consumers using their brand names .

  20. 如今平板显示器制造商面临着不同的情况:中国本土市场不仅在平板显示器需求中所占的比重日益增长,而且也拥有大量下游制造商和电视品牌。

    Flat panels makers face a different scenario : not only does China account for an increasing portion of demand for flat screens but it also owns a large number of downstream manufacturers and television brands .